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You cannot take India out of the hearts of the people of Karachi



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Sep 4, 2010
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Once a week without fail, the Thar Express makes its way from the Karachi Cantonment Railway station to Zero Point in the Tharpaker Desert. Travelers from there on go to India to visit relatives, for business or simply explore the country they are so madly in love with
"You cannot take India out of the hearts of the people of Karachi," says Muhammad Mansuri, a seasoned journalist.
One reason being that many of the people of the city — the Muhajirs (immigrants) trace their origins to parts in North India, particularly UP. That is why in Karachi areas have been named after places left behind: UP Morh, Benaras Chowk, Delhi Colony, Amroha Society — all places in this bustling city.

Almost every pan shop has the Pan Parag and Indian gutka. Indian brands are easily recognised. That is also because the most popular TV channel in the city is Star Plus.

"Thousands of people tune into Indian soaps every day," comments Muhammad Ayaz, a media planner, who says that this reality means that Pakistani advertisers are keen to plug their products on Indian channels. But the government will have none of it.

Read On :smitten:
You cannot take India out of the hearts of the people of Karachi' - Hindustan Times
Why the 'Let the India bashing begin'? We were a part of India once, calm down. It's natural.

I seriously doubt that Pakistanis in Karachi (or anywhere in Pakistan) have goodwill towards India because of this. Nihari is one of my favourite foods. Does that make me an India lover?

It's okay to like things that you like, guys.
karachi people are very different from indians now, the society has evolved into a very distinct society, coupled with indian influence and pakistan, its a very distinct society, the deep impact which the people had from indian legacy is long gone!!

before women were very used to saaris, but mostly its shalwar kamiz, saari are not usually worn etc etc

but yes most karachi people have more indian influence still today then the native ones, and its good to have a deep combination of all colours.. karachi is an mini pakistan.
:-) .... I like Pakistani Music .... Shri.Nasret Fateh ,Shri.Gulam Ali ....
And my wife loves some dress material ..she calls it Karachi material (gets imported from Karachi).

At people level, the trade boundaries limits us. Alas.

EDIT: I still remember some old Pak play "Bakra Kishton pein". I still remember the characters , specially Omar Shariff.

really, thats good.....

by the way you mean dress or cloths, many brands in karachi are high quality like gul ahmed etc, good for women
really, thats good.....

by the way you mean dress or cloths, many brands in karachi are high quality like gul ahmed etc, good for women

Lolz .. i dont know yaar. She goes shopping and goes crazy for some dress material .. its referred to as karachi dress material. As per the traders , it gets imported from Karachi. Thats all i know.
The naming of places is after hometowns of migrant people, that some of those towns are in India is immaterial. This extends to migrants who are not considered 'migrants'/muhaajiriin e.g. people from Gujarat+Kuchch and Goa.

Also, neighbourhoods were named after the regional origin of people e.g. Dehli Colony where delhiwaale settled, Bengali Para where Bengalis did, Pathan Colony comprising mostly people from KP. If course, these names are for places that people settled without the townplanners' umbrella. Neighbourhoods that KDA/CDGK etc settled were given proper names.

What this Indian newspaper is insinuating that the people of Karachi would somehow be 'Indian nationalists' because they named these places so. Rest assured India, they are one of the fiercest 'Pakistani nationalists' that I've come across.

Neighbourhood names are after the majority means of livelihood e.g. Sunaar Colony where mostly jewelers live, and Bhens Colony where milkmen do. How's that for counterexample.

if the news reports and analyses were to be believed, Kasab's rubber boat left from Karachi

state actors; non-state actors....i can feel the love in the air regarding a country that has openly challenged Pakistan in diplomatic and military channels

who really are the ''people'' of Karachi? The Sindhis? Mohajirs? Pukhtuns? Baluch?

it's a huge city, a giant melting pot. Nowdays you can't even define what is a ''Karachiite'' anymore.
EDIT: I still remember some old Pak play "Bakra Kishton pein". I still remember the characters , specially Omar Shariff.

I LOVEEEEE Omar Sharif and his drama's, they are truly hilarious. But one of the best thing about his older dramas in the days of "Bakra Kisto Pay" and "Buddha Ghar pe Hai" was that they were self-criticizing, criticizing and highlighting the socio-economic conditions at that time in a comical way and trying to give out a good message.

He is the best comedian I have ever seen. And his drama's are the best stress busters ever....second being Russell Peters
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