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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

But there in the reach of Pakistani forces -- WHY the Pakistanis forces are not going after them and killing them?? I would really like a straight answer to this -

Do you remember the Red mosque incident and what that lead to?

I'm sure the Pakistani Army has more than enough capability to wipe out those ETIM terrorists themselves. Without us needing permission to set a foot on their territory.

But we'll want them extradited back to China of course.

I agree 100% - So why are they not doing this?
I'm sure the Pakistani Army has more than enough capability to wipe out those ETIM terrorists themselves. Without us needing permission to set a foot on their territory.

So if this is not the first time such an terrorist attack has taken place. China had warned Pakistan before...so why do you think the Pak army has not wiped them out?
But there in the reach of Pakistani forces -- WHY the Pakistanis forces are not going after them and killing them?? I would really like a straight answer to this -
I dont know whos army is pakistani army. pls tell me.
So if this is not the first time such an terrorist attack has taken place. China had warned Pakistan before...so why do you think the Pak army has not wiped them out?

Because you cant wipe out terrorists without wiping out a civilians population.

This isn't the 1800's anymore!
I agree 100% - So why are they not doing this?

I wouldn't know, though I guess it must have something to do with domestic politics.

If they don't want to do it for whatever reason, then maybe they could just let in a few of our operatives in secret, and just look in the other direction for a while.
lol, the news was reported briefly in Sina but I believe was deleted? The CCP government is so insecure. Oh well, this cover-up really makes my angry and dishonor those innocent victims.

No one cares about your crocodile tears, next time i will request Hu Songshan to lock down the flame topic like this.
I'm sure the Pakistani Army has more than enough capability to wipe out those ETIM terrorists themselves. Without us needing permission to set a foot on their territory.

But we'll want any survivors extradited back to China of course.

The ETIM members are embedded with thousands of Tehreek e Taliban and Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan fighters. In fact, the TTP leaders give the ETIM and IMU orders, not the other way around, the TTP's interests take priority over ETIM and IMU interests.
Most Chinese do not know anything about Buddhist teachings and scriptures. I wasn't taught any of it. The vast majority of people in China would not call themselves Buddhist.

The only Muslim member from China here is the mod Hu Songshan. And you live in America LOL, the only interaction you have had with China for the past few years is reading internet comments online. The same thing we are doing here.

We have sizable Chinese community here and we even have a Buddhist temple in a small town in the Midwest. Can you believe it? Majority of residents are from Taiwan though. If i were you, I would refrain from speculating on other people's lives if you are not so sure. Also I don't think I need report to you how often I go back to China to make me sound credible.

Again, one basic tenet of debate is no ad hominem attack.
lol, the news was reported briefly in Sina but I believe was deleted? The CCP government is so insecure. Oh well, this cover-up really makes my angry and dishonor those innocent victims.

You are a very bad liar. It appeared in the news in China.

新疆鄯善县暴力恐怖事件致27人死亡 暴徒阴谋曝光疯狂杀警察10人击毙

Keep trolling mate, your doing a swell job at exposing yourself.
In the past Pakistani government has reached out to China and Xinjiang more than once.

We explained to those Turks that militancy is not the way.

The Indians, spend their money on hurting China through their networks in Afghanistan, rather than spending it on their poor.

They always conveniently use the name Pakistan while working with their assets in Afghanistan.

The Indians are close with the Northern Alliance.

Turkmens, Tajiks, and Hazars.

All Turkik people.

Chinese members here can believe in Indian fairy tales, but fortunately Chinese government does not.

The Indians hire mercenaries, and try to have them label themselves off as Pakistanis.

Hilarious. Indians find some pocket money from their call center jobs and hire locals. God knows they can't do **** on their own.
I'm sure the Pakistani Army has more than enough capability to wipe out those ETIM terrorists themselves. Without us needing permission to set a foot on their territory.

But we'll want any survivors extradited back to China of course.

Offcourse the Pakistani army has the capability to do so. They have the capability to eradicate all terrorists from their territory. The important question remains whether they have the will or the desire to do so. These are their strategic assets. Why should they interfere with a possible weapon in the future? Remember if China gets nasty with Pakistan in the future, Pakistan will require an unconventional weapon to wield against China. Welcome to the world of realpolitik when it comes to Pakistan. We know them. You will learn about them ;)

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