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Young aspiring Saudi Arabian actor demolishes Hollywood propaganda of Arabs (funny)

Hollywood has long been bastion for "sterotypes" of all ethnic groups another reason why I despise that crud industry of low class films

Hollywood first gained worldwide influence after WW2. Who dominates Hollywood? American Jews. Which types of American Jews? Wealthy ones. Which types do wealthy American Jews tend to be? Zionists. Who has been the largest enemy of the Israeli Zionist state since WW2? Arabs (in one way or another). So Arabs have been an easy and deliberate target for years directly or indirectly.

There is also the historical aspects. Arabs once ruled large parts of Europe for centuries (in some places almost 800 years), Crusades, two civilizations competing for the first 1000 + years (with the Muslim world dominating until 500 years ago) and being neighbors, also plays into the negative stereotypes of Arabs. Where do you think the whole Eurobia concepts comes from? It is deep-rooted in European elites.

More recently you had the Gulf war, Iraq invasion, war on terrorism etc. nonsense adding further fuel.
Hollywood first gained worldwide influence after WW2. Who dominates Hollywood? American Jews. Which types of American Jews? Wealthy ones. Which types do wealthy American Jews tend to be? Zionists. Who has been the largest enemy of the Israeli Zionist state since WW2? Arabs (in one way or another). So Arabs have been an easy and deliberate target for years directly or indirectly.

There is also the historical aspects. Arabs once ruled large parts of Europe for centuries (in some places almost 800 years), Crusades, two civilizations competing for the first 1000 + years (with the Muslim world dominating until 500 years ago) and being neighbors, also plays into the negative stereotypes of Arabs. Where do you think the whole Eurobia concepts comes from? It is deep-rooted in European elites.

More recently you had the Gulf war, Iraq invasion, war on terrorism etc. nonsense adding further fuel.

I read this book in high school over 15 years ago, The TV Arab by Jack Shaheen: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/477728.The_TV_Arab
It was published 35 years ago in 1984. Still relevant and very provoking.
Hollywood first gained worldwide influence after WW2. Who dominates Hollywood? American Jews. Which types of American Jews? Wealthy ones. Which types do wealthy American Jews tend to be? Zionists. Who has been the largest enemy of the Israeli Zionist state since WW2? Arabs (in one way or another). So Arabs have been an easy and deliberate target for years directly or indirectly.

There is also the historical aspects. Arabs once ruled large parts of Europe for centuries (in some places almost 800 years), Crusades, two civilizations competing for the first 1000 + years (with the Muslim world dominating until 500 years ago) and being neighbors, also plays into the negative stereotypes of Arabs. Where do you think the whole Eurobia concepts comes from? It is deep-rooted in European elites.

More recently you had the Gulf war, Iraq invasion, war on terrorism etc. nonsense adding further fuel.

I may have issues with your regime in Riyadh and your views but I agree 1000 percent with you on this the American Jews have control of the media sphere what you think why you think they are able to brainwash half the planet to accept Globo Homo LGBTQZZZ and Feminism crap in your face and degradation of morals easily and screw the European elites as well the public sadly has been brainwashed to hate others or brainwashed to pretend to like the others in the name of "faux multiculturalism" and its gotten worse since the end of the Cold War post 1991 prior to that half of the world was spilt into Yank-Western bloc and Eastern-Soviet bloc ever since end the unipolar crap and rise American centric neo-liberalism and constant degenrate propaganda has come to our lands thankfully its being stopped slowly we are heading to a two bloc world scenerio we need that compettive ideas no more force feeding what the west and Yank filled Jew wants to force upon the world

I read this book in high school over 15 years ago, The TV Arab by Jack Shaheen: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/477728.The_TV_Arab
It was published 35 years ago in 1984. Still relevant and very provoking.

Jack Shaheen RIP he passed recently he was instrumental in making a 2006 doc called Angry Arabs or something saw it several years ago proved my points why to despise Hollywood and Yank dominated world order
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I read this book in high school over 15 years ago, The TV Arab by Jack Shaheen: https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/477728.The_TV_Arab
It was published 35 years ago in 1984. Still relevant and very provoking.

You are probably familiar with Edward Said as well then. Another giant on this front who we sadly lost too soon.

Slang used for Arabs girls, in a pejorative manner.
Beurette is among the Top search for PROn... Frogs Beta cucks can't get it IRL so they find a way;...

Funny thing. Made me think about that troll in the other thread who said that Arab girls are nothing special. Seems like the entire world disagrees with that notion given certain google searches. I was not blunt enough to write that as part of my reply to that troll but you were more braver indirectly in this thread.:lol: You know virtual Arab honor and all, lol.
Slang used for Arabs girls, in a pejorative manner.
Beurette is among the Top search for PROn... Frogs Beta cucks can't get it IRL so they find a way;...


>Frogs searches on Tinder for Beurettes and on **** Hub

You are probably familiar with Edward Said as well then. Another giant on this front who we sadly lost too soon.

Funny thing. Made me think about that troll in the other thread who said that Arab girls are nothing special. Seems like the entire world disagrees with that notion given certain google searches. I was not blunt enough to write that as part of my reply to that troll but you were more braver indirectly in this thread.:lol:

RIP Edward Said another great dude gone ok we may have differences but I respect you a bit most Saudis I have met in the past online irl were opposite
I may have issues with your regime in Riyadh and your views but I agree 1000 percent with you on this the American Jews have control of the media sphere what you think why you think they are able to brainwash half the planet to accept Globo Homo LGBTQZZZ and Feminism crap in your face and degradation of morals easily and screw the European elites as well the public sadly has been brainwashed to hate others or brainwashed to pretend to like the others in the name of "faux multiculturalism" and its gotten worse since the end of the Cold War post 1991 prior to that half of the world was spilt into Yank-Western bloc and Eastern-Soviet bloc ever since end the unipolar crap and rise American centric neo-liberalism and constant degenrate propaganda has come to our lands thankfully its being stopped slowly we are heading to a two bloc world scenerio we need that compettive ideas no more force feeding what the west and Yank filled Jew wants to force upon the world

Jack Shaheen RIP he passed recently he was instrumental in making a 2006 doc called Angry Arabs or something saw it several years ago proved my points why despise Hollywood and Yank dominated world order

Well, I am afraid that I am not a Saudi Arabian government representative so not sure what I have to do with government politics and I am also not sure how many of my views you are familiar with for you to disagree or agree with me.

Not only Hollywood but media as a whole. I don't want to generalize all Jews or any other people for that matter, but American Jewish Zionists hardly wish success to us Muslims, Arabs in particular.

But they are smart people. Their media are masters of divide and conquer and creating division within Muslims. I always cringe how easy many Muslim are fooled by just a few newspaper titles. Muslim country x or y "needs" Israel or "established relations" with Israel to counter "Muslim country x or y" is enough to create virtual civil wars among Muslims while the Zionist Jew is laughing and the Palestinian atrocities are forgotten because the dumb Muslims are fighting amongst themselves rather than realizing who the real enemy is.
But they are smart people. Their media are masters of divide and conquer and creating division within Muslims. I always cringe how easy many Muslim are fooled by just a few newspaper titles. Muslim country x or y "needs" Israel or "established relations" with Israel to counter "Muslim country x or y" is enough to create virtual civil wars among Muslims while the Zionist Jew is laughing and the Palestinian atrocities are forgotten because the dumb Muslim are fighting amongst themselves.[/QUOTE]

Unlike most folks here I still take the principled stand of not having ties with the cancer entity known as Israel tho I am kinda disapointed with the Arab leadership in Palestine I still think its a noble cause
But they are smart people. Their media are masters of divide and conquer and creating division within Muslims. I always cringe how easy many Muslim are fooled by just a few newspaper titles. Muslim country x or y "needs" Israel or "established relations" with Israel to counter "Muslim country x or y" is enough to create virtual civil wars among Muslims while the Zionist Jew is laughing and the Palestinian atrocities are forgotten because the dumb Muslim are fighting amongst themselves.

Unlike most folks here I still take the principled stand of not having ties with the cancer entity known as Israel tho I am kinda disapointed with the Arab leadership in Palestine I still think its a noble cause[/QUOTE]

First of all there is no Arab "leadership" in Palestine or most Arab countries nowadays. Abbas is a corrupt dictator with the Palestinians in the West Bank having little to say while Hamas is rolling in besieged Gaza. So there is not a single party that can talk in the name of Palestinians. Israel has prevented any kind of strong Palestinian leadership to emerge. To begin with Gaza is cut off from the West Bank.

Not much different from the corrupt Pakistani political elite and political dynasties having nothing in common with the common Pakistani or some corrupt military elites.

Users on PDF and in particular diaspora Muslims commit the same grave mistake time and time again of equating leaderships with the Arab people. Two completely different things. Online on "my dick is bigger than yours" forums like PDF where every nationality tries to portray himself as better than the other one, most people will usually stick to their own, regimes included, when rivaled by the other, (online tribalism) but that does not mean blind following or agreement.
In general discussing politics with Arabs, even among themselves, is a complicated matter. Which is why many Arabs, only, when interacting with foreigners, prefer not to talk about politics too much from my experience.
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