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You realize you’re in a Pakistani flight when…

3 weeks back, i was travelling in SPIRIT airlines...You can not imagine how chaotic the situation is...

SPIRIT..I had to look it up to see what it was. Never heard of it.
Spirit Airlines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Apparently that is an ultra low budget airline. Do they even have jets or was it a Fred Flintstone pterodactyl plane?

Don't expect typical passengers on that plane.
.... everyone thought that we have arrived at the gate(despite being told the actual scenario by the crew) and wollah, unbuckled their seatbelts and stood up to take out their bags. And i could see all sorts of Pakistanis doing that, and let's be honest, you really don't see Labor class plying London routes from Pakistan these days. The plane is on a freakin taxiway and these people are standing in front of the door with their hand baggage. I was like WTF. Jahiliat ki inteha hai

Gorays do the same, seen several times even on trains.
I have traveled with various airlines and with people from many countries (I travel a lot for work).
None of the points mentioned in this article fit only on Pakistanis. The percentage of people doing these things was more or less same in every flight. However Pakistanis do tend to ignore the rules/instructions more blatantly than others.

that being said, here's my most annoying flight experience.

I was flying from Istanbul to Islamabad (via Turkish Airlines). Long story short, few tableeghi jamat people boarded the flight. Here are the highlights,

  1. The completely ignored crew's requests/warnings to sit down during TAKE OFF. But the mullahs won't have any of it. Because the take off happened to be at exact same time as Maghrib prayers.
  2. then the mullahs had to find the direction of Qibla. They gathered around a Turkish air hostess and tormented her about it. She literally begged them to sit down.
  3. After that mullahs gathered at the back of aircraft for jamat.
  4. Fun didn't end here. After praying, they went from seat to seat (one by one) for dars (Islamic lessons). They requested one person from each seat to leave their seat so that one mullah can sit there and preach.
  5. Mullah were running rampant during the flight (even during turbulence when the CAPTAIN was requesting on intercom to please sit down).
It was extremely embarrassing and unbearable. Seriously my fellow Pakistanis, what happened to us? We used to be cool.

Seriously, this would be my nightmare. I support tablighis but being locked next to one for hours of lecturing would kill me!

We Bdeshi's are a strange lot. We're very easy going usually but in flight mode we lose all common sense.

I remember on my way to Sylhet a few years ago, after our stop in Dhaka, the captain informed everyone that due to extreme weather, they'd have delay the next leg of the journey. Of course, the passengers were up in arms.. I mean serious 'bagavat' was in the air. People were abusing the attendants, shouting at the captain and even arguing with each other.

Finally, being a Biman flight, the captain just seemed give in and after talking with his ground team the flight was on again - which raised cheers all around the plane.

Next thing you know, we're in the air and the predicted massive turbulence hit. Luggage compartments flew open, children were screaming and everyone in that plane starting praying loudly, some even crying. I remember thinking, I don't wanna die but if we do it will SO serve these people right!

Even when people advise us for our own good, we think they're trying to rip us off..
PIA (Pakistan Intl.Airl) -

Please Inform Allah,
Panic In Air,
Perhaps I Arrive


back in the 90's there use to be aero Asia airline in Pakistan, man had it not been for those beautiful Russian air hostess, I would have thrown the passengers from the window ! they were literally fighting over the quantity of meals being too small , I mean it was domestic flight, one can't get a buffet in a 60 minute flight

Aaaaah Aero Asia. Those rattling and squeaking planes reminded me of being in a tran bogey. But those Russians hostesses. I distinctly remember one. Oh. My. God. I was like 16 then, but this gorgeous green eyed beauty smiled. All the raging hormones resulted in an awkward boner.
Replace pakistan/pakistani with India/Indian and it will be bang on... as well.
Most travellers to ME are from poorer class, so I expect them to like that.
My main complain is, boarding process. Airlines usually ask passengers of a few seat (xx to yy) to board at a time, but people still stand in queue, and completely ignore the announcement.

There is no such thing as queue once you get to your connecting flight from dubai. Not for my planes.
I observe problems only when groups travel in a flight. If the group is allotted seats together then all decency gets lost as the aircraft becomes their own and others become intruders. Air-hostess and stewards become their domestic help.
Lol, no different with Indians. Especially the bit about the lack of adherence to rules/instructions
If you're on a flight to the Middle East then you're in for a journey through hell! Especially when you have first timer construction workers sitting next to you with Kerala pickle dripping down their knuckles during lunch!! :o: And the aroma in the plane is mind shattering what with the smell of a gazillion varieties of foodstuff polluting the cabin air.

Even business class ain't spared as there's nothing to keep the pungent smells confined to the border!

The Islamic Republic of Pakistan turns into a whole new country in the air. One beer or one glass of whiskey just doesn’t suffice. We are in alcohol heaven, and we make it a point to replace the blood in our veins with various kinds of spirits.
What? I thought alcohol is strictly prohibited in Islam? Why haven't the mullahs issued a fatwa banning drinks on flights? :rolleyes1:

Praying 5 times a day on ground and then drinking yourself silly whilst being airborne! Hypocrisy? :cheesy:
During one of my travels, my neighbour turned out to be maulvi sahab, who was finding hard to fit into seat, which meant my airspace was violated permanently during the course of travel. It was not comfortable, but I was not annoyed, probably his sedentary life style resulted into this. After sharing pleasantries we settled down for long flight. Maulviji for some reasons seemed to be annoyed with french/american couple sitting on other side, who where pecking and romancing casually. Soon the lights went dim and maulvi sahab was finding hard to figure out what the couple was upto :p. I was amused by maulvi sahab keen interest, mean while maulvi sahab opened up his medical kit and poured some stuff on his left hand, hard smell of tobacco (khaini) was in air, i could not believe how he made it to airplane. Next he got busy in crushing and powering that tobacco in hand, with his eyes almost focused on couples. In due course, he kind of clapped to get rid of fine powdered tobacco, a general practice, that khaini eater does before putting it into his mouth. I covered my nose instantly, but for the rest of near by passengers it was nightmare, they all of sudden started sneezing hard. And a panic mode sets in, some thought some kind of chemical attack is launched by maulvi sahab. Before maulvi sahab could realize 5 - 10 peoples where on our heads with a marshal. Kind of emergency mode picked up in flight, all lights where on, and I was like, dont look at me. Attendants and marshals asked us to come with them, I was like why me ? They took us in alley near toilets and started inquiring about the chemical puff and smell. Maulvi sahab could not make out much due to language issue, he was thinking that they are going to pronounce him terrorist based on his religious look. Before I could explain myself, they asked for passports. I had to calm them down saying that Maulvi sahab was using smokeless tobacco and dust of same causes sneezing effect. Entire episode went for long time, they confiscated the tobacco bottle and his medical kit. Although its legally allowed to carry smokeless tobacco, but its prohibited to consume same on flight, similar to cigarettes.

Maulvi sahab was then given another seat ( a blessing in disguise for me, no more airspace violation). A hard lesson learned for maulvi sahab and a funny incident to remember for me. When the story was shared with friends they gave it a title too "When a Maulvi almost turned me into terrorist" :p

Note: I dont intent disrespect any muslim or maulvi sahab, so please take it on lighter side of life.
PIA story
I only use it once, the plane not yet takeoff and I feel start itching my legs, I scratch my legs couple of times than I discover mosquitoes and I call attendant and tell her about it she bring spray and give to me HELP yourself:blue:
During the flight I push the button for a glass of water, the way she give me is like
LE pee te Marr( and I died after that) mean didn't push the button again all the flight.
What a brain-dead thread ?
I am scared now got a PIA flight to Pakistan today :cray: I know I should have taken the expensive Turkish one though the blasted PIA wasnt any cheaper with its incredibly long unnecessary stop in Karachi :cray: GOD HELP ME!

only a Pakistani can decipher a Pakistani mindset.
Damn I just fell out of that category :cray:

I cant forget the time when three Mullahs got up and had a fight on takeoff because they refused to take their seats without offering their prayers in Jamaat right in the space next to the toilets.
WTH? I pray in my seat...Damn! I am more Mullah than them :angel:
The parents were smiling like retards at the kids!
Sometimes I really wonder if those parents sniffed too many mushrooms which were growing in some corner of their homes :unsure:

an uncle extending his Seat back into my lap while on flight
One of my dad's friend said he tried to push the chair back and it fell in someone's lap and it refused to :ashamed: hope it wasnt you
Forget all else, I remember flying on PIA from Isb to Khi a few months ago and gosh! The AC took an hour to turn on: all this when all passengers had been seated there.

The return flight was on Air Blue, so that weren't all chic and yes, they have much more interesting hostesses.

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