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Your age, profession, and marital status?

Age: It's over 9,000
Profession: Moon Knight
Marital Status: When all the honest & loyal females have gone & just golddiggers left, there is no point.

= 37, but i look a lot younger. People tell me, i look 28-29.
I think the reverse gear is due to my spiritual endeavours as my mentor once told me the more a spiritual person gets older, the younger he looks.

Profession= Many.

I am working and have worked as an engineer for leading telecom companies in different countries, as well as in security(leading teams for premises security, convoy security upto 30+ vehicles as well as body guard) and worked in Transport industry. I have also worked in manufacturing and IT industry.

I have conducted my own business also: Property + Transport + import/export from China to Pak.

I also have to do part time jobs in evening/night for my spiritual growth when told to do so by my mentor. These jobs are for humanitarian causes. Such jobs always include customer service where i interact with people and have to spiritually detect distressed people who interact with me during that job as clients for that business and then put them at ease through various means (listening ear, counselling, psychological therapy etc). These jobs may also include giving complimentary meals to people devoid of race, caste, creed, religion, nationality etc, prepared at my home.
The aim given to me for such part time jobs is that the person should go away smiling after interaction with me. So the job is not easy.

I have also worked in many different roles in spiritual world on spiritual duties, when required or ordered to do so. Although i have conducted chillas, manzils and went through turbulent azmaishes (spiritual tests), i find these spiritual tasks, the most difficult as my energy (mind) is drained at the end of the day.

So my profession is pretty much multi-dimensional.

Marital status= Confidential.
Although i have conducted chillas, manzils and went through turbulent azmaishes (spiritual tests), i find these spiritual tasks, the most difficult as my energy (mind) is drained at the end of the day.

We are poles apart when it comes to the paths we have undertaken ...... it may be I have issues understanding the mysticism properly or I find it nonconforming with my inner self (recommendation of any genuine book to understand the underlying concept would be appreciated) ...... couldn't ever understand why I have to submit to another human like me and go in isolation and cut off from the world of action to achieve something, like your mentioning of chilla, manzil right now doesn't make any sense to me, its like trying to unlock something that already exists ..... and how is it any different than Sadhus, Hindu Mystics and other non Muslim mystics? The basic practices and exercises are the same?
We are poles apart when it comes to the paths we have undertaken ...... it may be I have issues understanding the mysticism properly or I find it nonconforming with my inner self (recommendation of any genuine book to understand the underlying concept would be appreciated) ...... couldn't ever understand why I have to submit to another human like me and go in isolation and cut off from the world of action to achieve something, like your mentioning of chilla, manzil right now doesn't make any sense to me, its like trying to unlock something that already exists ..... and how is it any different than Sadhus, Hindu Mystics and other non Muslim mystics? The basic practices and exercises are the same?
Some text would help ........
Sufism you can't understand without practicing it and if your heart, mind and soul not comfortable some ideas and believes practiced under Sufism then simply ignore it but denying it is total wrong thing.
Sufism you can't understand without practicing it and if your heart, mind and soul not comfortable some ideas and believes practiced under Sufism then simply ignore it but denying it is total wrong thing.

I cannot deny a practice, belief, ritual, tradition, culture ..... that already exists, and ignoring it because I don't accept it or don't feel comfortable with it, is not a valid reason from exploring and expanding my understanding of it.

Anyways ........
We are poles apart when it comes to the paths we have undertaken ...... it may be I have issues understanding the mysticism properly or I find it nonconforming with my inner self (recommendation of any genuine book to understand the underlying concept would be appreciated) ...... couldn't ever understand why I have to submit to another human like me and go in isolation and cut off from the world of action to achieve something, like your mentioning of chilla, manzil right now doesn't make any sense to me, its like trying to unlock something that already exists ..... and how is it any different than Sadhus, Hindu Mystics and other non Muslim mystics? The basic practices and exercises are the same?


i also wanted to give this smiley as reply as i spend my energies doing what i have to do rather than explain or defend spirituality, but then i saw the posts above with a smiley and though ok i will explain a bit .

submit to another human? i think you mean, ashraf al makhlookaat, not just a human being. Mentor is by itself a big topic and mentor is the true form of ashraf al makhlookat. Not everybody is an ashraf al makhlookat and not every one can become a mentor. Just another human is not ashraf al makhlookat.

why go in isolation? I am in isolation late at night at 3am at night at my home and after a few hours i go to work and spend my day in civilised society just like other people, so not really living in a cave or forest.

cut off from the world? I am cut off from the world when i am lost in divine love, at night.

To achieve something? chilla manzil. Interesting query. In order to stay persistent and serve humanity, what would make me deviate from a normal life of enjoyment in evenings, spending my spare time in ways i want and just doing what i like. In simple words, what would keep me persistent, motivated and positive to serve humanity.
I can very well enjoy my life as i want rather than serving humanity.

So when i request a mentor that i want to come on the path of serving humanity in best way possible and that i should be given a task, i will be put through tests to first see, how motivated i am. when i pass those tests then i will be put in other tests to make me stay persistent and positive in the tasks that i will be given.

Such tests will cleanse my mind and soul and bring my "NAFS" under control so when i encounter women or money or greed, I stay steadfast and focused on the task im given rather than giving in to desires and deviating into self-interests.

So i don't what Bushra Maneka did and, in my case, get attracted to a damsel-in-distress whom i may come across, rather than stay attracted to Allah, perform my task and move ahead. Such things are tests too, test of NAFS.

Furthermore, it will enhance my 6th sense so i can "detect" and "sense" a lot of things from spiritual point of view which normal humans would ignore or bypass. This means i have to bring my concentration level upto a certain level.
Also i need to be able to absorb the afflictions/shock n awe/strange things that i may see, hear from others and use the correct words, correct means, correct procedures for helping them. So i stay patient till the end of the day and listen to others and then console, without losing my wits and temper after one hour.

how is it any different than Sadhus, Hindu Mystics and other non Muslim mystics?
If you think its not different, then ok i am a hindu, im a sadhu, im a non muslim. I don't really care, brand me anything. Allah made humans to help humans, Allah has enough angels in skies to worship him, not saying that humans aren't supposed to worship him but i hope you get my drift.

I have enough belief in Allah that He is so merciful and forgiving and that He loves me more than 70 mothers and that i drown in His love every night, that He will love me for serving his creation, the human being. He might even forgive me for unknowingly neglecting His rights but will love me for helping his humans.

= 37, but i look a lot younger. People tell me, i look 28-29.
I think the reverse gear is due to my spiritual endeavours as my mentor once told me the more a spiritual person gets older, the younger he looks.

Profession= Many.

I am working and have worked as an engineer for leading telecom companies in different countries, as well as in security(leading teams for premises security, convoy security upto 30+ vehicles as well as body guard) and worked in Transport industry. I have also worked in manufacturing and IT industry.

I have conducted my own business also: Property + Transport + import/export from China to Pak.

I also have to do part time jobs in evening/night for my spiritual growth when told to do so by my mentor. These jobs are for humanitarian causes. Such jobs always include customer service where i interact with people and have to spiritually detect distressed people who interact with me during that job as clients for that business and then put them at ease through various means (listening ear, counselling, psychological therapy etc). These jobs may also include giving complimentary meals to people devoid of race, caste, creed, religion, nationality etc, prepared at my home.
The aim given to me for such part time jobs is that the person should go away smiling after interaction with me. So the job is not easy.

I have also worked in many different roles in spiritual world on spiritual duties, when required or ordered to do so. Although i have conducted chillas, manzils and went through turbulent azmaishes (spiritual tests), i find these spiritual tasks, the most difficult as my energy (mind) is drained at the end of the day.

So my profession is pretty much multi-dimensional.

Marital status= Confidential.
So u do Reiki?
Marital status= Confidential.

Har roz nayi bandi?
i also wanted to give this smiley as reply as i spend my energies doing what i have to do rather than explain or defend spirituality, but then i saw the posts above with a smiley and though ok i will explain a bit .

I can debate with you on this, but I feel that you are not comfortable discussing it. So I will respect that.

If you think its not different, then ok i am a hindu, im a sadhu, im a non muslim. I don't really care, brand me anything.

Take it easy champ ....... I am not labeling you. The thing is mysticism in any religion has the same practices to achieve spirituality.
We are poles apart when it comes to the paths we have undertaken ...... it may be I have issues understanding the mysticism properly or I find it nonconforming with my inner self (recommendation of any genuine book to understand the underlying concept would be appreciated) ...... couldn't ever understand why I have to submit to another human like me and go in isolation and cut off from the world of action to achieve something, like your mentioning of chilla, manzil right now doesn't make any sense to me, its like trying to unlock something that already exists ..... and how is it any different than Sadhus, Hindu Mystics and other non Muslim mystics? The basic practices and exercises are the same?
Tho idont believe in the mystic practices done in pakistan but as of how different from sadhus etc then sadhus read their hindu text words etc but the muslim mediators recite Allahs names in their mediation sessions plus whatever wazaifs their peers assign. In some of the wazaifs there are things that atleast i am not comfortable with doing. Plus afaik in these chillas one needs to avoid eating some types of foods and during chilla period they might have to dress up very simply in plain white clothes, depends on type of chilla and what next u want out of it.

I personally dont buy this stuff as also nowadays most of the peers are scams. Also they engage in telepathy etc

We are poles apart when it comes to the paths we have undertaken ...... it may be I have issues understanding the mysticism properly or I find it nonconforming with my inner self (recommendation of any genuine book to understand the underlying concept would be appreciated) ...... couldn't ever understand why I have to submit to another human like me and go in isolation and cut off from the world of action to achieve something, like your mentioning of chilla, manzil right now doesn't make any sense to me, its like trying to unlock something that already exists ..... and how is it any different than Sadhus, Hindu Mystics and other non Muslim mystics? The basic practices and exercises are the same?
Also one major component that makes up for some spirtual healers treatment towards patient is tranfee of positive energies to the sufferer or patient. I dont know how it happens but generally those people who are friendly down to earth, patient, and who are patience in trials and azmaishain sent from Allah their aura becomes extremely positive and they always feel calm and this psoitve energy surrounds them and is felt by others.

If u ever notice in ur life u will come across people who will be sweet and kind , and you will find peace in their presence and would see people will be attracted to such people wanting to spend more time with them , its the positive energy from the aura of those sweet individuals that draws people towards them.

I am foul mouthed, unruly, uncouth so u can pretty much guess everyone hates me LMAO


One last thing the more pains a person bears and condition is if he stays patient, then the more powers are granted to him.
Age = 37, but i look a lot younger. People tell me, i look 28-29.
I think the reverse gear is due to my spiritual endeavours as my mentor once told me the more a spiritual person gets older, the younger he looks.

Profession= Many.

I am working and have worked as an engineer for leading telecom companies in different countries, as well as in security(leading teams for premises security, convoy security upto 30+ vehicles as well as body guard) and worked in Transport industry. I have also worked in manufacturing and IT industry.

I have conducted my own business also: Property + Transport + import/export from China to Pak.

I also have to do part time jobs in evening/night for my spiritual growth when told to do so by my mentor. These jobs are for humanitarian causes. Such jobs always include customer service where i interact with people and have to spiritually detect distressed people who interact with me during that job as clients for that business and then put them at ease through various means (listening ear, counselling, psychological therapy etc). These jobs may also include giving complimentary meals to people devoid of race, caste, creed, religion, nationality etc, prepared at my home.
The aim given to me for such part time jobs is that the person should go away smiling after interaction with me. So the job is not easy.

I have also worked in many different roles in spiritual world on spiritual duties, when required or ordered to do so. Although i have conducted chillas, manzils and went through turbulent azmaishes (spiritual tests), i find these spiritual tasks, the most difficult as my energy (mind) is drained at the end of the day.

So my profession is pretty much multi-dimensional.

Marital status= Confidential.
I thought you were in Army Signal Corps
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