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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

If you want to know what the neo-fascist US media is capable of, ask Trump. He even labeled them as the greatest enemy of the US people. If a super elite white non-political establishment US president gets to say that, it must mean something.

The closest nation getting to the US media level of agenda shaping and discourse making is the Russian media, which is a good thing. China lags terribly behind, I must say, and the reason is that China's media is over diplomatic and does unbiased reporting.

Every theory is for someone and for some purpose.

China's media must use information like a weapon to hurt the enemy. The best way to hurt the enemy is to unmask them and create a very bad image of them in other people's mind.

Russian media has been doing that to the US, hence, US neo-fascists, even those in the US Congress, are extremely nervous and hysterical.

If China is going to go global via the BRI, it needs to first learn how to use information like a weapon and make sure that ends always justify means.
Pitchforks? Too bad they forgot the torches that would be a interesting sight:yahoo:
That's all they have , but they are not vigilantes , they have to hand over the terrorists to the government and can not lynch them.
It is. Propaganda is not a bad word in China, it means similarly to promotion.

Are you real?

1. information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.
"he was charged with distributing enemy propaganda"
synonyms: information, promotion, advertising, advertisement, publicity, advocacy; More
2. a committee of cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church responsible for foreign missions, founded in 1622 by Pope Gregory XV.

how do you not validate that as bad?
Are you real?

1. information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.
"he was charged with distributing enemy propaganda"
synonyms: information, promotion, advertising, advertisement, publicity, advocacy; More
2. a committee of cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church responsible for foreign missions, founded in 1622 by Pope Gregory XV.

how do you not validate that as bad?
I mean the word in Chinese is not that bad, a neutral word, it's more like promotion, that's why in Chinese government we have propaganda ministry and companies have propaganda departments.
the lucky ones cannot do anything about it. JFK tried and he got his head blown. America is controlled by you know who :agree:
Yes American citizens cannot defy the :ph34r: government pulling the strings behind the scenes, those who woke up tend to verbally defend other countries. That's all they can do and Duterte knows his head is being targeted by xxx :lol:
Everyone knows you made up that stuff. We have a free media, and we don't have paid government funded groups of online trolls.

IF as you've stated above, the Chinese people know what to believe, then why does your government ban google, facebook and international media. It tells us that your claim above is false, that the Chinese are not capable of formulating their opinion. That government knows their citizens need to be kept in the dark and brainwashed.
It is US government's tradition to fund institutions or organizations as its propaganda machines to destroy its rivals. And to be honest US government is very good at it. For example, the falling of Soviet Union was partly because US successfully used propaganda tactic.

As a Chinese, I know some US funded Chinese language broadcasting, such as Free Asia, VOA.
On the youtube, there are countless anti-China(or CCP) programs.

This dude, who is addicted to bad mouthing China. "Don't love your country. Patriotism is poison. Freedom is everything."-----Shits like that


Another one
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Yes, our gov does not allow the Chinese to opine freely whereas US gov keeps spying all your people.
That really makes you feel superior!
Are you for real, Chinese government spies on its own people, not U.S.

"Every internet service provider in China is required already to provide the authorities, if asked, with the true details of the name and Chinese identity card or foreign passport number of every person who posts any message via any social media — with anyone’s use of the internet susceptible to monitoring if needed."
China’s all-seeing spy grid takes surveillance to new level
Are you for real, Chinese government spies on its own people, not U.S.

"Every internet service provider in China is required already to provide the authorities, if asked, with the true details of the name and Chinese identity card or foreign passport number of every person who posts any message via any social media — with anyone’s use of the internet susceptible to monitoring if needed."
China’s all-seeing spy grid takes surveillance to new level

Edward Snowden's story and NSA !!!
Xinjiang is a very safe and peaceful place now and tourism is booming, thanks for the support of local people

Local villagers hunting down terrorists in Xinjiang
It also shows how much the local people hate terrorists, terrorists kill indiscriminately, they killed more Uyghurs than Hans in Xinjiang. When they do the attacks ,they never care if you are a Han, a Uyghur, a Muslim or non Muslim, same as you can see in attacks in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Turkey... they just want to do the butchering, they greatly threaten the livelihood and families of the local people. That's why you can see so much hate among the local people.

Terrorism can't survive in China, cause terrorists soon discover that Chinese government can inflicted much more terror on terrorists than terrorists on people.
It is US government's tradition to fund institutions or organizations as its propaganda machines to destroy its rivals. And to be honest US government is very good at it. For example, the fall of Soviet Union was partly because US successfully used propaganda tactic.

As a Chinese, I know some US funded Chinese broadcasts, such as Free Asia, VOA.
On the youtube, there are countless anti-China(or CCP) programs.

This dude, who is addicted to bad mouthing China. "Don't love your country. Patriotism is poison. Freedom is everything."-----Shits like that
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Another one

Anyway, they get jobs in America. They can fool themselves and American but we don't need to pay for their work, awesome.
Back to topic, so far China still have paid too much attention to terrorists. We should learn from Philippines, allow them to accumulate and organize big movement, then it's possible to massively destroy them.
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