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Your Black Future


Aug 22, 2018
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United States
A guy with who once pointed a gun at the belly of a woman during an armed robbery was actually “a gentle giant,” according to ABC News. It quotes one of his buddies, “Anybody who knows him will tell you he’s not confrontational.” At George Floyd’s funeral, the mayor of Minneapolis, Richard Frey, knelt by the coffin and sobbed for a full minute, his body shaking.

For over two weeks, riots have erupted across America, and it doesn’t look like they will stop soon. Protesters and cops have been killed. A black man has just been shot by police in Atlanta, triggering another riot.

Reading about all this turmoil, I think back to my one visit to the Twin Cities, in 2014. Arriving in Saint Paul on a train from Williston, North Dakota, I checked into a motel, and was on the streets by dawn. It was July 4th!

Wandering around haphazardly, I ended up at Langford Park, where there was a large picnic. Old people relaxed on lawn chairs, kids ran around and the Pig’s Eye JassBand was swinging to Gershwin’s “Strike Up the Band.” Having been to many cities in at least 35 states, I had never encountered such a wholesome and tranquilly joyous gathering. It was as if I had stumbled into a vast Norman Rockwell painting, or time traveled to an America of half a century ago.

Though there were some blacks and Orientals, almost everyone there was white. Still, I never felt unwelcomed. I chatted with a middle-aged gentleman who gave me a fascinating primer on the Iron Range. Pasties I already knew about, from my time in England.

Later that day, I went to downtown Minneapolis. On Nicollet Mall, I reentered a more familiar urban America of pantsslung below butt cracks, eyebrow piercings and neck tattoos. A gaunt white guy had small oil paintingssewn onto his black coat. I passed about ten members of the Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ. Most were in tasseled and embroidered white robes, with two red Stars of David on their chests. The bodyguards wore all black. I have seen the same group in Philly, Washington and Atlanta. Their membership is limited to blacks and browns, for whites are sodomizing devils who deserve to be enslaved or exterminated.

Although Nicollet Mall was just six miles from Langford Park, what I saw were two entirely separate Americas. In Philly, crossing a single street can land you in a different world. Often, whites have simply given up and abandoned their neighborhoods, complete with the large churches or synagogues they so lovingly built. That’s not racism, but fleeing for your life, and blacks have done the same, the first chance they get.

In black ghettos across America, I’ve marveled at the ruins of once magnificent houses of worship, as well as formerly beautiful homes, now charred, just for the fun of it, or boarded up. If it’s a majority black neighborhood or city, as in Gary or Jackson, you can be sure it’s a disaster, but of course it’s all the fault of fudge packing white devils.

As incompatible Americas again collide, cities are looted and burnt, leading many to think it’s a rerun of racial riots from the 60’s. Others believe it’s an intensification of the resistance against Trump, racist cops, the patriarchy and/or Capitalism. It’s a new beginning, they hope.

To better understand what’s happening, though, we should reexamine Mao’s Cultural Revolution. Lasting a full decade, it destroyed much of China’s cultural heritage and tore that society apart, all in the name of getting rid of the “Four Olds”: old customs, old culture, old habits and old ideas.

It was a reign of terror against man, civilization and China itself, but it had to be done, for there was a socialist utopia at the end of the blood splattered tunnel, said Mao.

Mao’s shock troops were high school and university students, woke idiots, in short, with their little Red Book. They denounced professors, intellectuals and artists, torched temples and monasteries, burnt books and paintings, smashed art objects, tore bits from the Great Wall and vandalized the 2,400-year-old cemetery of the Kong Clan, where Confucius himself was buried. Digging up one of his descendants, they hung the naked corpse from a tree.

Mao had stipulated that Red Guards could travel on trains for free, so they roamed to even the most remote areas, to destroy.

At the end of the Cultural Revolution, Mao rewarded his loyal and ardent zealots by sending them to distant farms, for they had outlasted their usefulness and become a political liability. Standing in mud, buffeted by cold winds and far from home, they could further reflect on being woke.

Mao unleashed his Red Guards on all of his potential or even imaginary adversaries. Ruthless, calculating or just paranoid, he even turned on loyal comrades who had been with him on the Long March, but that’s just how tyrants roll. It was an extreme power play.

Today, Americans are also caught in a power play. It’s all too inevitable, for they’ve been under siege for decades, with everything about them systematically discredited, deformed or attacked. In a 1997 lecture, Joseph Sobran elucidated:

The modern state has to police more and more of our lives, because it has set itself against the normal. It defines normal acquisition as greed, normal group preferences as bigotry, and normal morality as hate. Consequently it has to watch over us at all times to make sure we aren’t too assertive about our normality, while it caters to our abnormalities.

Treason used to mean the subversion of the state. But the state itself now works the subversion of society. In other times, including Shakespeare’s, it has been understood that the state’s whole justification for existing is to support and protect normal life against the criminal, the savage, the perverse. Even tyrants never questioned this assumption.

Just like Mao’s Red Guards, then, American rebels running amok do not threaten but serve a ruling clique. Look at their targets. They are destroying middle- and working-class stores and communities. They’re tearing down Main Streets.

Subverting society, the state derides all traditional standards and definitions of decency, as it normalizes or even celebrates criminals, savages and perverts. To get confirmation of this, just turn on your television, browse through a magazine or talk to your kids about what they’re learning in schools.

Clear, nuanced and measured language has been replaced by raving idiocies and obscenities. Piss Christ is beautiful. Shakespeare sucks. Unless they’re trannies, men are toxic, especially white ones.

To remake a nation, then, you destroy its heritage, its “Four Olds.” In the West, old ways are inextricably linked with Christianity and whiteness, so both have to go, but how do you get white majority countries to denounce their own heritage?

To start with, you use the academy and media to drum guilt and shame into them, repeat endlessly that only whites can be racist, that they owned slaves, lynched blacks, dropped bombs everywhere and stayed silent as Hitler gassed six million Jews, the worst crime ever. As the first step towards their own salvation, then, whites must renounce their whiteness.

If a white meekly squeaks that, well, racism is in the heart, so anyone can be a racist, that slavery was pretty much everywhere, in China, Korea, Japan, the Americas before Columbus and all of Africa, etc., that men of every race can be super sadistic in abusing their own kind and even corpses, using whatever technology they have available, and most whites actually fought against Hitler, and finally, he doesn’t believe in collective guilt, especially since his grandpa was a serf, his daddy died in the coal mine and he’s a minimum wager himself, working way past retirement age, you can just shut this asshole up by shouting in his face, “I should have known all along you were a Nazi!”

Mark LeVine, a history professor at the University of California, Irvine, sums it up most eloquently, “While whiteness and its avatar, ‘Western civilization,’ have for centuries declared themselves to be the epitome of Enlightenment and freedom, historians have demonstrated not only the historicity of whiteness and its contingency, but that whiteness emerged directly and almost exclusively through its connection to imperialism/colonialism, slavery, genocide and modern-day racism […] the humiliation and extermination of black people is the most enduring identifying marker of whiteness.”

Though often accusing Christians of racial genocide, Jews ignore that it’s inspired and justified by the Hebrew Bible. Moreover, Christians have often committed mass murders to benefit Jews only.

It doesn’t matter. Don’t sweat the details. All professors who still have jobs agree that whiteness is evil, as in white cops, white run prisons, statues of white men, white borders that keep out non-whites, so if you’re white, it’s high time you kneel down and beg forgiveness from the nearest Sub-Saharan African, for he’s your priest, saint and martyr!

White is filthy. Black is pure. Blackness transcends, so just yield to it. As they say on the streets, “Once you try black, you never go back.”

In 1989, Madonna allegorizes all this with her music video, “Like a Prayer.” In the indigo dark, amid police sirens, she witnesses a gang of whites kill a white woman. Lit up, one smirking thug even has a chiseled face like a Hollywood Nazi. When a black man tries to help the victim, he’s arrested by a white cop.

Terrified and dressed like a whore, Madonna enters a black church, to kneel in front of a tearful black saint. She kisses his foot. Coming to life, the gentle black man kisses her cheek and forehead. Joy erupts! Singing and dancing with an exuberant, life affirming black choir, Madonna kneels again, this time in front of a black woman.

Reappearing, the black savior is now on top of Madonna.

Bookending this video, there are crosses burning because, you know, white people are always burning crosses outside black churches. Whites kill or arrest innocents. Blacks save.

Finally, who hate America, Christianity and whiteness so much, they risk killing themselves even, for no parasites can survive without a host?

Perhaps they already have another fat prey targeted, so as you fight among yourselves and die, they move on, laughing all the way?

Let’s not end, though, on such a down note. There’s not just hope, but potentially great news on the horizon. Since the Jewish state’s major backer is fatally weakened, divided and in chaos, Israel will disappear as America disintegrates.

LINKBOOKMARKThe always astute Dmitri Orlov clearly thinks so, for he suggests, “There is a very nice, underpopulated Jewish Autonomous Region within the Russian Federation, on the border with China, to which Israelis will be able to evacuate once US financial and military support for Israel dries up.”

Since I don’t think it’s wise to let in racial supremacists with a long history of despising Russia, I sure hope Orlov is being facetious.

In any case, I have friend in Lebanon who has invited me there. Together, we’ll drive to a liberated Jerusalem, she promises. Oh, what a joyous day that will be, for all of humanity!
A guy with who once pointed a gun at the belly of a woman during an armed robbery was actually “a gentle giant,” according to ABC News. It quotes one of his buddies, “Anybody who knows him will tell you he’s not confrontational.” At George Floyd’s funeral, the mayor of Minneapolis, Richard Frey, knelt by the coffin and sobbed for a full minute, his body shaking.

For over two weeks, riots have erupted across America, and it doesn’t look like they will stop soon. Protesters and cops have been killed. A black man has just been shot by police in Atlanta, triggering another riot.

Reading about all this turmoil, I think back to my one visit to the Twin Cities, in 2014. Arriving in Saint Paul on a train from Williston, North Dakota, I checked into a motel, and was on the streets by dawn. It was July 4th!

Wandering around haphazardly, I ended up at Langford Park, where there was a large picnic. Old people relaxed on lawn chairs, kids ran around and the Pig’s Eye JassBand was swinging to Gershwin’s “Strike Up the Band.” Having been to many cities in at least 35 states, I had never encountered such a wholesome and tranquilly joyous gathering. It was as if I had stumbled into a vast Norman Rockwell painting, or time traveled to an America of half a century ago.

Though there were some blacks and Orientals, almost everyone there was white. Still, I never felt unwelcomed. I chatted with a middle-aged gentleman who gave me a fascinating primer on the Iron Range. Pasties I already knew about, from my time in England.

Later that day, I went to downtown Minneapolis. On Nicollet Mall, I reentered a more familiar urban America of pantsslung below butt cracks, eyebrow piercings and neck tattoos. A gaunt white guy had small oil paintingssewn onto his black coat. I passed about ten members of the Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ. Most were in tasseled and embroidered white robes, with two red Stars of David on their chests. The bodyguards wore all black. I have seen the same group in Philly, Washington and Atlanta. Their membership is limited to blacks and browns, for whites are sodomizing devils who deserve to be enslaved or exterminated.

Although Nicollet Mall was just six miles from Langford Park, what I saw were two entirely separate Americas. In Philly, crossing a single street can land you in a different world. Often, whites have simply given up and abandoned their neighborhoods, complete with the large churches or synagogues they so lovingly built. That’s not racism, but fleeing for your life, and blacks have done the same, the first chance they get.

In black ghettos across America, I’ve marveled at the ruins of once magnificent houses of worship, as well as formerly beautiful homes, now charred, just for the fun of it, or boarded up. If it’s a majority black neighborhood or city, as in Gary or Jackson, you can be sure it’s a disaster, but of course it’s all the fault of fudge packing white devils.

As incompatible Americas again collide, cities are looted and burnt, leading many to think it’s a rerun of racial riots from the 60’s. Others believe it’s an intensification of the resistance against Trump, racist cops, the patriarchy and/or Capitalism. It’s a new beginning, they hope.

To better understand what’s happening, though, we should reexamine Mao’s Cultural Revolution. Lasting a full decade, it destroyed much of China’s cultural heritage and tore that society apart, all in the name of getting rid of the “Four Olds”: old customs, old culture, old habits and old ideas.

It was a reign of terror against man, civilization and China itself, but it had to be done, for there was a socialist utopia at the end of the blood splattered tunnel, said Mao.

Mao’s shock troops were high school and university students, woke idiots, in short, with their little Red Book. They denounced professors, intellectuals and artists, torched temples and monasteries, burnt books and paintings, smashed art objects, tore bits from the Great Wall and vandalized the 2,400-year-old cemetery of the Kong Clan, where Confucius himself was buried. Digging up one of his descendants, they hung the naked corpse from a tree.

Mao had stipulated that Red Guards could travel on trains for free, so they roamed to even the most remote areas, to destroy.

At the end of the Cultural Revolution, Mao rewarded his loyal and ardent zealots by sending them to distant farms, for they had outlasted their usefulness and become a political liability. Standing in mud, buffeted by cold winds and far from home, they could further reflect on being woke.

Mao unleashed his Red Guards on all of his potential or even imaginary adversaries. Ruthless, calculating or just paranoid, he even turned on loyal comrades who had been with him on the Long March, but that’s just how tyrants roll. It was an extreme power play.

Today, Americans are also caught in a power play. It’s all too inevitable, for they’ve been under siege for decades, with everything about them systematically discredited, deformed or attacked. In a 1997 lecture, Joseph Sobran elucidated:

The modern state has to police more and more of our lives, because it has set itself against the normal. It defines normal acquisition as greed, normal group preferences as bigotry, and normal morality as hate. Consequently it has to watch over us at all times to make sure we aren’t too assertive about our normality, while it caters to our abnormalities.

Treason used to mean the subversion of the state. But the state itself now works the subversion of society. In other times, including Shakespeare’s, it has been understood that the state’s whole justification for existing is to support and protect normal life against the criminal, the savage, the perverse. Even tyrants never questioned this assumption.

Just like Mao’s Red Guards, then, American rebels running amok do not threaten but serve a ruling clique. Look at their targets. They are destroying middle- and working-class stores and communities. They’re tearing down Main Streets.

Subverting society, the state derides all traditional standards and definitions of decency, as it normalizes or even celebrates criminals, savages and perverts. To get confirmation of this, just turn on your television, browse through a magazine or talk to your kids about what they’re learning in schools.

Clear, nuanced and measured language has been replaced by raving idiocies and obscenities. Piss Christ is beautiful. Shakespeare sucks. Unless they’re trannies, men are toxic, especially white ones.

To remake a nation, then, you destroy its heritage, its “Four Olds.” In the West, old ways are inextricably linked with Christianity and whiteness, so both have to go, but how do you get white majority countries to denounce their own heritage?

To start with, you use the academy and media to drum guilt and shame into them, repeat endlessly that only whites can be racist, that they owned slaves, lynched blacks, dropped bombs everywhere and stayed silent as Hitler gassed six million Jews, the worst crime ever. As the first step towards their own salvation, then, whites must renounce their whiteness.

If a white meekly squeaks that, well, racism is in the heart, so anyone can be a racist, that slavery was pretty much everywhere, in China, Korea, Japan, the Americas before Columbus and all of Africa, etc., that men of every race can be super sadistic in abusing their own kind and even corpses, using whatever technology they have available, and most whites actually fought against Hitler, and finally, he doesn’t believe in collective guilt, especially since his grandpa was a serf, his daddy died in the coal mine and he’s a minimum wager himself, working way past retirement age, you can just shut this asshole up by shouting in his face, “I should have known all along you were a Nazi!”

Mark LeVine, a history professor at the University of California, Irvine, sums it up most eloquently, “While whiteness and its avatar, ‘Western civilization,’ have for centuries declared themselves to be the epitome of Enlightenment and freedom, historians have demonstrated not only the historicity of whiteness and its contingency, but that whiteness emerged directly and almost exclusively through its connection to imperialism/colonialism, slavery, genocide and modern-day racism […] the humiliation and extermination of black people is the most enduring identifying marker of whiteness.”

Though often accusing Christians of racial genocide, Jews ignore that it’s inspired and justified by the Hebrew Bible. Moreover, Christians have often committed mass murders to benefit Jews only.

It doesn’t matter. Don’t sweat the details. All professors who still have jobs agree that whiteness is evil, as in white cops, white run prisons, statues of white men, white borders that keep out non-whites, so if you’re white, it’s high time you kneel down and beg forgiveness from the nearest Sub-Saharan African, for he’s your priest, saint and martyr!

White is filthy. Black is pure. Blackness transcends, so just yield to it. As they say on the streets, “Once you try black, you never go back.”

In 1989, Madonna allegorizes all this with her music video, “Like a Prayer.” In the indigo dark, amid police sirens, she witnesses a gang of whites kill a white woman. Lit up, one smirking thug even has a chiseled face like a Hollywood Nazi. When a black man tries to help the victim, he’s arrested by a white cop.

Terrified and dressed like a whore, Madonna enters a black church, to kneel in front of a tearful black saint. She kisses his foot. Coming to life, the gentle black man kisses her cheek and forehead. Joy erupts! Singing and dancing with an exuberant, life affirming black choir, Madonna kneels again, this time in front of a black woman.

Reappearing, the black savior is now on top of Madonna.

Bookending this video, there are crosses burning because, you know, white people are always burning crosses outside black churches. Whites kill or arrest innocents. Blacks save.

Finally, who hate America, Christianity and whiteness so much, they risk killing themselves even, for no parasites can survive without a host?

Perhaps they already have another fat prey targeted, so as you fight among yourselves and die, they move on, laughing all the way?

Let’s not end, though, on such a down note. There’s not just hope, but potentially great news on the horizon. Since the Jewish state’s major backer is fatally weakened, divided and in chaos, Israel will disappear as America disintegrates.

LINKBOOKMARKThe always astute Dmitri Orlov clearly thinks so, for he suggests, “There is a very nice, underpopulated Jewish Autonomous Region within the Russian Federation, on the border with China, to which Israelis will be able to evacuate once US financial and military support for Israel dries up.”

Since I don’t think it’s wise to let in racial supremacists with a long history of despising Russia, I sure hope Orlov is being facetious.

In any case, I have friend in Lebanon who has invited me there. Together, we’ll drive to a liberated Jerusalem, she promises. Oh, what a joyous day that will be, for all of humanity!
Fact. The far left leaning BLM are pro gay, pro feminazis, pro Blacks, pro destruction of patriarchy and as such despise Muslims and particulary Pakistan. Fcuk the BLM. All I can say is -

"Pakistan Lives Matter".
Fact. The far left leaning BLM are pro gay, pro feminazis, pro Blacks, pro destruction of patriarchy and as such despise Muslims and particulary Pakistan. Fcuk the BLM. All I can say is -

"Pakistan Lives Matter".

Yet the "Islamists" MB types would still ally with these folks lol
If want to become cucks for the Blacks. Go ahead. Trousers hanging down the a*ss, rap and big bulging twerking girls is what they will get. And watering down of the IQ.

A sorta famous Vietnamese-American writer Linh Dinh the guy who wrote the article I posted basically says the US Empire soft power these days is the export of "gangsta black" culture of the ghetto and the "psuedo-left" which no longer cares about the working class uses that to be the foot soilders of the US Empire, The US is a weird empire tbh in the past Empires exported the best of their cultures but US exports the worst hence gangsta rappers now appear in Germany, and in Pakistan as well hence once the George dude was dead you had thousands of protestors in Berlin and Pakistani Truck artist painting his face
Western society is being destroyed from the inside. A insidious cancer has spread. It gnawed away at the very building block of society. The family. The patriarchy that sustains it. By doing so they atomized the family. Now broken and in pieces in moved the far left. Gays, Blacks were painted as 'gods'. Black thug culture was propagated. If you look at London all the Blacks have cuckolded the white working class girls spawning a hybrid race. All the while the working class white male alone, alienated took to drugs, alcohol and football gangs. Blacks are inherently prone to violence and those of you who live in London will be aware of the stats.

All the while while Blacks were cuckolding white society the media and their elites pointed the finger towards the big, bad "Mooozlems" and the baddest of all from that variety "the Pakistani". Meantime they destroyed Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya. Almost took Pakistan down.

What goes round comes around. Now the BLM are shoving it up their backsides. Even now having spoken to some EDL types they still point fingers towards "Moozlems". As if we shafted Churchill's statue or burnt down every city from Mineapolis to Paris.
@OsmanAli98 where do you get this stuff dude? Interesting read!

I understand the author's gripe....to a degree... But why is he shoehorning Mao Zhedong and the cultural revolution into his diatribe? It's contrived and highly inaccurate to suggest the outcome of the Chinese cultural revolution was analogous to western society's acceptance of low-slung jeans. These authors may actually be making a reasonable point somewhere amidst the torrent if they avoided using the standard neoconservative template for all these opinion pieces.
Does that include Turks, Bosnians, many Lebanese, many Palestinians, many Iraqi's because they are classed as "white" in USA.
im just droppin them truths homie i aint confused n shit i aint got no identitiy issues
i aint no oreo im black from the hood the streets man
i aint talkin up the talk like some white *** honkey i aint no cracka for real dawg
gotta look at the matter for what it is man gotta know whats up cause actin all white n shit like some nigga whose got them oreo complexses aint gonna help a thing
Oh fcuk. I forgot about your dream of having afro hair, sister twerking her butt, mother cuckolding a negro. Go ahead ....

this thread is going to get trashed anyway because nobody buys the hateful rhetoric that you 2 keep peddling on
sorry bra but most of us would rather not stoop down to the point that we would be imitating racist whites or high caste brahmins like you do
thankfully a good many pakistanis are above the notion of trying to act white and having a very divisive view of the world
Western society is being destroyed from the inside. A insidious cancer has spread. It gnawed away at the very building block of society. The family. The patriarchy that sustains it. By doing so they atomized the family. Now broken and in pieces in moved the far left. Gays, Blacks were painted as 'gods'. Black thug culture was propagated. If you look at London all the Blacks have cuckolded the white working class girls spawning a hybrid race. All the while the working class white male alone, alienated took to drugs, alcohol and football gangs. Blacks are inherently prone to violence and those of you who live in London will be aware of the stats.

All the while while Blacks were cuckolding white society the media and their elites pointed the finger towards the big, bad "Mooozlems" and the baddest of all from that variety "the Pakistani". Meantime they destroyed Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya. Almost took Pakistan down.

What goes round comes around. Now the BLM are shoving it up their backsides. Even now having spoken to some EDL types they still point fingers towards "Moozlems". As if we shafted Churchill's statue or burnt down every city from Mineapolis to Paris.

And the Elite in their "ivory towers" whether in London,Paris or Washington are patting themselves in the pack with their Kosher masters well done and agree they just used "moozlimbs" as cannon fodder so the Far Right and Far Left could use to them as usual

@OsmanAli98 where do you get this stuff dude? Interesting read!

I understand the author's gripe....to a degree... But why is he shoehorning Mao Zhedong and the cultural revolution into his diatribe? It's contrived and highly inaccurate to suggest the outcome of the Chinese cultural revolution was analogous to western society's acceptance of low-slung jeans. These authors may actually be making a reasonable point somewhere amidst the torrent if they avoided using the standard neoconservative template for all these opinion pieces.

Unz Review its online publication run by Ron Unz(he is Jewish lol) a eccentric businessman who lets writers of various political persuasion Left,Right,Center,Far Right,Far Left etc something you dont see these days most publications are of one political persuation.Well Linh Dinh going hard on Mao :-) well he is Vietnamese and if you know a thing or two about the Vietnamese they despise the Chinese and see them as big bullies and arrogant and despite being "Communist" during the Cold War and China supporting the Viet Cong later on China and Vietnam fought a border war in 1979 which lasted until like 1990 as for Linh I say he pretty anti-neo con and anti US empire in his writings.

Does that include Turks, Bosnians, many Lebanese, many Palestinians, many Iraqi's because they are classed as "white" in USA.

Honestly, which one of you with family would want this convicted criminal to live next door to you?

Oh fcuk. I forgot about your dream of having afro hair, sister twerking her butt, mother cuckolding a negro. Go ahead ....

Dont Forget the Chechens they are pretty white
A guy with who once pointed a gun at the belly of a woman during an armed robbery was actually “a gentle giant,” according to ABC News. It quotes one of his buddies, “Anybody who knows him will tell you he’s not confrontational.” At George Floyd’s funeral, the mayor of Minneapolis, Richard Frey, knelt by the coffin and sobbed for a full minute, his body shaking.

For over two weeks, riots have erupted across America, and it doesn’t look like they will stop soon. Protesters and cops have been killed. A black man has just been shot by police in Atlanta, triggering another riot.

Reading about all this turmoil, I think back to my one visit to the Twin Cities, in 2014. Arriving in Saint Paul on a train from Williston, North Dakota, I checked into a motel, and was on the streets by dawn. It was July 4th!

Wandering around haphazardly, I ended up at Langford Park, where there was a large picnic. Old people relaxed on lawn chairs, kids ran around and the Pig’s Eye JassBand was swinging to Gershwin’s “Strike Up the Band.” Having been to many cities in at least 35 states, I had never encountered such a wholesome and tranquilly joyous gathering. It was as if I had stumbled into a vast Norman Rockwell painting, or time traveled to an America of half a century ago.

Though there were some blacks and Orientals, almost everyone there was white. Still, I never felt unwelcomed. I chatted with a middle-aged gentleman who gave me a fascinating primer on the Iron Range. Pasties I already knew about, from my time in England.

Later that day, I went to downtown Minneapolis. On Nicollet Mall, I reentered a more familiar urban America of pantsslung below butt cracks, eyebrow piercings and neck tattoos. A gaunt white guy had small oil paintingssewn onto his black coat. I passed about ten members of the Israelite Church of God in Jesus Christ. Most were in tasseled and embroidered white robes, with two red Stars of David on their chests. The bodyguards wore all black. I have seen the same group in Philly, Washington and Atlanta. Their membership is limited to blacks and browns, for whites are sodomizing devils who deserve to be enslaved or exterminated.

Although Nicollet Mall was just six miles from Langford Park, what I saw were two entirely separate Americas. In Philly, crossing a single street can land you in a different world. Often, whites have simply given up and abandoned their neighborhoods, complete with the large churches or synagogues they so lovingly built. That’s not racism, but fleeing for your life, and blacks have done the same, the first chance they get.

In black ghettos across America, I’ve marveled at the ruins of once magnificent houses of worship, as well as formerly beautiful homes, now charred, just for the fun of it, or boarded up. If it’s a majority black neighborhood or city, as in Gary or Jackson, you can be sure it’s a disaster, but of course it’s all the fault of fudge packing white devils.

As incompatible Americas again collide, cities are looted and burnt, leading many to think it’s a rerun of racial riots from the 60’s. Others believe it’s an intensification of the resistance against Trump, racist cops, the patriarchy and/or Capitalism. It’s a new beginning, they hope.

To better understand what’s happening, though, we should reexamine Mao’s Cultural Revolution. Lasting a full decade, it destroyed much of China’s cultural heritage and tore that society apart, all in the name of getting rid of the “Four Olds”: old customs, old culture, old habits and old ideas.

It was a reign of terror against man, civilization and China itself, but it had to be done, for there was a socialist utopia at the end of the blood splattered tunnel, said Mao.

Mao’s shock troops were high school and university students, woke idiots, in short, with their little Red Book. They denounced professors, intellectuals and artists, torched temples and monasteries, burnt books and paintings, smashed art objects, tore bits from the Great Wall and vandalized the 2,400-year-old cemetery of the Kong Clan, where Confucius himself was buried. Digging up one of his descendants, they hung the naked corpse from a tree.

Mao had stipulated that Red Guards could travel on trains for free, so they roamed to even the most remote areas, to destroy.

At the end of the Cultural Revolution, Mao rewarded his loyal and ardent zealots by sending them to distant farms, for they had outlasted their usefulness and become a political liability. Standing in mud, buffeted by cold winds and far from home, they could further reflect on being woke.

Mao unleashed his Red Guards on all of his potential or even imaginary adversaries. Ruthless, calculating or just paranoid, he even turned on loyal comrades who had been with him on the Long March, but that’s just how tyrants roll. It was an extreme power play.

Today, Americans are also caught in a power play. It’s all too inevitable, for they’ve been under siege for decades, with everything about them systematically discredited, deformed or attacked. In a 1997 lecture, Joseph Sobran elucidated:

The modern state has to police more and more of our lives, because it has set itself against the normal. It defines normal acquisition as greed, normal group preferences as bigotry, and normal morality as hate. Consequently it has to watch over us at all times to make sure we aren’t too assertive about our normality, while it caters to our abnormalities.

Treason used to mean the subversion of the state. But the state itself now works the subversion of society. In other times, including Shakespeare’s, it has been understood that the state’s whole justification for existing is to support and protect normal life against the criminal, the savage, the perverse. Even tyrants never questioned this assumption.

Just like Mao’s Red Guards, then, American rebels running amok do not threaten but serve a ruling clique. Look at their targets. They are destroying middle- and working-class stores and communities. They’re tearing down Main Streets.

Subverting society, the state derides all traditional standards and definitions of decency, as it normalizes or even celebrates criminals, savages and perverts. To get confirmation of this, just turn on your television, browse through a magazine or talk to your kids about what they’re learning in schools.

Clear, nuanced and measured language has been replaced by raving idiocies and obscenities. Piss Christ is beautiful. Shakespeare sucks. Unless they’re trannies, men are toxic, especially white ones.

To remake a nation, then, you destroy its heritage, its “Four Olds.” In the West, old ways are inextricably linked with Christianity and whiteness, so both have to go, but how do you get white majority countries to denounce their own heritage?

To start with, you use the academy and media to drum guilt and shame into them, repeat endlessly that only whites can be racist, that they owned slaves, lynched blacks, dropped bombs everywhere and stayed silent as Hitler gassed six million Jews, the worst crime ever. As the first step towards their own salvation, then, whites must renounce their whiteness.

If a white meekly squeaks that, well, racism is in the heart, so anyone can be a racist, that slavery was pretty much everywhere, in China, Korea, Japan, the Americas before Columbus and all of Africa, etc., that men of every race can be super sadistic in abusing their own kind and even corpses, using whatever technology they have available, and most whites actually fought against Hitler, and finally, he doesn’t believe in collective guilt, especially since his grandpa was a serf, his daddy died in the coal mine and he’s a minimum wager himself, working way past retirement age, you can just shut this asshole up by shouting in his face, “I should have known all along you were a Nazi!”

Mark LeVine, a history professor at the University of California, Irvine, sums it up most eloquently, “While whiteness and its avatar, ‘Western civilization,’ have for centuries declared themselves to be the epitome of Enlightenment and freedom, historians have demonstrated not only the historicity of whiteness and its contingency, but that whiteness emerged directly and almost exclusively through its connection to imperialism/colonialism, slavery, genocide and modern-day racism […] the humiliation and extermination of black people is the most enduring identifying marker of whiteness.”

Though often accusing Christians of racial genocide, Jews ignore that it’s inspired and justified by the Hebrew Bible. Moreover, Christians have often committed mass murders to benefit Jews only.

It doesn’t matter. Don’t sweat the details. All professors who still have jobs agree that whiteness is evil, as in white cops, white run prisons, statues of white men, white borders that keep out non-whites, so if you’re white, it’s high time you kneel down and beg forgiveness from the nearest Sub-Saharan African, for he’s your priest, saint and martyr!

White is filthy. Black is pure. Blackness transcends, so just yield to it. As they say on the streets, “Once you try black, you never go back.”

In 1989, Madonna allegorizes all this with her music video, “Like a Prayer.” In the indigo dark, amid police sirens, she witnesses a gang of whites kill a white woman. Lit up, one smirking thug even has a chiseled face like a Hollywood Nazi. When a black man tries to help the victim, he’s arrested by a white cop.

Terrified and dressed like a whore, Madonna enters a black church, to kneel in front of a tearful black saint. She kisses his foot. Coming to life, the gentle black man kisses her cheek and forehead. Joy erupts! Singing and dancing with an exuberant, life affirming black choir, Madonna kneels again, this time in front of a black woman.

Reappearing, the black savior is now on top of Madonna.

Bookending this video, there are crosses burning because, you know, white people are always burning crosses outside black churches. Whites kill or arrest innocents. Blacks save.

Finally, who hate America, Christianity and whiteness so much, they risk killing themselves even, for no parasites can survive without a host?

Perhaps they already have another fat prey targeted, so as you fight among yourselves and die, they move on, laughing all the way?

Let’s not end, though, on such a down note. There’s not just hope, but potentially great news on the horizon. Since the Jewish state’s major backer is fatally weakened, divided and in chaos, Israel will disappear as America disintegrates.

LINKBOOKMARKThe always astute Dmitri Orlov clearly thinks so, for he suggests, “There is a very nice, underpopulated Jewish Autonomous Region within the Russian Federation, on the border with China, to which Israelis will be able to evacuate once US financial and military support for Israel dries up.”

Since I don’t think it’s wise to let in racial supremacists with a long history of despising Russia, I sure hope Orlov is being facetious.

In any case, I have friend in Lebanon who has invited me there. Together, we’ll drive to a liberated Jerusalem, she promises. Oh, what a joyous day that will be, for all of humanity!

If the Whites fall and the blacks become the rulers of the UK, the UK will become as underdeveloped and poor as africa. Eventually the blacks will turn on ALL non-blacks including Muslims, indians etc.
@OsmanAli98 @Indus Pakistan @masterchief_mirza


By the Power of Wokeness... I see that you are not following the PartyLine!

Instead of appreciating Twerkcing at the Rise of Wokkodama ie. WokeDogma.... you try to Question the NobleWokeness!!!

The BigBrother is Watching you
...and the Overlords of FREE Internet are recording your every move.... we know what you are thinking and where you live...because TheEmpire is in everyone's home... from Bushman in Africa to your appartment in NY!!!

Coming to CulturalRevolution of Mao... I find one of his mistakes is the destruction of Priceless Buildings, Art and Books... though he rebuilt the ForbbidenCity! Contradictions!!!

Comparing the ChineseRevolution to the Wokification of the CombinedWest is
, perhaps, intellecual laziness or a subtle attempt to discredit the Great WokeRevolution by the said author!!!

Obiviously, now the author will be excommunicated by the GreatWokeChurch!!!

One can only have a Detached view of seeing once great WesternCivilisation going down the Drain pushed by Twecking WokifiedMasses ....

But then Circle Always Completes Itself!!!

Darkmen are pearls in the fair ladies' eyes... said Shake-Spear!!!


The Said Author who is been on Press TV and Russia Today is most probably on the FBI radar at this point granted the bias towards to Cultural Revolution of the 60s with Today rioters is disingenuous I agree but being in his shoes being a Vietnamese author or of extraction from that country does tint his view of China again the average Vietnamese views China with contempt over past struggles of hegemony in that part of the world despite being racially and culturally the same sort of but the comparison I think goes like this the Red Guards in Mao China were loyal to their ideals no matter how wrong they were morally same goes with the youngster anarchists we are seeing in Seattle they filled with ideals but morally wrong
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