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Yom Kippur War 1973: The Egyptian Revenge

Israeli specialist in military affairs and columnist for Haaretz newspaper Yossi Melman said he has classified documents revealing that Israel was defeated in the battle of Karama that took place on March 21, 1968 and covered its failure.

The specialist said the abysmal defeat in 1968 was not investigated and Israel did not draw lessons from this battle.
From Saad El Shazly's WEBSITE:

Saad El-Shazly

This brilliant military victory

This brilliant military victory

This brilliant military victory

Says who?

Visit Saad El Din Shazly's website
Saad El-Shazly

You are so deluded by Zionist propaganda machinery you can not accept that you were terribly defeated. Here is what American military academies learn from Egyptians (and they considered this material "classified" I guess for a long time until it was declassified because the shame of Zionist defeat was so long ago they thought there would be very few people left to unveil Zionist propaganda)


Go straight to the October War section of this PDF file

Even your "allies" Americans study how Egyptians defeated Zionists but they are too afraid to admit it as a defeat so they study Egyptian tactics in their military academies, but qualify all historical truths with the "disclaimer" that Americans do not necessarily agree with them (but they needed to hide this information from the public for so long for what reason exactly then?)

Thank you for the doc. Must admit, learned a lot. :)
Sorry, but your "quotes" are not relable. I showed that.

Can you show me a pic with more than 4 Israeli tanks?
Actually I have just checked a Jordanian army official numbers about Israeli losses:
27 tanks destroyed
20 tanks were left and their crews fled the battle field.

dead: 250
wounded: 450
armored cars: 34
Truck: 19
aircraft: 7

Israel lost 4 tanks. 10 tankers were killed. I posted their names and photos. You are free to disbelieve.

Also if numbers of casualties were so high, Jordan was capturing some POWs for sure (snce battle was in Jordan). But fact that no POW was captured.
Israel lost 4 tanks. 10 tankers were killed. I posted their names and photos. You are free to disbelieve.

Also if numbers of casualties were so high, Jordan was capturing some POWs for sure (snce battle was in Jordan). But fact that no POW was captured.
There was no POW from both sides. By the way:
Ariel Sharon was a prisoner of war in Jordan in 1948.:rofl:

Sharon was a prisoner of war in Jordan in 1948

Oman: «Middle East»
Revealed a Jordanian researcher in military affairs, disclosed that the Israeli Prime Minister-elect Ariel Sharon has already been arrested in Jordan after a prison that was captured by one of the battles in Palestine in 1948 between the Jordanian and Israeli forces.
The researcher said Baker Khazer told «Middle East» that Sharon was arrested by the Jordanian military forces during armed clashes between Jordanian forces that were defending the city of Jerusalem in the month of June in 1948 and was taken prisoner of war along with three hundred Israeli soldier. He Khazer says that Sharon was then lieutenant first, where Israeli troops sought to control the towns near Jerusalem Vtsdt with troops led by Jordanian Habis submitted Majali, who became later the leader of the Jordanian Army.

He explained that the Jordanian researcher Sharon and the rest of his troops spent several months in a prison of Jordan underwent treatment by the medical units of Jordan as a prisoner of war and ethics as required by the Arab.

And this is the one who captured him:
Habes Rfifan Almajali
More alf laila walaila fairy tales. Sharon was injured in May 1948 and spend entire June in hosputal. He returned to service in July and fought till the end of war.
More alf laila walaila fairy tales. Sharon was injured in May 1948 and spend entire June in hosputal. He returned to service in July and fought till the end of war.
AS YOU LIKE...:coffee:
By the by, I proved my numbers correct from Israeli sources (most). Israel wouldn't request cease fire many times like a little baby unless it got heavy losses. King Hussein refused those requests until Israel withdrew from all Jordanian territories. At least be grateful that we ceased fire only to let you withdraw your losses. Don't miss with Jordanians again.:coffee:
I used to believe Zionist propaganda like everyone else on the matter. However, observing the discussions in this topic gave me a more balanced viewpoint. Thanks Banglar Lathial, Blackeagle and all others who participated in the discussion.
Oh this thread seems to go on and on trying to decide which side murdered more HUMANS.
Next time you invent stories, make them at least a bit relable, not complete joke.

Israeli Air-to-Air Victories in 1973

There was no any USA. Tiny Israel was fighting alone against Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco...

Projecting yourselves again, anyone can compile an excel sheet with names and squadrons and the rest, so who is the joke, the video or you "sheet"?

before in the thread you were talking about the US aid to Israel and you were caught lying, now the lie is bigger"there was no any USA"

Don't you know when to quit.
I used to believe Zionist propaganda like everyone else on the matter. However, observing the discussions in this topic gave me a more balanced viewpoint. Thanks Banglar Lathial, Blackeagle and all others who participated in the discussion.

Thank you too, but I do not want to discuss any thing more here even though tomes can be written on the massive Egyptian victory in 1973 Ramadan/October War. The reason I am not eager to discuss anything further here is the pure vile evil intention of denying historical truths that is manifest in all forms of Zionist propaganda (Western propaganda is the same as Zionist propaganda btw) has soured the mood for an honest appraisal of historical events almost 40 years from the momentous events of Ramadan War.

Sharon was busted and bloodied in 1973 but they call Zionists winners? What sort of a victory is it when the "winning general Sharon" was going to be sacked from his job, so he resigned before hand? What sort of a "victory" is it when a commission of enquiry has to be formed (on the causes of defeat presumably). Does any body initiate a commission of enquiry on the causes of victory for a nation?The name was Agranat commission?

All their casaulty numbers are bogus just like any Western numbers propagated nowadays. Their only resort is to keep repeating falsehood ad nauseam until the gullible public actually believe their BS. That was proved very well by me in one instance in one of my earlier posts. Can you imagine that Golda Meir would resign after a victorious war? Can you imagine that Moshe Dayan would say the Third Temple is about to fall during their victory? Can you imagine that Dinitz would ask Jewish Kissinger for help/supply on October 9th, 1973 (war started on October 6th, 1973) if so called "Israel" was victorious? Can you believe that Dinitz would admit openly to Kissinger (and this admission was only "declassified" recently) that they lost 400+ tanks to Egyptians and 100+ tanks to Syrians before October 9th, 1973 but throughout the entire war they would end up losing 460 tanks in total? Can you believe that even more telling nature of "Israeli" admission of defeat in their conversations with Jewish Kissinger would be published/"declassified" by their benefactor/patron/cash cow Americans? Can you even make a 4 year old kindergarten student believe that provided he knows the simple arithmetic operation of addition?

Can you believe that a "pocket" that could not face either the Egyptian 2nd Army or 3rd Army face to face in Sinai despite numerous attempts would be able to successfully encircle 3rd Army without repercussions from behind? Why not push 3rd Army back to West of the Canal from the front from where the supply lines are shorter and more secured if you do so? Does it not mean that it was the so called "Israeli pocket" west of the Canal that was surrounded because Jewish Kissinger knew it very well, and warned Sadat that a repeat of the victory of Soviet weapons over American weapons can not be allowed, so American troops will be landed in Sinai if this "Israeli pocket" were eliminated.

If you want some more REAL information, you need to study accounts provided by actual military men from both sides, and come up with your own conclusions. You need to read, for example, the wonderfully well written stories of the Jewish Howard Blum, who treats the October 1973 war as some sort of novel or movie perhaps, and creates a mystique or aura of righteousness around the "Israeli" while demonizing the Arab participants in the war in negative ways. In his book, On the Eve of Destruction too, you can find out how much "Israeli" gov't lied, "Israeli" media lied, "Israel" lost, and how he ended the book (in typically Zionist manner) by trying to claim that "Israel" still won. It's like saying, 2+2=4 and 4<101, 2+3=5 and 5<101, 2+4=6 and 6<101, BUT 2 is greater than 101 nonetheless! That's the basis of all Zionist propaganda arguments but sadly, many people actually believe them without any questions asked.

If you are curious, then learn a few interesting snippets about that war here

It's a matter of shame that Westerners and Zionists and other propaganda loving nations have no shame that they have to lie all the time to the extent that they claim a clear Egyptian victory in 1973 as an "Israeli" victory. Do Egyptians or other Arabs claim they won in 1967? Do they debate over those issues? Then what is the matter with so called Zionists that they have to live on this make believe world of fantasies where they can not admit publicly what every one within their own ranks have admitted privately, that they were terribly defeated?

Look at the troop dispositions and decide which one would be the victor. I think Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, or whatever other nationalities like to follow, should take a leaf out of Zionist propaganda books and claim that each of us defeated every single Western country in the world out there since there are hundreds of thousands of Bangladeshis, Pakistanis or other nationals in every one of the larger Western countries. So, like the Zionists, we can claim that we surrounded every Western capital, defense ministry, presidential/parliamentary buildings or other important political/military offices, that we "encircled" them BUT agreed to make peace only because of UN (United Nations). Millions of Britons not only drink water but eat all sorts of food at Bangladeshi restaurants in Britain, so we can claim that Bangladeshis surrounded millions of Britons and more than multiple corps, in fact, millions of Britons were actually fed by us. Never mind the "troop disposition", never mind the "military balance", never mind the sustainability of "supply lines"!

If Golda Meir wrote in her book "My Life" that
The war has shown that we were no stronger than the Egyptians.
, by ordinary transitivity, you can calculate that Egypt+Syria would have to be stronger than "Israel" in the view of Golda Meir based on the outcome of the 1973 war. Then, what sort of an "Israeli victory" in 1973 could prompt the so called Prime minister to admit in her memoirs (in an indirect manner) that Egypt+Syria was stronger than so called "Israel"?

A copy of the Zionist Jewish Howard Blum's book "On the Eve of Destruction" is with me, so I can post lots of embarrassing facts admitted by that Zionist Jew in his book to educate a lot of ignorant people, provided the moderators agree with it, but like I have already said, I have no intention of coming back to the poisonous argument about a clearly decided event. A clear victory should not induce any arguments, otherwise, Egyptians and Syrians can also argue about 1967 war and many other wars as victories for them, and present dozens of pages of arguments, "Israeli" deaths, etc to support their arguments, but have you ever seen any Egyptian or Syrian claim they won in 1967? It only points to the toxic core that drives Zionism, that foments and instigates all sorts of internecine infighting amongst brotherly countries by infusing the general public with false information even in such simple matters as historical accounts to suit their ****** agendas.

What were the status of the so called "Israeli pocket" to the west of the Canal? To understand this better, you had better know who is "Saad Ma'moun"?
Al-Ahram Weekly | In our pocket

If the criminal 'Arik' Sharon himself admits that all his propaganda stunts were such humongous failures in his biography "Life Story" (but in an indirect way, as is usual for all Zionists), then how can others still argue on and on and on about the resolved issue of complete "Israeli" defeat?

Ariel Sharon - Biography: 1973 October War (Yom Kippur War)
The swift success of moving an entire brigade plus tanks and APC's to the other side of the canal, turns out to be a dangerous move, because Sharon's forces which are also in charge of broadening and securing the corridor through which the Israeli divisions should cross, fail to accomplish this part of the task. Now there is no safe way for the Israeli divisions to cross the canal and join the forces that have already crossed, and so there is a fear that the forces on the western side would remain cut off.

Bren's division also fails to create a safe corridor for crossing between the two Egyptian Armies.

Following the interviews to the American press and the things Sharon writes in the order of the day, Chief of Staff removes Sharon from his position as division commander

The so called "Israeli" victory was supposedly snared by "Arik" Sharon, and in all their propaganda, it is "Arik" Sharon that is feted, then the question remains, why was this "victorious" general removed from his position as division commander immediately after the war?

All these Zionist propaganda would be funny jokes if they were not sad because by fooling and keeping the masses in darkness about the truth, they turn a blind eye to the catastrophic defeats in military terms they suffered in 1973.

I used to believe Zionist propaganda like everyone else on the matter. However, observing the discussions in this topic gave me a more balanced viewpoint. Thanks Banglar Lathial, Blackeagle and all others who participated in the discussion.

Thank you too, but I do not want to discuss any thing more here even though tomes can be written on the massive Egyptian victory in 1973 Ramadan/October War. The reason I am not eager to discuss anything further here is the pure vile evil intention of denying historical truths that is manifest in all forms of Zionist propaganda (Western propaganda is the same as Zionist propaganda btw) has soured the mood for an honest appraisal of historical events almost 40 years from the momentous events of Ramadan War.

Sharon was busted and bloodied in 1973 but they call Zionists winners? What sort of a victory is it when the "winning general Sharon" was going to be sacked from his job, so he resigned before hand? What sort of a "victory" is it when a commission of enquiry has to be formed (on the causes of defeat presumably). Does any body initiate a commission of enquiry on the causes of victory for a nation?The name was Agranat commission?

All their casaulty numbers are bogus just like any Western numbers propagated nowadays. Their only resort is to keep repeating falsehood ad nauseam until the gullible public actually believe their BS. That was proved very well by me in one instance in one of my earlier posts. Can you imagine that Golda Meir would resign after a victorious war? Can you imagine that Moshe Dayan would say the Third Temple is about to fall during their victory? Can you imagine that Dinitz would ask Jewish Kissinger for help/supply on October 9th, 1973 (war started on October 6th, 1973) if so called "Israel" was victorious? Can you believe that Dinitz would admit openly to Kissinger (and this admission was only "declassified" recently) that they lost 400+ tanks to Egyptians and 100+ tanks to Syrians before October 9th, 1973 but throughout the entire war they would end up losing 460 tanks in total? Can you believe that even more telling nature of "Israeli" admission of defeat in their conversations with Jewish Kissinger would be published/"declassified" by their benefactor/patron/cash cow Americans? Can you even make a 4 year old kindergarten student believe that provided he knows the simple arithmetic operation of addition?

Can you believe that a "pocket" that could not face either the Egyptian 2nd Army or 3rd Army face to face in Sinai despite numerous attempts would be able to successfully encircle 3rd Army without repercussions from behind? Why not push 3rd Army back to West of the Canal from the front from where the supply lines are shorter and more secured if you do so? Does it not mean that it was the so called "Israeli pocket" west of the Canal that was surrounded because Jewish Kissinger knew it very well, and warned Sadat that a repeat of the victory of Soviet weapons over American weapons can not be allowed, so American troops will be landed in Sinai if this "Israeli pocket" were eliminated.

If you want some more REAL information, you need to study accounts provided by actual military men from both sides, and come up with your own conclusions. You need to read, for example, the wonderfully well written stories of the Jewish Howard Blum, who treats the October 1973 war as some sort of novel or movie perhaps, and creates a mystique or aura of righteousness around the "Israeli" while demonizing the Arab participants in the war in negative ways. In his book, On the Eve of Destruction too, you can find out how much "Israeli" gov't lied, "Israeli" media lied, "Israel" lost, and how he ended the book (in typically Zionist manner) by trying to claim that "Israel" still won. It's like saying, 2+2=4 and 4<101, 2+3=5 and 5<101, 2+4=6 and 6<101, BUT 2 is greater than 101 nonetheless! That's the basis of all Zionist propaganda arguments but sadly, many people actually believe them without any questions asked.

If you are curious, then learn a few interesting snippets about that war here

It's a matter of shame that Westerners and Zionists and other propaganda loving nations have no shame that they have to lie all the time to the extent that they claim a clear Egyptian victory in 1973 as an "Israeli" victory. Do Egyptians or other Arabs claim they won in 1967? Do they debate over those issues? Then what is the matter with so called Zionists that they have to live on this make believe world of fantasies where they can not admit publicly what every one within their own ranks have admitted privately, that they were terribly defeated?

Look at the troop dispositions and decide which one would be the victor. I think Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, or whatever other nationalities like to follow, should take a leaf out of Zionist propaganda books and claim that each of us defeated every single Western country in the world out there since there are hundreds of thousands of Bangladeshis, Pakistanis or other nationals in every one of the larger Western countries. So, like the Zionists, we can claim that we surrounded every Western capital, defense ministry, presidential/parliamentary buildings or other important political/military offices, that we "encircled" them BUT agreed to make peace only because of UN (United Nations). Millions of Britons not only drink water but eat all sorts of food at Bangladeshi restaurants in Britain, so we can claim that Bangladeshis surrounded millions of Britons and more than multiple corps, in fact, millions of Britons were actually fed by us. Never mind the "troop disposition", never mind the "military balance", never mind the sustainability of "supply lines"!

If Golda Meir wrote in her book "My Life" that
The war has shown that we were no stronger than the Egyptians.
, by ordinary transitivity, you can calculate that Egypt+Syria would have to be stronger than "Israel" in the view of Golda Meir based on the outcome of the 1973 war. Then, what sort of an "Israeli victory" in 1973 could prompt the so called Prime minister to admit in her memoirs (in an indirect manner) that Egypt+Syria was stronger than so called "Israel"?

A copy of the Zionist Jewish Howard Blum's book "On the Eve of Destruction" is with me, so I can post lots of embarrassing facts admitted by that Zionist Jew in his book to educate a lot of ignorant people, provided the moderators agree with it, but like I have already said, I have no intention of coming back to the poisonous argument about a clearly decided event. A clear victory should not induce any arguments, otherwise, Egyptians and Syrians can also argue about 1967 war and many other wars as victories for them, and present dozens of pages of arguments, "Israeli" deaths, etc to support their arguments, but have you ever seen any Egyptian or Syrian claim they won in 1967? It only points to the toxic core that drives Zionism, that foments and instigates all sorts of internecine infighting amongst brotherly countries by infusing the general public with false information even in such simple matters as historical accounts to suit their ****** agendas.

What were the status of the so called "Israeli pocket" to the west of the Canal? To understand this better, you had better know who is "Saad Ma'moun"?
Al-Ahram Weekly | In our pocket

If the criminal 'Arik' Sharon himself admits that all his propaganda stunts were such humongous failures in his biography "Life Story" (but in an indirect way, as is usual for all Zionists), then how can others still argue on and on and on about the resolved issue of complete "Israeli" defeat?

Ariel Sharon - Biography: 1973 October War (Yom Kippur War)
The swift success of moving an entire brigade plus tanks and APC's to the other side of the canal, turns out to be a dangerous move, because Sharon's forces which are also in charge of broadening and securing the corridor through which the Israeli divisions should cross, fail to accomplish this part of the task. Now there is no safe way for the Israeli divisions to cross the canal and join the forces that have already crossed, and so there is a fear that the forces on the western side would remain cut off.

Bren's division also fails to create a safe corridor for crossing between the two Egyptian Armies.

Following the interviews to the American press and the things Sharon writes in the order of the day, Chief of Staff removes Sharon from his position as division commander

The so called "Israeli" victory was supposedly snared by "Arik" Sharon, and in all their propaganda, it is "Arik" Sharon that is feted, then the question remains, why was this "victorious" general removed from his position as division commander immediately after the war?

All these Zionist propaganda would be funny jokes if they were not sad because by fooling and keeping the masses in darkness about the truth, they turn a blind eye to the catastrophic defeats in military terms they suffered in 1973.

Its funny how many words this frustrated guy has to write in order to prove that enciricled Egyptian army is great victory for Egypt :lol: You won, your army is encircled! :victory:
. .
Next time you invent stories, make them at least a bit relable, not complete joke.

Israeli Air-to-Air Victories in 1973

There was no any USA. Tiny Israel was fighting alone against Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Morocco...
OK, congratulations but there's one big fact you always either forget or try to, which is you fought almost tied Arab armies by traitors like Sadat King Hussein and so on, that's excuse me to say not a victory to you, yes the Egyptian made real surprise to you the almost claimed there victory but as I said the Sadat changed the whole situation to your favor, this conclusion I had from reading the story of that war, at the end most of us know what the German army did in world war 2 to the french British Russian with a little power compared to the allied forces in either fronts so, little or big make no difference in the tactics warfare, no doubt again about your abilities but it rise from the exaggeration some people of you claim.
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