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Yemen: Pakistan's right policy vs. wrong direction

It could be work if we have a allied Muslim force like NATO, Pakistan/Indonesia/Turkey/Malaysia/Bangladesh etc for deploying troops or Military help for other Muslim countries, so the out come of it even minus or plus not finger out towards a specific country. The Gulf area is massively engaged in sectarian hate and wars Pakistan should avoid to act there individually.
Really good idea and point highlighted by you , we have to think about it
Hauties is a rebel group backed by Iran. And Yamen's sovereignty was first violated by Hauties who working for notorious designs of Tehran, outsted the legitimate government of Yemen. Hauties are Mailita like ISIS and Taliban who carry no moral or legitimate authority.

And what was/is GCC trying to do in Syria? If Iran and Arabs are hell bent to give bamboo to each other than why we should offer our ***?

Some people are so aligned with Tehran that had they had choice they would even start praying facing Tehran than Makkah. Hauties have no one supporting them except Ayatullah and Co. Hauties are at fault and they will have to disarm themselves.

Typical Pakistani behavior - doesn't matter one is illiterate or got education in world class institutes, If you are not bowing down smilingly to Arabs despite that they threaten your so called nuclear country than you are Iranian Mullah lover, if you don't support Iran than you are Wahabi/Takfiri.... if you are against both than you are infidel, qadiani, murtid etc. etc. For your kind information other than KSA and Iran there is also a maskeen country named Pakistan which exist on world map and being citizen of that country and i want it to be respected independent country not bitch of Arabs or Iranians, and sell blood of fallows for dollars, riyals and derhams.
And what was/is GCC trying to do in Syria? If Iran and Arabs are hell bent to give bamboo to each other than why we should offer our ***?
In Syria its not clear whether Assad is against or with ISIS. At one point he claims to fight against them but at the other point he buys oil from ISIS-Giving them precious funds- and allows them to operate with Impunity in Yarmuk and punish palastinians via the butchers of ISIS. ISIS is the key to survival of Assad's regime as only the presence of ISIS provides him grounds to claim legitimacy. The day ISIS dies, Soon will follow the fall of Assad's regime.

Typical Pakistani behavior - doesn't matter one is illiterate or got education in world class institutes, If you are not bowing down smilingly to Arabs despite that they threaten your so called nuclear country than you are Iranian Mullah lover, if you don't support Iran than you are Wahabi/Takfiri.... if you are against both than you are infidel, qadiani, murtid etc. etc. For your kind information other than KSA and Iran there is also a maskeen country named Pakistan which exist on world map and being citizen of that country and i want it to be respected independent country not bitch of Arabs or Iranians
The world in which we live today is driven by interests rather than self proclaimed righteousness. Who has their hands clean today? Why did we operate against Yuigors muslims? We have more economic interests with Arabs despite whatever circumstances. From energy security to remittances we draw largely from these states. More than 3 Million homes in Pakistan draw their livelyhood from these states. Heck even the vaccine of polio drives is now being funded by UAE? If anyone can provide Pakistan with a surety that the shoes will be filled and Pakistan will be insulated from any worse outcomes, sure by all mrans. But when you look around, No one other than China,US,KSA and UAE seems to be coming forward to help us out. The countries- except China - we abhor.
In Syria its not clear whether Assad is against or with ISIS. At one point he claims to fight against them but at the other point he buys oil from ISIS-Giving them precious funds- and allows them to operate with Impunity in Yarmuk and punish palastinians via the butchers of ISIS. ISIS is the key to survival of Assad's regime as only the presence of ISIS provides him grounds to claim legitimacy. The day ISIS dies, Soon will follow the fall of Assad's regime.

There was no ISIS when GCC started sending and funding people to topple the Syrian government.

The world in which we live today is driven by interests rather than self proclaimed righteousness. Who has their hands clean today? Why did we operate against Yuigors muslims? We have more economic interests with Arabs despite whatever circumstances. From energy security to remittances we draw largely from these states. More than 3 Million homes in Pakistan draw their livelyhood from these states. Heck even the vaccine of polio drives is now being funded by UAE? If anyone can provide Pakistan with a surety that the shoes will be filled and Pakistan will be insulated from any worse outcomes, sure by all mrans. But when you look around, No one other than China,US,KSA and UAE seems to be coming forward to help us out. The countries- except China - we abhor.

Sure, everything is driven by interests. So, at-least you should agree that by giving narrative "call of duty to protect holy land", Pakistani govt. again played the religious card. So, we are going on holy mission to protect holy land from whom? Kafar Shias or Shia Iran backed rebels? Haven't we learned any lesson from blunder after blunder yet? There is simply nothing holy in this war nor rag tag tribal are going to capture Makkah and Madina, So what's the need of fooling people and playing with their sentiments and put own house on fire. Why don't the government have courage to tell the truth that GCC want their puppet in Yemen, and Iran is backing people who are pro Iran and anti Saudi puppet? And also tell that it's probably revenge of Syria where Saudis tried to topple Iranian ally and in result ISIS was created, and what's happening in Iraq is also power struggle between Iran and Arabs?

As you acknowledged that everything is driven by interests, so was the support of Arabs, and this support had nothing to do with deeper ties, brotherhood bullsh!t - whatever they did was for their own interests, they needed an underdog ready to offer his head for them and Pakistan fits the bill best. It's not that Pakistan haven't done anything in return, we have been supporting their interests for decades and sometime even on expense of our own interests but same thing can't be said about GCC, heck we even went to brutally kick the same Palestinian for whom now we shed crocodile tears and curse Israel. Why you are toeing line of Arabs of blackmail by holding 3 million Pakistani hostage? How many time India have said yes sir to Arabs? There are more Indians than Pakistanis in GCC, have they ever threatened to kick the Indians out just because their govt. didn't acted like pet dog and remained neutral or sometime even against them? Is our so called "deep strategic partnership" about which we kept fooling people is that much fragile that just not following exact orders once will seal the fate of 3 million Pakistanis? Isn't the Kafar west far better than so called brothers and strategic partners as at-least they don't threaten to take revenge of Pakistanis settled there, infect give citizenship, and treat them as human and equal citizen?

West have provided lot more funds for vaccination than UAE, and over all Aid we took from western countries dwarf what GCC gave, so why not ask US to consider us 51st state, and start ruling us- they have lot more to offer to Pakistan or become under rule of PRC, she have deep pockets and can kick start massive development and industrial projects to accommodate 3 million Pakistanis which are held hostage? Or it's that Pakistani should continue to serve Arabs while you living quality life in Canada?
It’s likely that the Pakistani prime minister and army chief of staff will travel to Riyadh this week and make the requisite political and military commitments. Whereas its military contribution might have been brigade-strength, had it joined its GCC allies in the first instance, it will now have to make a division-sized commitment, in an effort to reassure them. Feelings have been hurt and trust undermined, but Islamabad’s relationship with Riyadh and Abu Dhabi is very strong. It goes back to the 1960s and has transcended politics. Repeatedly, Saudi Arabia and the UAE have bailed Pakistan out of dangerous crises triggered by geopolitical events and natural disaster.

The relationship will recover so long as Pakistan’s rulers demonstrate their commitment to it. By investing strategically in the Saudi-led coalition, Pakistan has a unique opportunity to build influence with a group of regional powers with global diplomatic reach. Through them, it would stand a far better chance of achieving objectives hitherto not acceptable to the wider international community.

The scope for that investment was described by analyst Theodore Karaskik on these pages. He wrote that the models for the proposed pan-Arab military force assumed a 15 per cent Pakistani component even though they are not Arab.

That is consistent with reports that surfaced during a March 2014 visit to Pakistan by Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. At the time, it was suggested that Pakistan would contribute as many as 30,000 military personnel – mostly reservists – to the GCC Peninsula Shield.

Pakistan is right to rethink its Yemen misstep | The National
It’s likely that the Pakistani prime minister and army chief of staff will travel to Riyadh this week and make the requisite political and military commitments. Whereas its military contribution might have been brigade-strength, had it joined its GCC allies in the first instance, it will now have to make a division-sized commitment, in an effort to reassure them. Feelings have been hurt and trust undermined, but Islamabad’s relationship with Riyadh and Abu Dhabi is very strong. It goes back to the 1960s and has transcended politics. Repeatedly, Saudi Arabia and the UAE have bailed Pakistan out of dangerous crises triggered by geopolitical events and natural disaster.

The relationship will recover so long as Pakistan’s rulers demonstrate their commitment to it. By investing strategically in the Saudi-led coalition, Pakistan has a unique opportunity to build influence with a group of regional powers with global diplomatic reach. Through them, it would stand a far better chance of achieving objectives hitherto not acceptable to the wider international community.

The scope for that investment was described by analyst Theodore Karaskik on these pages. He wrote that the models for the proposed pan-Arab military force assumed a 15 per cent Pakistani component even though they are not Arab.

That is consistent with reports that surfaced during a March 2014 visit to Pakistan by Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. At the time, it was suggested that Pakistan would contribute as many as 30,000 military personnel – mostly reservists – to the GCC Peninsula Shield.

Pakistan is right to rethink its Yemen misstep | The National
According to Haris pdf KSA did not asked for ground troops just navy and airforce that where they need help at this moment .
Hauties is a rebel group backed by Iran. And Yamen's sovereignty was first violated by Hauties who working for notorious designs of Tehran, outsted the legitimate government of Yemen. Hauties are Mailita like ISIS and Taliban who carry no moral or legitimate authority.

Legitimate government of Yemen really !!!!!!!!

Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi came to power through a Gulf Cooperation Council-brokered one-man election.
We need to send a brigade along with squadron of Jets and two Frigates with 1 submarine
Plus 2 p 3 c Orion's 3 fast ATTACK patrol boats usman thinks there will SSGs might take part inside with saudi counter parts we will clear pic in next week or so .rest u got it right navel assets R already there but air assets I believe now on the way after NS gave them green light today .Haris explained why they need aircrafts but reading that I felt proud of our flyboys .another tidbit he said some flyboys were involve againest Qaddafi flying UAE mirage 2000-9 they took part in that missions too .lets hope and prey that our boys will prove theior metal again inshaalh task they will on is not easy but all GCC put theior faith on our boys Inshaalh they won't let them and us down .

We need to send a brigade along with squadron of Jets and two Frigates with 1 submarine
It's all fault of khawaja asif who failed to tell what requests been made but I guess steps that NS govt took with army will make saudia and rest calm and assured that we r there in theior time of needs .
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Plus 2 p 3 c Orion's 3 fast ATTACK patrol boats usman thinks there will SSGs might take part inside with saudi counter parts we will clear pic in next week or so .rest u got it right navel assets R already there but air assets I believe now on the way after NS gave them green light today .Haris explained why they need aircrafts but reading that I felt proud of our flyboys .another tidbit he said some flyboys were involve againest Qaddafi flying UAE mirage 2000-9 they took part in that missions too .lets hope and prey that our boys will prove theior metal again inshaalh task they will on is not easy but all GCC put theior faith on our boys Inshaalh they won't let them and us down .

Well said.

The only thing I want to say is that Pakistan should be much more confident than we are today.

Our soldiers in battle fatigue should land in Riyadh and other ariports and Saudi TV channels will show it to the whole country.


It's all fault of khawaja asif who failed to tell what requests been made but I guess steps that NS govt took with army will make saudia and rest calm and assured that we r there in theior time of needs .


However IK and other "Pan-Islamistts" parlimentarians had 3 full days to find out more. Call in military brass for consultation. And then pass a resolution.

But no.

IK had to waive his political-dongle to prove his weewee is bigger. That is juvenile behavior at its best. Sorry to say.

p.s. Overall I agree with your post.
Legitimate government of Yemen really !!!!!!!!

Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi came to power through a Gulf Cooperation Council-brokered one-man election.
One man election is election. If Hauties really want to get the legitimate power, why not contest elections next time rather than using illegitimate means?

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