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Young Chinese not having babies

is estimated that human life expectancy will reach to 100 years in the next 50 years
You can do it today by banning sugar and other harmful toxic intakes and making sure you only visit a doctor/take drugs when absolutely necessary.

Last thing we need are more babies. We have 8 billion people. I defintly only want two.
A notion against mother nature and anything against mother nature is destroyed. ..population of earth should be least of your worries if you are effectively distributing wealth...but you failed to do so ...now you fear backlash...in form of immigrants refugees and you feel insecure..
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What China need is not more babies but higher personal income per capiital and higher GDP per capital.

USA (nominal GDP #1; GDP (PPP) #2) number 9 GDP per capital with 332 million population, China (nominal GDP #2; GDP (PPP) #1) number 78 GDP per capital with 1,440 million population.
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East and south east asia, eastern Europe (especially poorer countries like Ukraine), South Anerica. So basically any place that is poor but is not Africa or the middle east.
You can do it today by banning sugar and other harmful toxic intakes and making sure you only visit a doctor/take drugs when absolutely necessary.

A notion against mother nature and anything against mother nature is destroyed. ..population of earth should be least of your worries if you are effectively distributing wealth...but you failed to do so ...now you fear backlash...in form of immigrants refugees and you feel insecure..

No, we closed borders and push back. I dont fear immigrants. We stopped them with force.
drop xenophobia, accept immigrants. let's not make japan's mistake twice.

well educated immigrants, preferably non-religious. question is, where to find those

China's working-age population is falling around 8mil people per year now, and it's going to accelerate in the coming decades. Even if all 50mil overseas Chinese, young and old, migrate to China it's only going to delay the labor force and population decline for a few years lol.

China's population is too large for immigrants to make any difference to their demographics.
What China need is not more babies but higher personal income per capiital and higher GDP per capital.

USA (nominal GDP #1; GDP (PPP) #2) number 9 GDP per capital with 332 million population, China (nominal GDP #2; GDP (PPP) #1) number 78 GDP per capital with 1,440 million population.
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Not really. The US native White population is in severe decline even despite the high gdp. In fact it is collapsing since population is in negative growth now for white america. The only reason why the US population is rising is because of immigration.

Also, in urban China, the GDP and lifestyles have basically attained European standards especially if we are talking about people under 50. But it is precisely the young, well educated, culturally sophisticated and financially well off subset who are the least likely to want a lot of kids.
The aging problem cannot be solved by AI or automation. AI cannot buy house. Without labor or workers, the expensive CBD area will turn ghost town. In the past, you sold 100 millions of handphone a year. Now with young people gone, you only sell 10 millions.

No one will invest.

Japan has seen this problem and has reduced property price. Outside Tokyo Japan property drop as far as 70%.
That's extreme case unlikely to happen in reality. Young population is not possible to drop from 100m to 10m in 100 years. Don't forget the power of AI. As I said, teachers and doctors are among those who will lose their jobs. Which means education and health care costs will drastically drop. Fewer people means less fierce competition among young people and affordable house price. Which will help population rise. Artificial sun technology will make breakthrough in next 30 years. Which means energy price will be close to zero. The whole social ecology will dramatically change. Human being will be in a very cosy and prosperous status. Which will also help population rise.
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Its ok....India, Pakistan and BD are baby making countires and ready to fill any population gap.

Um leave out Bangladesh. We are already finding it hard to fill apparel factory labor. We have to import many illegal labor folks from India to run factories.

Fertility rate for Bangladeshi women is lower than Indian women and also lower than replacement rate already (and rapidly falling). It was at 2.1 babies per woman two/three years ago and probably much lower now.

Once you educate women, they don't want babies.
The real pro natal policies is probably much easier to implement -- just take a look at Israel, not just the religious but secular Jews are breeding as well. People are marrying.

I have been Israel for business trip a few times. The work place is very harmonious and not much back stabbing or stack ranking. Wage differentiation not high between managers and engineers. The corporate hierarchy favors equality more.

Most people are responsible, discipline and hardworking after 12 years of education.

I guess the one big culprit of low TFR is toxic corporate culture. You wont breed if you have a toxic boss who make you fight with fellow co-workers, treating you like concubines in harlem.
China's working-age population is falling around 8mil people per year now, and it's going to accelerate in the coming decades. Even if all 50mil overseas Chinese, young and old, migrate to China it's only going to delay the labor force and population decline for a few years lol.

China's population is too large for immigrants to make any difference to their demographics.
Meanwhile graduates in China found it is not easy to find a job. The number of graduates who took part in postgraduate exam reached a record high.
Too many women want to marry rich guy and wait until 30s to find one -- then give up on marry. The society reduce the wage gap between managers and ordinary workers. Women will marry young.
Meanwhile graduates in China found it is not easy to find a job. The number of graduates who took part in postgraduate exam reached a record high.

And Greece with a declining population of 10mil has an youth unemployment rate of >30% for the past few years.


And Singapore with liberal immigration policies (more workers coming in) have fairly low unemployment rate.

Larger population size also means more consumption and investments on the other side of the equation.
Most countries have high youth unemployment of 15-24, especially western countries.

As for Singapore employment market, I suggest you send out 2 set of resume, one to HK and one to Singapore to 100 companies each. You will probably get zero reply in Singapore and get 30 reply from HK.

Similarly create 2 linkedin profile, one base in HK and one in SG. You get recruiters going after you in HK everytime.
drop xenophobia, accept immigrants. let's not make japan's mistake twice.

well educated immigrants, preferably non-religious. question is, where to find those

Malaysia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Philippines, Cambodia, Laos from ASEAN and Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan in Eastern Europe and Central Asia are good candidates for immigration to China. Also welcome Chinese diaspora back. That was another major failure of Japan: they 100% abandoned the Japanese diaspora.

This does mean that Chinese society will change in demographics and Chinese culture will need to accommodate immigrants. Is that politically acceptable that Chinese sacrifice 30 years in the 1 child policy to make the country strong and rich, and yet now foreigners are brought in to enjoy the fruits of development? I dare not say yes or no, do you?
And Greece with a declining population of 10mil has an youth unemployment rate of >30% for the past few years.

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And Singapore with liberal immigration policies (more workers coming in) have fairly low unemployment rate.

Larger population size also means more consumption and investments on the other side of the equation.
You are comparing a tourism and sea freight country with world factory.
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