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Young man shot dead by police officer in Islamabad


Sep 29, 2010
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Young man shot dead by police officer in Islamabad

A young man was fatally shot by a police officer in Islamabad's Sector I-10/1 in the early hours of Friday allegedly after failing to stop at a checkpoint, DawnNews reported.

Taimur received at least one bullet injury to the head after Samiullah Niazi of the police's Eagle Squad opened fire on his vehicle.

Taimur is reported to have died on the spot from the injury.

The officer fled the scene after the incident. Police said they had initiated a search for the suspect.

Police officials said they had instructed Taimur to stop his car but he had sped off. The police officer opened fire at Taimur after his refusal to stop, they claimed.

A female passenger in the same vehicle was reported to be in safe condition.

The incident sparked rioting and protests on Islamabad's IJP Road, with the victim's family dismissing the police statement and saying there had been no prior warning or order to stop before the officer opened fire. Protesters had set a police camp on fire, DawnNews reported.

The protesters later dispersed after negotiations with police officials, DawnNews reported.

A case has been registered against the police officer at the Sabzi Mandi police station by Taimur's brother. No arrests have been made.

Prior incidents
In May 2015, two young men were shot dead by a police patrol in Karachi's Bahadurabad area.

Police claimed that the the victims, along with four others on three bikes, refused to stop at a police checkpoint near the Tipu Sultan signal.

As a result, five policemen and their in-charge were suspended and arrested for shooting and killing the two motorcyclists.

In June the same year, two young men were shod dead in Punjab's Sadiqabad by two members of the Muhafiz Squad.

Two members of the squad were arrested while two others fled.

In January 2016, a youth in Karachi was shot dead by police officials for not allegedly stopping at a check post in the Gizri area.

The two police officials on duty – Altaf and Mudassir – were been taken into custody.
Why he did not stop ? Its stupid of him not to , because of the High Alerts and constant Threats everywhere in Pakistan .. when you see a Police man asking you to stop than you better do .. respect the LAW
Good, rebellious teenagers used to dash across CANTONMENT checkpoints in my home-city of Sialkot - the police did nothing; who knows they could've had arms on them, be wanted thieves or be terrorists? I hope this serves as a reminder to all, that no one is above the law and our security/safety can never be compromised.
I have been driving in Isb since i was 15 years old ,Without any license ,Even got caught many times..The police in ISB is always helpful and they let me go :-@
But I never hurried away ,Always stopped when cops told to stop........don't break the law
In our country the terrorism is a huge burder on the psyche of the law enforcement agencies ,Sometimes you don't stop when the police tell you then they believe you are the Fkn terrorist
Well if he didn't stop when asked to the Police were in the right. In any case, Allah bless soul and may he show mercy upon him and the man's loved ones.
If he failed to stop and was shot, why would the police flee the scene after?
Incident needs a thorough investigation.
irony is one one our channel first did a report on a suspect shot dead by french police as he wanted to enter museum with a briefcase and then did this story and were blaming our police for doing same thing that french did ... the only negative that our policemen did is flee the scene . why they did that ? and SHO has also been suspended and FIR against poilcemen also registered.
His family is saying that according to CCTV footage there were no signs which indicated that he was signaled to stop and perhaps that is why the two constables fled the scene. And even when the firing is inevitable then why not shoot at the tyres instead of just killing a complete innocent person, who may have valid reasons for not stopping?
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What a waiste... rest in peace..

Cannot blame police if he did not stop when signaled. But needs investigation
sir how to warn a person if he did not bother to stop ?
No excuse to not stop esp under prevailing law & order situation.
You have to obey the police orders.
There was a time we used to just zoom past teh picket with no consuquencs but that time is long gone. Police did what they were trained to do. Imagine if he had been a terrorist. You cant risk to step back & hope it is not so.
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