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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

Wow they are teaching these 8-10 year old kids how to do jehad instead of sending them to school. Pretty sad I must say. Crush these jehadis with extreme prejudice, gotta nip them in the bud, before they become too hot to handle. I have faith in the Chinese govt. I am sure they will do whatever is required to end this jehad.
30 thousand armed militia men didn't just dissolve. Where did they go?

They spread their ideologies, China, Afg, Pakistan, and beyond. And the US has been using them like useful idiots.

And they are letting themselves be used by the USA.

The USA can't have a proxy unless these groups voluntarily agree to do their dirty work.

And they accept, because they were already doing it. The foreign funding just helps them to continue doing what they wanted to do all along.
And they are letting themselves be used by the USA.

The USA can't have a proxy unless these groups voluntarily agree to do their dirty work.

And they accept, because they were already doing it. The foreign funding just helps them to continue doing what they wanted to do all along.

Why do Tibetians hate China? Is it religious/ethnic conflict?
We have these terrorists problems for quite a long time. Let's kill those Uighur terrorists bastards.

They are backed by CIA, since most victims of this attack were Uighurs, so they are even killing their own people without mercy.
They are backed by CIA, since most victims of this attack were Uighurs, so they are even killing their own people without mercy.

exactly, it is USA we have to blame for this kind of attack. and pakistani taliban also give the Uighurs training and support.
in the view of the Americans and pakistani Taliban, the uigurs are freedom fighter.
I will not be surprised if the uiguhrs someday in the future blast bombs in USA.
Why don't you suckers come to get it???

We kicked your axxes thousand years back and we would be glad to kick your axxes again.

Turkistan needs full independence from Ching Chong b-class mass factory. Why? because China is occupying their land and if you read the Chinese comments above you understand how Chinese primitive mind is.

For those tibetians who hate China, they can all join their dalai lama in india and rot there.

I work with a few at my job.

Very simple. Kill them all.

Wow they are teaching these 8-10 year old kids how to do jehad instead of sending them to school. Pretty sad I must say. Crush these jehadis with extreme prejudice, gotta nip them in the bud, before they become too hot to handle. I have faith in the Chinese govt. I am sure they will do whatever is required to end this jehad.
We have this kind of islam terrorist disease even before Israel was a country.

Don't worry about. We treat this disease quite effectively.

The solution: use greater terror against those terrorists.

Sad to hear... Even China is not being spared by the spread of this cancer.

We have this kind of islam terrorist disease even before Israel was a country.

Don't worry about. We treat this disease quite effectively.

The solution: use greater terror against those terrorists.

Sad to hear... Even China is not being spared by the spread of this cancer.
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