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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

So you are saying no practicing Muslim can be part of the Chinese government?

All that is fine, but demoting someone for that?

And if smoking is considered against the religious beliefs of the local muslims, then why penalize someone who wants to respect the local cultures. Every other country will teach you to respect the local culture. How does not smoking in front of "Mullahs" translates to surrender is beyond me.

@waz @WAJsal @Zarvan @naveedullahkhankhattak

What do you guys make of this?

I don't really understand what he is trying to say.
As for the article, I find it confusing. Many Muslims smoke, including Imams. Some consider it to be fine, others haram. There is no universal ruling on smoking.
I don't really understand what he is trying to say.
As for the article, I find it confusing. Many Muslims smoke, including Imams. Some consider it to be fine, others haram. There is no universal ruling on smoking.

It's a local Uyghur custom, to not smoke in front of Imams and elders out of respect. And the Uyghur official was demoted for simply not wanting to smoke in front of the "religious figures"
It's a local Uyghur custom, to not smoke in front of Imams and elders out of respect. And the Uyghur official was demoted for simply not wanting to smoke in front of the "religious figures"

Wait what? Uyghurs have smoked in front of their elders on the Haj pilgrimage when I went. o_O
If these news are true China is on path of destruction

Well that's light tbh... Muslim Student+ Muslim officials are not allowed to do Ramadan since 2-3 years now... Not even speaking about the prayer limit Age... ( a lot of mosque do not allow youngters to pray, something like not iunder 30 or 35...) . THe beard thing too... etc...
That's the ideology of Communism... Religion is the main enemy... bc it can hold power upon them... and it's mostly Uyghur targeted...
It has nothing to do with religion,it is a show of respect for the elders not to smoke or drink(alcohol) in their presence.
I dont smoke or drink(alcohol) with my father,uncles or respected elderly people.
Doesnt the Chinese government know the culture of its own people?
@Chinese-Dragon @Shotgunner51 ?
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I guess @Roybot is indirectly pointing towards the fact that if similar things happen in India . .the Alleged " Thekedars of Islam " from Pakistan would have taken the entire forum down with threads after threads telling us evil baniyas . .how bad we are.

but when it happens in China . . . it becomes all kosher. . . .from fake news to their country their rules kind of arguments are forwarded.

why such hypocrisy?

I tell my kin to stop posting about India. India's Muslims made their choice back in 48. It should be a case of wishing them the best and leaving it at that.
As for China, yes they are jittery when it comes to the Uyghurs, and they have put in measures which can be harsh and seem to stem from knee jerk reactions. But at the same time these measures are not imposed upon the Hui Muslims, who are China's other Muslim minority, but one which shares close racial and cultural ties with them.
This is more to do with a nationalistic and cultural clash, which does get muddled with faith as the Uyghurs are majority Muslim.
I saw an undercover Sky News camera team visiting the region and they interviewed the Uyghurs. Now what I found interesting was that many of them were supportive of the heavy police presence, and blamed what was going on trouble makers. There were also grievances aired, but the overwhelming feeling seemed to be one of that they just wish to get on with their lives.
How this event occurred is unknown. My guess is, that official (a party member) is submissive to an Imam, he may obey whatever the Imam tell him, this is not what government can tolerate. smoking is just a phenomenon which demonstrate this point. it's also possible that another official compete power with him, and report this 'bad event' to their supervisor, so that poor man is punished by this excuse. this make sense since how the government KNOW the smoking event? There must be somebody along with him. I might guess wrong though.
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I dont support this actions but i am glad that government of Gujarat also took similar steps. Such as banning of Azan.

Mosques here used to Blast prayers via loid speakers 24/7, even in hindu dominated Areas... Thank god government banned it after 2002.

But why he was dominated for not smoking in front of ReligooReligious leaders ? Was it out of respect?

Even i Smoke 2 3 sticks a day and i can even smome in front of Temple or Masjid if i have to. But i dont because i think i should not disrespect religious folks.
Yes they are this kind of actions will only help groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda. They are building up a volcano which would blast one day and burn all of them.

That's the proble with HUmans... they always think that what happen next door, WILL not happen to them... but in the ENd they are still Humans and behave like any...
Yes they are this kind of actions will only help groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda. They are building up a volcano which would blast one day and burn all of them.
they will and must defend their culture from Mullahs and extremists
Pakistan tried to tolerate it, and look what happened
better to nip the evil in the bud
That's the proble with HUmans... they always think that what happen next door, WILL not happen to them... but in the ENd they are still Humans and behave like any...

I'm not surprised at what you said at all. Look at your country's contribution:


Tunisia is the champion of supporting ISIS.
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