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Yemen: Pakistan's right policy vs. wrong direction

There was no ISIS when GCC started sending and funding people to topple the Syrian government.
Sure, everything is driven by interests. So, at-least you should agree that by giving narrative "call of duty to protect holy land", Pakistani govt. again played the religious card. So, we are going on holy mission to protect holy land from whom? Kafar Shias or Shia Iran backed rebels? Haven't we learned any lesson from blunder after blunder yet? There is simply nothing holy in this war nor rag tag tribal are going to capture Makkah and Madina, So what's the need of fooling people and playing with their sentiments and put own house on fire. Why don't the government have courage to tell the truth that GCC want their puppet in Yemen, and Iran is backing people who are pro Iran and anti Saudi puppet? And also tell that it's probably revenge of Syria where Saudis tried to topple Iranian ally and in result ISIS was created, and what's happening in Iraq is also power struggle between Iran and Arabs?
Well the problem is that that Puppet was elected by yameni people, So if Hauties want a political role, why not come through elections? But looking at the history of Iranian proxies, Iran usually first creates a safe heaven area for her proxies to create a space. The GCC attempts to match the Iranian philosophy is gone bad and played right into the hands of Asad in Syria at least. But anyways, Shias call them Takfiris, they call Shias as Kafirs so both are extremists in their own point of view. Like I said, Pakistan has more interests with GCC than Tehran and Tehran has hardly tried to get involved with Islamabad. Rest, Tehran has probably taken the game so far. Now hardly finds anyone siding with her. Wrong policy of Mullah's had forced this move. Tehran should know that even the dirty games have some limits.

As you acknowledged that everything is driven by interests, so was the support of Arabs, and this support had nothing to do with deeper ties, brotherhood bullsh!t - whatever they did was for their own interests, they needed an underdog ready to offer his head for them and Pakistan fits the bill best. It's not that Pakistan haven't done anything in return, we have been supporting their interests for decades and sometime even on expense of our own interests but same thing can't be said about GCC, heck we even went to brutally kick the same Palestinian for whom now we shed crocodile tears and curse Israel. Why you are toeing line of Arabs of blackmail by holding 3 million Pakistani hostage? How many time India have said yes sir to Arabs? There are more Indians than Pakistanis in GCC, have they ever threatened to kick the Indians out just because their govt. didn't acted like pet dog and remained neutral or sometime even against them? Is our so called "deep strategic partnership" about which we kept fooling people is that much fragile that just not following exact orders once will seal the fate of 3 million Pakistanis? Isn't the Kafar west far better than so called brothers and strategic partners as at-least they don't threaten to take revenge of Pakistanis settled there, infect give citizenship, and treat them as human and equal citizen?
1- Palistinians have themselves hurt their cause more than others. Their ambitions were more focused at cheating arabs than dealing with Israel.
2- Well Indian dominance owes to a)Their greater population size b)Their accommodation behavior towards their countrymen. Its been jokingly said that once an Indian makes way into an organization, 5 years down the road the organization is filled with Indians. When a Pakistan joins an organization, 5 years down the road, the organization doesn't have any Pakistani except him.In addition, Indians have more focus on white collar jobs than Pakistanis who have been more interested in low-paid blue collar jobs.
3-The arabs don't give nationality to anyone, This is natural because there are more expats in ME states than the locals. So be it Indian, Filipino, Chinese, Westerner, they have the same policy for everyone.
4-I think Modi calling Salman was also noteworthy as India which has been more closer to Tehran has also side stepped quietly rather than lending any support to Tehran.

West have provided lot more funds for vaccination than UAE, and over all Aid we took from western countries dwarf what GCC gave, so why not ask US to consider us 51st state, and start ruling us- they have lot more to offer to Pakistan or become under rule of PRC, she have deep pockets and can kick start massive development and industrial projects to accommodate 3 million Pakistanis which are held hostage? Or it's that Pakistani should continue to serve Arabs while you living quality life in Canada?
The UAE only came in as the WHO refused to f
Well the problem is that that Puppet was elected by yameni people, So if Hauties want a political role, why not come through elections? But looking at the history of Iranian proxies, Iran usually first creates a safe heaven area for her proxies to create a space. The GCC attempts to match the Iranian philosophy is gone bad and played right into the hands of Asad in Syria at least. But anyways, Shias call them Takfiris, they call Shias as Kafirs so both are extremists in their own point of view. Like I said, Pakistan has more interests with GCC than Tehran and Tehran has hardly tried to get involved with Islamabad. Rest, Tehran has probably taken the game so far. Now hardly finds anyone siding with her. Wrong policy of Mullah's had forced this move. Tehran should know that even the dirty games have some limits.

I am not saying to side with Tehran but simply want Pakistan to keep his hands out of this mess, Arabs and Iranian haven playing proxy games and will continue to do so, we should keep ourselves out of this thing and should try to reverse the influence of both by nabbing down their chamchas. Fault line already exist in our society, If we don't want what's happening in middle east to be repeated in Pakistan that we should be focused on clearing mess at home before it becomes too late rather than become part of this game. And we should stop using our soldiers as mercenaries available for hire to be cannon fodders, they joined service to serve and protect Pakistan.

1- Palistinians have themselves hurt their cause more than others. Their ambitions were more focused at cheating arabs than dealing with Israel.
It doesn't matter what was the cause, the fact is that we sent our soldiers to fight with Palestinians on behalf of Arab King.

2- Well Indian dominance owes to a)Their greater population size b)Their accommodation behavior towards their countrymen. Its been jokingly said that once an Indian makes way into an organization, 5 years down the road the organization is filled with Indians. When a Pakistan joins an organization, 5 years down the road, the organization doesn't have any Pakistani except him.In addition, Indians have more focus on white collar jobs than Pakistanis who have been more interested in low-paid blue collar jobs.

Pakistanis support their fallow overseas or not has nothing to do with Arabs considering them maskeens. What's shame in admitting that Indian foreign policy is much superior and is not in hands of fools or sellouts who look for their personal interests, hence she is not subservient. Have far better working and economic relationships with our so called brother countries than us, India have strategic relationship with Israel, strong ties with Iran, far better relationship with Arabs. And we are sucking ummah lollypop and not more than underdog.

3-The arabs don't give nationality to anyone, This is natural because there are more expats in ME states than the locals. So be it Indian, Filipino, Chinese, Westerner, they have the same policy for everyone.

They may have same policy of nationality for everyone, but their treatment for everyone is not same and if you deny it than you are either too naive or don't want to admit. Perhaps Joradan is only exception.

4-I think Modi calling Salman was also noteworthy as India which has been more closer to Tehran has also side stepped quietly rather than lending any support to Tehran.

I don't know when he called and what he said - he is stepping aside or not, but as per track record of India - i can assure you India will gain something without having any effect on her relation with Iran while Pakistan as usual will get all the beating, and will land herself into troubles.

Mark my words, by sending our soldiers to fight in Yemen using religious cards we will repeat the same mistake which Zia-ul-Haq made i.e. Used religion to fight super powers proxy war, and we still are paying for that blunder. I still have little hope that General Rahil will not repeat this blunder as we are in no position to afford it.

The UAE only came in as the WHO refused to f

And the reason was that vaccination worth of millions of dollars expired in stores of Pakistan, but any way do you really think that UAE gave more Aid than WHO? or GCC gave more Aid to Pakistan than Western countries?
Well said.

The only thing I want to say is that Pakistan should be much more confident than we are today.

Our soldiers in battle fatigue should land in Riyadh and other ariports and Saudi TV channels will show it to the whole country.


However IK and other "Pan-Islamistts" parlimentarians had 3 full days to find out more. Call in military brass for consultation. And then pass a resolution.

But no.

IK had to waive his political-dongle to prove his weewee is bigger. That is juvenile behavior at its best. Sorry to say.

p.s. Overall I agree with your post.
I like ur idea and I hope saudi will show theior public and rest GCC that we there on theior time.they need paf for search and destroy missions Things they missed believe we can take care of them stregic weapons and some jets of Yemen .its take time to convert pilots to theior typhoons or F 15 and they no time that why they request our jets along with crew.Mark my words army GONNA stay there for long time reason is not Yemen its political issue it will be settled when Saudis said we r not at war with Iran they leave enough room to talks .but the thing they fear the most R yahoos in Iraq and Syria and they share a long border with them and these yahoos R real animals of this modren world eventually not now may down the road our boys and fly boys gonna take care of these yahoos who real filth in middle east .plus saudi and iran should work on Yemen will give them room to work againest these yahoos who r threat all of them .From now on pak is a player in Mideast plotics our generals and political bafoons should know the importance of the region and work with other players in the region .
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One man election is election. If Hauties really want to get the legitimate power, why not contest elections next time rather than using illegitimate means?

Are you for real or you don't understand what ''one man election'' means.



Are you for real or you don't understand what ''one man election'' means.
We I may not, but now even the UN shares the same understanding. Probably go and register your "righteous" protest....


That is a super low view considering the gravity of the situation.

Oh Bhai sahib

So many princes have mansions in Pakistan, in USA, in EU, and the Far East.

All those mansions are for good times.

It makes no friggin difference when armies are deployed. If USA deployed Armies in Iraq, it was not because American richy rich had mansions in Iraq or Iran or Kuwait or Saudi Arabia.

What a terrible collection of dimwit tweets and posts.

Waste of education and brains. Terrible.

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