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Young Chinese not having babies

Japan couldn't have supported a population as large as China though so your point is moot. They don't produce anywhere near enough food and have zero natural resources. That's the reason they lost WW2. If they had more population but still remained on Japan they would've just lost faster as they ran out of food and energy faster.

If China has the same land as today but only as many people as US, China's population would naturally grow within a few decades to where it is now. Proof: that's how it actually happened from 1949-1989 when China grew from US sized at 400 million to 1 billion.

China's population stagnating at 1.2-1.3 billion wouldn't be too bad. Still huge, but China's food and energy resources would be able to catch up.
I said if Japan had China's size(meaning land/resources and even just half the population ). That was my point , maybe you missed that. Reason I said Japan was/is unlucky to have such a barren tectonic plate vulnerable resource poor land, so this put them at a disadvantage compared to western powers and Russia during the 19th/ 20th century , plus they didn't have the luxury of having colonies to fill that gap unlike we western powers . Its also one of the reasons they decided to launch invasions of some countries in Asia like Korea and manchuria , Philippines etc.
Anyway, Considering all this handicapped I will say they did perform very well, even against the British Empire, Russia and the US. It was just too much for them to take in facing such large odds staked against them.
Reason I said if they had the size/resources/manpower of even half of China they would have stood their ground and I see no way US/western powers could have prevailed over them even during WWII to be honest.
In this respect , I would say I have even been more impressed by Japan's rise/develoment than any Asian country to be honest.
I said if Japan had China's size(meaning land/resources and even just half the population ). That was my point , maybe you missed that. Reason I said Japan was/is unlucky to have such a barren tectonic plate vulnerable resource poor land, so this put them at a disadvantage compared to western powers and Russia during the 19th/ 20th century , plus they didn't have the luxury of having colonies to fill that gap unlike we western powers . Its also one of the reasons they decided to launch invasions of some countries in Asia like Korea and manchuria , Philippines etc.
Anyway, Considering all this handicapped I will say they did perform very well, even against the British Empire, Russia and the US. It was just too much for them to take in facing such large odds staked against them.
Reason I said if they had the size/resources/manpower of even half of China they would have stood their ground and I see no way US/western powers could have prevailed over them even during WWII to be honest.
In this respect , I would say I have even been more impressed by Japan's rise/develoment than any Asian country to be honest.
If Japan was China’s size, it wouldn’t have been Japan, it would’ve been china. So that point is moot. Historically China was the fountain of East Asian civilization and the hegemon of East Asia. Japan was largely marginal through most of history. It was precisely because China was a hegemon that it failed miserably to adapt to a new shift in the world order where the west had surpassed it. Japan, which was accustomed to learning from other more powerful countries, quickly switched their direction from learning from China to learning from the west and it rapidly modernized. China stumbled and ended up in a miserable situation being preyed upon by other powers.

However the last two centuries do not encapsulate world history. Right now China has regained its footing and consciousness as a great world power and is rising on a scale and speed never seen before in history. China, even despite the aging issue, will continue to rise and become an immense powerhouse and shift the world in a way that Japan could never do. We are literally just at the beginning of that to be honest.
Wait, so you mean to say if China had a smaller population say for example half your current size then China would have performed better economically and had an even lather economy? Lol

Not possible. China and East Asian cultures are mostly insulated from others and their people will not allow this as a policy anyway. If I remember correctly CCP tried to relax immigration rules by making it easier for non Chinese/foreigners to get permanent residency easily and they was even a discussing of path to citizenship to attract more skilled foreigners but the backlash they got from the public was so much that, they shelved that policy even before it was even born. 🤣 from.what I red, some even said that was a treason to the Chinese race. 😂
So I don't think that mentaloty will change in our lifetime. Different culture, different people, different mentality. To each their own.
Although the Chinese govt did encounter strong resistance when it wanted to change its immigration policy and nationality law, and to failure, but it is not as exaggerated as you said. There are also many Chinese people willing to accept immigrants in China, such as me. Most Chinese people are only temporarily unwilling to accept change. After all, China's population problem will not erupt for decades.
Although the Chinese govt did encounter strong resistance when it wanted to change its immigration policy and nationality law, and to failure, but it is not as exaggerated as you said. There are also many Chinese people willing to accept immigrants in China, such as me. Most Chinese people are only temporarily unwilling to accept change. After all, China's population problem will not erupt for decades.
I give you one simple reason why I don't want immigrants. Do you think any other ethnic than Chinese girls can dance like this? I mean with this unique feeling?

Chinese people are already very perfect in most human features. Gene mix would be a disaster
China and East Asian cultures are mostly insulated from others and their people will not allow this as a policy anyway
China though largely is East Asian but isn't exactly East Asian, it's more inclusive than that. Japan and Korea are mono-ethnic, China isn't, it has been multi-ethnic for millennium since even before Han Dynasty.

Pull the lens away from China (Mainland) or history and look closer at smaller contemporary "Chinese" societies like Hong Kong, Singapore, that fact is I've personally interacted with numerous people there speaking and living just like the rest of the "mainstream" society, the only difference is their ethnic origins are Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines (Pinoy), UK, Pakistan, India, Nepal (Gurkha), Portugal, etc. all have blended well. The societies are almost like California/NY/Vancouver with a different mainstream language.

I believe the southern part of China Mainland, especially the Cantonese speaking regions, already has social capacity to absorb immigrant, ethnicity is not a barrier from social perspective, the barrier is political momentum aka don't repair the car if it can still run.
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Unlike the Anglo, the Chinese culture sought to educate, and lift all ethnic out of poverty, as per teaching of Confucius. The minorities need to reciprocate by learning and accustom with Chinese civilization especially confucius ethnic.

Hence China is reluctant to take in migrants, and especially not in the time when the Anglo are accusing everyone of racism, and using state racism as a pretext to invade and destroy nations.

The Anglo has no qualms to take in migrants and she always import slaves from Africa. When Anglos are not happy with an ethnic, she just kill or rape, as what has happened to native Americans. Or she implement a slow motion genocide or dalit-ization , like she is doing to blacks today.

Anglo will have no problem in taking in migrants.
Wait, so you mean to say if China had a smaller population say for example half your current size then China would have performed better economically and had an even lather economy? Lol

For initial development yes, the low labor cost is a major advantage, but moving up the value chain, low labor cost is no longer relevant. Matter fact it will be a hindrance to rise in productivity where over production becomes serious problem. The initial reasoning for China's OBOR was exactly that, to absorb the country's overproduction.
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