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Yogi Adityanath To Be New Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister

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Indians were worried about their security since independence. And now they are electing those people who they think are needed to keep them safe from their enemies.

You people need to be kept safe from dead, buried enemies lurking in your graveyards?


The state itslef does not profess any religion and the constitution gives every Indian the right to profess any religion they chose.

Why is cow-slaughter banned in parts of India?
You people need to be kept safe from dead, buried enemies lurking in your graveyards?


when Americans can elect Trump

Why have you got problem with Indians electing who the like.

You go ahead and choose any Sharif Bhutto or Khan, we are least bothered.

Hey, elect Hafiz this time to compete with us :p:
Another Hindu fanatic elected to head the most populus state in India.

Good going India. Keep electing Hindu version of Taliban in your county. :tup:
What's controversial about him? I am sure he will prove to be a good CM.
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You ppl support Modi yet you are assuming Yogi as a bad CM candidate based on his "media image" ?

irony at its best !
Now he has got an opportunity to prove the critics wrong..its a great opportunity i say cos now he's in limelight and for next 5 yrs he will be media's apple eye...he can play with'em if he is smart enough..
congrats, may you have more CM's like him.

Exactly. For Pakistanis of this generation, this is why the Two Nation theory will always be valid. Would you want to live in a constituency where this Hindu nutcase was the CM? LOL! Give me Pakistan with its myriad of problems over this Hindu dystopian circus any day. Thank you very much Mr Jinnah. God bless you. My advice to Indian Muslims is prepare for another 1947. A new partition of India is needed.
This is a huge slap in the face for Indian Muslims. Modi has just reminded India's Muslims what their aukat is in India. I see some dark dark days ahead for Muslims and other minorities.

hehe comments coming from person whose nation had put all minorities in dark days since 1947.
see the mirror before showing others their dark days.
isn't india a secular state??
Yes it's secular... not sickular!

I have a problem because the Sanghis here will spew all sorts of nonsense about Pakistan while appointing mass-murderers and rapists to power all on the basis of their rock-worshipping religion. I'm actually glad that this baboon was appointed. Muslims from India must know how isolated they truly are.
@Zaki @The Eagle
Amazing, some people take this as an opportunity to teach Indians secularism, while convinently forgetting they have successfully killed and converted 25% minority to less than 4% now.

So much sympathy for Indian Muslims, but no kaleja to accept and give refuge to Rohingya Muslims.

Something strange and fishy here, testing waters among small fishes here.
Amazing, some people take this as an opportunity to teach Indians secularism, while convinently forgetting they have successfully killed and converted 25% minority to less than 4% now.

You have successfully culled 37% minority Muslims to 12% today. Now well on your way to becoming true Hindu Rashtra electing extremists to aid the systematic killing, rapes, lynching, forced gharwapsi.
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