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Young Chinese traveler popular in India, surprised by Indian hospitality

Thanks for posting. I subbed to this guys channel....he looks to be having some other good content I'll look at later.

My take on stuff like this is:

Past all the geopolitics, politics, military posturing etc stuff....regular Chinese and Indians generally get along fine...just like they have for millenia in history (we have traded, exchanged ideas and philosophies, recognised our heritages and approaches...and used mature civilisational approach overall in the larger appropriate timeframe)

As India develops more (and China will play its role in this too), definitely we would like more Chinese tourism, commerce and business. This will be also quite helpful in smoothing out and solving points of difference and friction.

I think number (last I checked) stands right now at around 300k or so visitors from PRC to India....it has huge potential to grow lot more....given how many chinese tourists visit ASEAN, East Asia and further abroad.

@GeraltofRivia @rott @Dungeness (just checking which you guys still around on PDF hehe). @Genesis @serenity

yeah, I am still around, just not as active as I used to be. There are things that's built in, and not amound of good will would even alter that. That's what I learnt here.
This young Chinese guy from Guangdong travels alone in India and was surprised by how friendly Indian people are. when he asked for direction on a street in Calcutta, a bunch of Indian guys and girls offered to help and they stopped a taxi and bargined over the taxi fare for him.
Later on he met those guys and girls again downtown and those college students told him that they worried about his safety being a lone traveler, so they took a taxi to come looking for him, they offered to take him to dinner, some girls explicitly tell him they want to have a Chinese boyfriend...

Ask him to travel across North, he will get lynched.
yeah, I am still around, just not as active as I used to be. There are things that's built in, and not amound of good will would even alter that. That's what I learnt here.

A sobering lesson my friend, I learned it long ago too....but do have to relearn it from time to time in newer contexts as well.

Wish you the best.

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