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Truth be told, scientists and engineers are the people who actually provide the basis for the advancement of the human condition. Politicians and economists, who claim to be operating on "social scientific" principles, actually screw things up. Sadly, scientists and engineers suffer from their love of honesty, and so lose out to the smooth liars who become politicians. Plato believed that the best government was one guided by philosopher kings. Unfortunately human nature is too flawed to even trust scientists and engineers to ONLY follow the public good. BUT, still, the humans who gravitate to science and engineering are, by and large, the most trustworthy cohort out there.
Economists also make huge money from the stock market (after lying to everyone else of course).

But I also think that truth is relative. There's no absolute truth just different reference frames.
occupation:jus finished my undergraduation(BSc CS) bored of pursuing master would rather see hows things rather than jus read bt it so plannig of taking up web development/designing ,inputs would be welcome :D and yh btw m single :D
Age: 31

Occupation: Senior Research officer (Microwave & Antenna engg.)

Single for now :D
Its fun. Its the only thing that you do for your own self surmounting odds at every turn. Gives you a sense of accomplishment - every step of the way!

Very well said !!

Doing PhD was one of my best decision I ever made. The feeling when you pass your PhD exam is something very special. 3-4 years of hard work and patience does gives you the satisfaction and vision which otherwise difficult to obtain.
I mean PHD in which field of study? and whats the criteria of doing PHD in india ? is it similar to Pakistan or more like west

My PhD is in Antennas and Metamaterials

I did my PhD in UK so cannot comment on Phd criteria in India.
Name: Divya
Occupation: Team Lead, Change management
Marital Status: Un married Un single
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