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Y-20 heavy transport aircraft News & Discussions

Listen, only WS-18 engines which is identical in size to D30kp2 can fit into the brand new, newly made H-6k advance bomber. See the H-6k bomber engine inlet and do you think the fat WS-20 can fit into the new H-6k?

H-6k are to stay with PLAAF for another decades or more. They will not be decommission soon since they are just freshly made few years ago . If there is no WS-18, you expect China to depend on Russia engine supply for their strategic H-6k for the next decades or more? China will never depend on critical component from others in long term. They do plan alot. WS-18 had long planned in the past 10 years or more.

WS-20 which is also aka CJ-1000 engine are more for C919 project.

Why not you accept the engine on Y-20 is WS-18? Why must it be D30kp2? WS-18 has higher thrust and better lifespan, it will gives H6k more payload. Same as Y-20.
But most importantly, China can made as many H-6k, Y-20 with no restriction.

Again Your strange WS-18 claim and even more a ridiculous new theory that the new engine si not the WS-20 but the CJ-1000?? and still no proof ???
Y-20 Tests Passenger Transport
The project development team members of Y20 are so young, they will form core human assets for other future large transport projects.

Hmmm ??? Could it be that this image is not really related to this alleged first passenger flight and the development team since some details does not fit to this theory. Here's a summary of a discussion from another forum:

Nothing critical, but I enjoy detective work and here is what I think.

The photo is surely not related to the test flight.
  1. look at the t-shirts of the two men in the first row to the right, it says "千人计划"/1000plan. See this site http://www.1000plan.org/. It is an organization/program to attract oversea Chinese nationals or foreigners to return/migrate to China to work.
  2. Look at the name tag of the girl at the right-bottom corner. Her family name (the first character) is written as "蘇" which is the traditional form of "苏"/Su.
  3. Look at all their facial features, they are primarily from a certain region (southern ancestry).
  4. It is certainly taken in an air show, see the barriers and the AWAC and J-10 PLAF demo team?
All tells that they are oversea Chinese or Chinese from Taiwan/Hongkong/Macau. Surely not from XAC which is guaranteed to have a very good/even mix of people from all corners of China.
Hmmm ??? Could it be that this image is not really related to this alleged first passenger flight and the development team since some details does not fit to this theory. Here's a summary of a discussion from another forum:
You are correct, those photos were released a couple of months ago. Remember the PLAAF letting young children and civilians go into the aircraft and examine it ... not related to the dev team at all! Just some lucky guests :enjoy:
Hmmm ??? Could it be that this image is not really related to this alleged first passenger flight and the development team since some details does not fit to this theory. Here's a summary of a discussion from another forum:
Well... eastpendulum.com is careless with the photo this time.

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