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Young Chinese not having babies

I am sure a lot of Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Nepali, Sri Lankan intellectuals, technologists and academics educated and working in the US (in industry and academia) would be interested. Some are already going back and forth to China, I know half a dozen Bangladeshi families who live mostly in Northern China (Shanghai area) and have for a while. Chinese urban living standards in cities are at par with (or better than) US now, so this should not be an issue attracting them if CCP wants.

Every country has educated refined middle and upper middle class, and I can tell you Bangladeshi upper middle class technical intellect and talent is in no way inferior to that of the US, which they have proven in that country. And they are typically not religious zealots and are mostly Sufi (Sunni) Muslim being very open-minded and tolerant.

Middle class Bangladeshis (and above) like to confine their religious practices (if at all religious) to their own households and being private about it.

China can start by offering merit-based Visas like Canada does, but only from select countries it wishes to attract talent from.

Last time I was in Shenzhen, I saw a lot of South Asian looking people in the subways. I think a lot of them are in tech related industries. So I have no doubt that if China provided an avenue of immigration for many tech related industries, there will be a lot of takers.
Last time I was in Shenzhen, I saw a lot of South Asian looking people in the subways. I think a lot of them are in tech related industries. So I have no doubt that if China provided an avenue of immigration for many tech related industries, there will be a lot of takers.

This must be done in moderation and in phases, sudden influx of large number of foreigners causes resentment in local populations.

This happens (and is still happening) in the US as we all know.

But China is a more civilized country.

Shenzhen is more cosmopolitan than say inner cities.
This must be done in moderation and in phases, sudden influx of large number of foreigners causes resentment in local populations.

This happens (and is still happening) in the US as we all know.

But China is a more civilized country.

Shenzhen is more cosmopolitan than say inner cities.
China also has a massive population so it can easily absorb millions of foreigners without issue. The key is to select immigrants who are well educated, skilled and can contribute positively. Obviously if you let anybody in, and a lot of criminals or unproductive people come in, that will automatically create resentment.
their qualities increase ten fold as soon as they leave their respective country,.

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just wondering how that tiny land mass was able to get such a huge population!!

It was simple. In an agrarian economy, you needed plenty of kids to work the land.

Bangladesh is one of the most fertile areas in India, ideal for agriculture because it is mostly flat.

You did not have to till the land even, back in the day. you could throw down grains of rice on the ground and you'd get rice crops. And you needed (and had) plenty of kids (sometimes a dozen per family if you could feed them). Over time, this over-population became a burden as per capita agricultural output lessened because of increased headcount. Currently Bangladesh is the fourth largest producer of rice.

Bangladesh rice production in marketing year (MY) 2021/22 is forecast to increase to 36.2 million metric tons (MMT) of milled rice.

Bangladesh area (as tiny as it was) produced almost one third of India's GDP back in the day of the Mughals (agricultural output as well as production of textiles) and was an agricultural goldmine. Bangladesh is still a very large rice, fish and vegetable producing country. Globally it is the 3rd largest vegetable producer (26.7 million tons).

China also has a massive population so it can easily absorb millions of foreigners without issue. The key is to select immigrants who are well educated, skilled and can contribute positively. Obviously if you let anybody in, and a lot of criminals or unproductive people come in, that will automatically create resentment.

Yes there should be a point system applied for educational qualifications for immigration, like they do in Canada.
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I believe Bangladesh has more in common with ASEAN countries like Indonesia or Malaysia than South Asian countries like India.

Is there the possibility of Bangladesh joining ASEAN or RCEP?

Bangladeshis have more East Asian genetic component (especially upper middle class folks) compared to Central Indian stock. The terrain, weather and lifestyle is very different compared to that of India especially Middle and Western India.

The genetic stock theory was proven with testing local haplotypes. Lot of interchange with SE Asia people during Buddhist times. Part of the country was ruled by Arakanese and we also ruled Arakan for a couple of hundred years which is in Myanmar.

It is also true that Bangladeshi Sufi brand of Islam is more tolerant of other religions, just like that of Indonesian and Malaysian brothers. "Live and let live" philosophy.

Bangladesh is trying to get observer status at ASEAN and is mulling over inclusion in RCEP, which may take place soon.

There is a nascent local industrial sector and protecting that is a big focus in Bangladesh.

If Bangladesh joins RCEP and opens up its markets then that may be partially threatened - hence the hesitation.

@Destranator, @mb444 and @Homo Sapiens bhais what do you guys think?
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I believe Bangladesh has more in common with ASEAN countries like Indonesia or Malaysia than South Asian countries like India.

Is there the possibility of Bangladesh joining ASEAN or RCEP?
I suggest so that:
Let Bangladesh go to Southeast Asia.
Let Pakistan go to Central Asia.
Let Nepal go to East Asia.
Let Sri Lanka go to the Middle East.
En, did I forget something?
The demographic timebomb is something China shares with a lot of other developed countries (though not as much with the US which doesn't have as much of a problem) and is probably one of the biggest problems we have globally at the moment. Unless we accept more generous migratory patterns from younger regions (such as Africa) and are able to deal with the nativist backlash that would result in, we are going to have some serious problems. Automation is one solution but I don't really know how far it will go in resolving these issues.

This issue has been cited as a core reason that China may not catch up with the US this century - though I think there are a lot of other factors that would determine that.
This issue has been cited as a core reason that China may not catch up with the US this century - though I think there are a lot of other factors that would determine that.

China will still have 4x the population of the US in the medium term, and will most likely surpass the US in total GDP. However, their shrinking demographics will affect how much lead they will have over the US in the long term.

My own guess is that China will grow to maybe around 1.5x~2x the size of the US before slowing down to an average growth of around 2% like other developed countries. At that level, China's relative GDP per capita to the US would be around South Korean levels today which is around half of the US.

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I wish pakistanis had less babies i just wish sociopolitical factors in pakistan allowed for one child policy in pakistan chinese posters should not be worried about population decline population quality matters with better access to education among the masses and increasing automation in industries population decline may not have the same effect on industrial output.I wish we in pakistan had populatiion closer to 120/150 million but we have more than 210 million and increasing we are seeing a very slow decline in fertillity rates now i just hope we never cross 250 million threshold and see a decline after 2030 but this may not be realy likely one can only hope for the best i guess.

Population is the most valuable resource, not a burden.
We have fallen into the wrong cave, Pakistanis should not repeat our mistakes.
Sustainable population of 2.1 is attainable even with high female education and advance society such as Israel. You need practice real socialism. Base on this, we can probably conclude that Singapore and Hong Kong are one of world worst capitalism country.

Jobs must be abundent. People must have dignity. Good education must accessible. Wage inequality must be low.

I do not see why most people want to forgo family life if they are confident they have jobs and can pay mortgage for the next 30 years.

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Population is the most valuable resource, not a burden.
We have fallen into the wrong cave, Pakistanis should not repeat our mistakes.
Only well educated populations are resource. Those who hang around in streets are burdens. See Egypt. This country is suffocated by its huge population. Without outside food aid, Egypt will become hell in several days.
Only well educated populations are resource. Those who hang around in streets are burdens. See Egypt. This country is suffocated by its huge population. Without outside food aid, Egypt will become hell in severa days.

Afghanistan now on verge of famine. The US occupation create a situation whereby sanitation level, western medicine supply increase rapidly and suspiciously, government is slow to promote population control.

At the start of occupation, population is 20 million and now is 40 million.

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A big problem of East Asian society is ALL women look for alpha male. They let alpha make FCUK during their best period, age 18-30, get dumped and then start fanatically searching for beta male to settle down.

Many women eventually end up single or end up despising their husband for rest of their life.

Hence, the society must promote socialism, reducing income gap for people. Give dignity to people.

Women will then not look for alpha male and settle down in 24- 30 with a honest guy.
Sustainable population of 2.1 is attainable even with high female education and advance society such as Israel. You need practice real socialism. Base on this, we can probably conclude that Singapore and Hong Kong are one of world worst capitalism country.

Jobs must be abundent. People must have dignity. Good education must accessible. Wage inequality must be low.

I do not see why most people want to forgo family life if they are confident they have jobs and can pay mortgage for the next 30 years.

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The Israeli numbers ,might look good on the surface but they are a headache to the regime. The number is high because of two factors. 1) Israeli arabs getting more kids than the general population 2) Haredi jews getting almost a dozen kids per family. These ultra-orthodox jews are up to no good. They refuse to work, serve in the military or pursue education. By 2050, more than half of Israel's popluation with be Arab/Haredi jews i.e. Israel is screwed big time.
Have you ever consider that overpopulation actually limited individuals productivity as the limiting factor becomes resources instead of labor? I believe there is an optimal level of population size in respect to the country's size, passing that point and the productivity would start to decline.
Wait, so you mean to say if China had a smaller population say for example half your current size then China would have performed better economically and had an even lather economy? Lol
Middle class Bangladeshis (and above) like to confine their religious practices (if at all religious) to their own households and being private about it.

China can start by offering merit-based Visas like Canada does, but only from select countries it wishes to attract talent from.
Not possible. China and East Asian cultures are mostly insulated from others and their people will not allow this as a policy anyway. If I remember correctly CCP tried to relax immigration rules by making it easier for non Chinese/foreigners to get permanent residency easily and they was even a discussing of path to citizenship to attract more skilled foreigners but the backlash they got from the public was so much that, they shelved that policy even before it was even born. 🤣 from.what I red, some even said that was a treason to the Chinese race. 😂
So I don't think that mentaloty will change in our lifetime. Different culture, different people, different mentality. To each their own.
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