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Y-20 heavy transport aircraft News & Discussions

The diameter of this mysterious engine looks much larger than russian D-30KP, does this mean its target thrust will be much bigger than D-30KP? Or at least potentially?
Come on ... show us finally a Y-20 powered by a WS-20 !

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If they manage to get the WS-20 working on the Y-20, it'll be a major step for Chinese engines. You don't put a engine on such a big plane, if you don't have faith that it will work 100% of the time...or at least 99%.

Another thing to consider, it will also be an indirect boost for China's domestic civilian aviation industry.
If they manage to get the WS-20 working on the Y-20, it'll be a major step for Chinese engines. You don't put a engine on such a big plane, if you don't have faith that it will work 100% of the time...or at least 99%.

Another thing to consider, it will also be an indirect boost for China's domestic civilian aviation industry.

Your logic looks funny. Didn't IL-76 itself a big plane?
If they manage to get the WS-20 working on the Y-20, it'll be a major step for Chinese engines. You don't put a engine on such a big plane, if you don't have faith that it will work 100% of the time...or at least 99%.

Another thing to consider, it will also be an indirect boost for China's domestic civilian aviation industry.

Nah - as the Y-20 needs 4 engines then you can afford to take a greater risk as the failure of 1 or even 2 engines will not mean the loss of the plane.
Concerning the WS-20 & Y-20 I'm sure at first we will see one of the prototypes with one engines replaced ...







Why are you entertaining an Indian false flagger....... by the way...... just an FYI, be very careful ridiculing Pakistan, friend or no friend, you don't want to be on our bad side either...............

YEs yes, Pakistan can make what smoke less engine? Maybe Pakistanis can make Y-40 or WS-99 super engine? :lol:

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