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Your Black Future

Wow the thread has gone out of the orbit it terms of sticking to the topic.

A few things;
-I back BLM, to go into the reasons will take too long, but one is racial solidarity.
-The movement sadly has many idiots who call for the most extreme things e.g. defunding the police, what! I'm beginning to see many fringe groups now influencing the direction of events e.g. communists, anarchists, LGBTQ and so on.
-Many people are there just for a fad, phase, to look cool and so on. A fair few of these folks are white liberals who are actually part of the problem, again to go into will take too long, but I'll explain one point e.g. they're not there for the long haul. Once they settle into their cosy lives in the mid-30's they forget everything, and heck even enforce the glass ceiling that prevents minorities rising.
-The UK perspective is unique and different to what is going on in the USA. First regarding everyone teaming up on us and joining the EDL. Black folks never joined the EDL in any viable number;


Bolton 1,500

Dudley 'super mosque' demo, 3,000.


Luton, 1,600.

Ok Blacks don't live as much in these areas some may say, let's try London then;



Tower Hamlets.

How many black folks do you see? Not one, among those large group shots.

The black division was a joke, much derided by black people themselves.
Here is a photo, most are white! All they could muster was three stooges, and they to were never seen again!


Yes we had some Sikhs and Hindus join, but again the number were tiny. The HSS, a British arm of the RSS Hindu right in India actually turned down an alliance with the EDL lol! That's not to say they did for the Muslim community here only, although that did play a part i.e. communal tensions would increase, but because they experienced years of '**** bashing' at the hand of them and their forefathers as well.
They were seen by and large as a bigoted, racist outfit by minorities.

Now some of my brothers have wrote points down for example the black community did not come out in force against the EDL back in the days. They are right, we were by ourselves. I put it down to a mix of things such as indifference, they didn't know much about it, it wasn't portrayed well by us in terms of racial solidarity and it just wasn't their fight.
This began to change with the arrival of large numbers of West African Muslims from Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Ghana and Gambia. Now add the significant Somali community, we now had quite a potent force of young black men who were willing to 'throw down' to back their co-religionists. So now non-Muslim black folk began to take notice, and things started to change.

-The movement needs to go beyond police brutality and start to tackle the issue of black on black crime. Look at the numbers of lives lost there. In terms of statistics black males are far more likely to die at the hands of another black male than anyone else! I lost count the number of times young black boys telling me that they felt more comfortable and at ease around other races, but had their guard up when encountering unfamiliar young black youth.
-Let's get things back to the traditional black family units we saw in the 50's, 60's and 70's. Supportive fathers, strong intergenerational families, children doing well at school. Again BLM needs to lead on this.

The bottom line is once the internal issues are sorted out, the community will then see much of the problems that plague it solved.

I don't want to offend anyone but these are my thoughts. I fought racists in brutal street fights in my life, I've taught generations of young black men and I've lived and breathed the most appalling racism myself. I hope that makes me somewhat qualified to discuss this topic.
You've posted a picture of a protest in which a person is carrying a sign that says "Does equality not apply to Islamists". A quick question for you Waz. Equality is based on reciprocity.

Would Islamists give equality to all people in return? All people here includes people of different religions, gays, lesbians.

I am interested to see whether your views on equality are one-sided or not. Two British-Pakistani members on this thread have outed themselves as anti-equality when it comes to freedom of choice in sexuality.
You've posted a picture of a protest in which a person is carrying a sign that says "Does equality not apply to Islamists". A quick question for you Waz. Equality is based on reciprocity.

Would Islamists give equality to all people in return? All people here includes people of different religions, gays, lesbians.

I am interested to see whether your views on equality are one-sided or not. Two British-Pakistani members on this thread have outed themselves as anti-equality when it comes to freedom of choice in sexuality.
What's Islamism got to do with being a Pakistani?
You've posted a picture of a protest in which a person is carrying a sign that says "Does equality not apply to Islamists". A quick question for you Waz. Equality is based on reciprocity.

Would Islamists give equality to all people in return? All people here includes people of different religions, gays, lesbians.

I am interested to see whether your views on equality are one-sided or not. Two British-Pakistani members on this thread have outed themselves as anti-equality when it comes to freedom of choice in sexuality.

Let me give you the short answer. No they would not. LGBT are as good as lepers in Islamists eyes.
Iran has been there for at least 3500 years. Some claim over 7000 years.

I don't need citations. I just told you what Hendi means. I don't need anti-Indian Pakistanis to tell me about my native language lol

You cannot fake through life like that

BRO, I am quite surprised by all of this. I thought we are supposed to treat every human with the same respect humans deserve? I've seen so many different groups try to steal the narrative and attention BLM and Anti-racism protestors have fought to address, but i wasnt expecting this from the OP and other posters. Thats why i asked the Mods to come shut this racist Black people-hating thread that this crap is.

I hope you did learn your lesson and do not try to recruit me again for better Iranian system.

Its all good pal. You will always find it home among the Siddis of Pakistan
Anyone who is making this about how south asian muslims are treated by blacks in usa or uk is extremely selfish in my opinions. Blacks have their own grievances which must be seen as separate and deserve their own respect. You cannot judge everything with a "what's there for me" in this.
And the Elite in their "ivory towers" whether in London,Paris or Washington are patting themselves in the pack with their Kosher masters well done and agree they just used "moozlimbs" as cannon fodder so the Far Right and Far Left could use to them as usual

Unz Review its online publication run by Ron Unz(he is Jewish lol) a eccentric businessman who lets writers of various political persuasion Left,Right,Center,Far Right,Far Left etc something you dont see these days most publications are of one political persuation.Well Linh Dinh going hard on Mao :-) well he is Vietnamese and if you know a thing or two about the Vietnamese they despise the Chinese and see them as big bullies and arrogant and despite being "Communist" during the Cold War and China supporting the Viet Cong later on China and Vietnam fought a border war in 1979 which lasted until like 1990 as for Linh I say he pretty anti-neo con and anti US empire in his writings.

Dont Forget the Chechens they are pretty white

This Vietnamese guy writes and talks like an old White man. "Orientals?" Get the **** out of here. I've read some of his stuff. Just sounds like the type of Viet who sucks up to White people and votes Republican consistently. What kind of Asian American calls their own Orientals? Also, when Whites were enslaving Blacks, slavery no longer existed in East Asia. So again, this Uncle Tom Asian is trying his best to absolve Whites of any crime even though they basically invaded the entire world.

Though some of what he writes is correct. This society is getting twisted and too often Black crime and bad behavior is excused by the liberal media. However, a lot of this is the result of 4 centuries of crimes perpetrated by colonization and imperialism. When you sow evil across the world, some of it comes back.
Hendi is a Persian word for slave of blackish skin.
no it is not, it is how the Persians pronounce and transliterate the word هندی
slave is برده or غلام
black is سیاه

however the Persian word hindu (also pronounced hendu) used to mean: the defeated; the enslaved. then once it also meant a thief
@Baba Google may tell you differently.

Iranians called the region around the Indus River Hindustan. -stan is a Persian suffix for places. As Persian words are generally pronounced using long vowels unlike English, we say Hend instead of Hind. A Hendi means nothing but a resident of Hindustan.

Hind and Sind are derived from the same word. They mean the land of the subcontinent. Indo Iranian languages use H and Indo Aryan languages use S for the same word. Haftam (7 in Persian) and Saptam (7 in Sanskrit).

Sind and Hind are two separate terms even Maula Ali (AS) used the terms separately.

(Quoted) 548: He (a.s) said about the signs in the end of times: … and O woe to the countries of the Germanic (Europeans) and of the declarations that settle in it, and O woe to the countries of Al-Sind and Al-Hind (Pakistan and India) and of the fighting and murder and corruption that settle in it at that time ([1]).

549: He (a.s) said: And the injured crier will call to the killed, and the men will be buried, and the dominance of Al-Hind (India) over Al-Sind (Pakistan), and the dominance of Al-Qafsa over Sa’eer (Palestine), and the dominance of Coptics over the outskirts of Egypt, and the dominance of Andalus (possibly Spain) over the outskirts of Africa, and the dominance of Al-Habsha (possibly Ethiopia) over Yemen, and the dominance of Turkey over Khurasan (city North East of Iran), and the dominance of Al-Rome over Shaam (possibly Syria), and the dominance of the tribe of Romania over Romania, and the screamer screams in Iraq:the Hijab will be dishonoured and the virgin will be deflowered and the awareness of the accursed Dajjal (Antichrist) is announced, then he mentioned the emergence of the Qa’im (a.s) ([2]).

[2] Bihar Al-Anwar, Al-‘Alamat Al-Majlisi: 14/319, and Munakib Alee Abi Talib: 1/429 and 430. (Quoted)

I think the above is enough to prove my point.
You've posted a picture of a protest in which a person is carrying a sign that says "Does equality not apply to Islamists". A quick question for you Waz. Equality is based on reciprocity.

Would Islamists give equality to all people in return? All people here includes people of different religions, gays, lesbians.

I am interested to see whether your views on equality are one-sided or not. Two British-Pakistani members on this thread have outed themselves as anti-equality when it comes to freedom of choice in sexuality.

Why are you so interested in gay rights?
no it is not, it is how the Persians pronounce and transliterate the word هندی
slave is برده or غلام
black is سیاه

however the Persian word hindu (also pronounced hendu) used to mean: the defeated; the enslaved. then once it also meant a thief

I sense some racist connotations about the subcontinent amongst Persians

Why are you so interested in gay rights?

Is there anything wrong with being interested in gay rights?

You say that as if being pro LGBT ally is something to be ashamed of.
. .
Lol, stop fooling around and tell us the real meaning of the word Hindu. Lol according to Lughet-e-Kishwari a Persian dictionary published in Lucknow in 64 it means chor (thief), dakoo (dacoit), raahzan (waylayer), and ghulam (slave). :D

no it is not, it is how the Persians pronounce and transliterate the word هندی
slave is برده or غلام
black is سیاه

however the Persian word hindu (also pronounced hendu) used to mean: the defeated; the enslaved. then once it also meant a thief

Sind and Hind are two separate terms even Maula Ali (AS) used the terms separately.

(Quoted) 548: He (a.s) said about the signs in the end of times: … and O woe to the countries of the Germanic (Europeans) and of the declarations that settle in it, and O woe to the countries of Al-Sind and Al-Hind (Pakistan and India) and of the fighting and murder and corruption that settle in it at that time ([1]).

549: He (a.s) said: And the injured crier will call to the killed, and the men will be buried, and the dominance of Al-Hind (India) over Al-Sind (Pakistan), and the dominance of Al-Qafsa over Sa’eer (Palestine), and the dominance of Coptics over the outskirts of Egypt, and the dominance of Andalus (possibly Spain) over the outskirts of Africa, and the dominance of Al-Habsha (possibly Ethiopia) over Yemen, and the dominance of Turkey over Khurasan (city North East of Iran), and the dominance of Al-Rome over Shaam (possibly Syria), and the dominance of the tribe of Romania over Romania, and the screamer screams in Iraq:the Hijab will be dishonoured and the virgin will be deflowered and the awareness of the accursed Dajjal (Antichrist) is announced, then he mentioned the emergence of the Qa’im (a.s) ([2]).

[2] Bihar Al-Anwar, Al-‘Alamat Al-Majlisi: 14/319, and Munakib Alee Abi Talib: 1/429 and 430. (Quoted)

I think the above is enough to prove my point.

Thank you for your answers.

I hope the iranians decide to be honest about it

Sind and Hind are two separate terms even Maula Ali (AS) used the terms separately.

(Quoted) 548: He (a.s) said about the signs in the end of times: … and O woe to the countries of the Germanic (Europeans) and of the declarations that settle in it, and O woe to the countries of Al-Sind and Al-Hind (Pakistan and India) and of the fighting and murder and corruption that settle in it at that time ([1]).

549: He (a.s) said: And the injured crier will call to the killed, and the men will be buried, and the dominance of Al-Hind (India) over Al-Sind (Pakistan), and the dominance of Al-Qafsa over Sa’eer (Palestine), and the dominance of Coptics over the outskirts of Egypt, and the dominance of Andalus (possibly Spain) over the outskirts of Africa, and the dominance of Al-Habsha (possibly Ethiopia) over Yemen, and the dominance of Turkey over Khurasan (city North East of Iran), and the dominance of Al-Rome over Shaam (possibly Syria), and the dominance of the tribe of Romania over Romania, and the screamer screams in Iraq:the Hijab will be dishonoured and the virgin will be deflowered and the awareness of the accursed Dajjal (Antichrist) is announced, then he mentioned the emergence of the Qa’im (a.s) ([2]).

[2] Bihar Al-Anwar, Al-‘Alamat Al-Majlisi: 14/319, and Munakib Alee Abi Talib: 1/429 and 430. (Quoted)

I think the above is enough to prove my point.

WAJsal has nothing personal against anyone. He is simply implementing the rules.
You were found in violation of the following:

Religious Discussions

PDF proudly maintains respect for all religions therefore; as PDF is primarily a defense and geopolitical forum, the management feels that, it is not the place for religious discussions. Kindly do not post religious threads nor respond to any and, please, refrain from using religion in arguments. It should be noted that ethnicity is different from religion, Muslims/ Hindu/ Christians are ethnicities and Islam / Hinduism / Christianity are religions. This also includes sectarianism as well; PDF is not the place to have a dialogue on religion. Violation of this rule would be considered serious as it often leads to issues based on religious / communal tensions.
You cannot fake through life like that

I hope you did learn your lesson and do not try to recruit me again for better Iranian system.
Nobody wants to recruit you. You overestimate your value.

Our history is well-documented with 25 world heritage sites and many other sites that haven't been submitted to the UNESCO yet. It is one of the most studied histories of the world. I know that makes you jealous and burns you deeply, but let it be.

As for @Baba Google, he said nothing that denies what I said. And he wasn't talking about Persian. We don't say "Al-Hend" in Persian. I wouldn't take Persian lessons from someone who thinks we use al- in front of our nouns. lol Hend is a Persian term that refers to the civilization of near the Indus River. Hendoostan (Hindustan) means the land of the Indus people. Period. Hendi means someone from Hendoostan. You can live in your fake delusional world of the Indian subcontinent, but do not make up things about things you have no clue of.
Nobody wants to recruit you. You overestimate your value.

Let him speak for himself Persian.

Hend is a Persian term that refers to the civilization of near the Indus River. Hendoostan (Hindustan) means the land of the Indus people. Period. Hendi means someone from Hendoostan

East of the Indus not Western part. Western part are Iranic remember?

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