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If all Muslim nation will to adopt Chinese as their new identity, I will be the first to convert to Islam...no joke

The vid you showd right now, is from Central asia culture, the Kazak/Ouzbk side. (therefore muslims) :) (it will be yughur for china)
If we are looking strictly from logical/cultural POV, Chinese are right. They have to stop religious influence early on, because with Islam it is not separated from society. It makes up political, social and cultural fabric. Which is very differing from one envisioned by those who founded China. So they can't have it. So, yeah, they are basically going to restrict Islam or some more strict aspects of it, which is only seen in maybe one or two school of thoughts. It's also worrying if religious education is consuming children lives, not because of extremism but due to departure from usual criteria that is focused on. Which is science/economy/etc.... It's not only Chinese, but many others seeing this problem in the world, including some Muslim gov't them selves. Beard or Niqab isn't issue in Muslim nations, but the governments pretty much separate Islam from politics.

Reason why Christianity or Judaism isn't targeted like Islam, is because they no longer have impact on culture, society, laws or social fabric. Only influence they have is 'identity' influence, in which white Christians/Jews, maybe Hispanics too, see each other as one 'people'. So if Christianity somehow overtook China, it would become sort of like America. It's really only used for political gain. But, identity is serious. Meaning many of that subset group of Christians identify with each other, especially when it comes to Muslim migration or spread of Islam in their nations, or even strengthening of Islam in the ME(which is historically important to them too).

Islam, too, is used today as political gain by Muslim nations and groups. The reasons some Muslims can't see it is because the tense situation within Islam today and tense political situation in the region, so they really believe that world is teaming up on them, and that either Shia is the righteous group with Sunni's helping enemies of Muslims, or Sunni's the other way. Shia are more pragmatic, less religious, and more secular when it comes to lifestyle. I don't see their faith being major driver of their society, I feel like they have a will to live and enjoy the world. Sunni is more religious and have more faith, so they are more likely the ones to actually try implementing Islam as way of life.

So the world is worried of Sunni Muslims. And Sunni Muslims are going through what other religions went through in past. Where pressure is put by society to put Islam behind and move on, just keep it personal thing. However, this is being played too early,and the political scenes in ME make it much more volatile. And you will people violently oppose this, those being Jihadist groups. But, in the future is looking more and more like it will involve mainstream Sunni Muslims if they can't see how the world is changing and how to react it. They do have a point, though, that there is indeed agenda to rid of religions influence. The debate is whether this is religiously motivated or is just due to world moving on with secular globalization. This debate is decided by individuals and it is what is causing rift.

Now, what I don't get, why Muslims from ME for example, speak of this but will not look at the state in the ME which is horrifying and intense. Everyone is nervous, even stable nations. Because it's not just inter political in the region, it is also seen by some as religious struggle. So they don't know if this gets worse as the future goes on, what will happen. What will happen, is your children are going to be subjected to violence. It's going to be dangerous for Muslims in the future due to everything converging.

I don't think it can be avoided. Because, several reasons, one being that Muslims focused on spreading Islam and think this is some kind of achievement if you increase # of your people. Rather than look within and solve crisis's within the community. Other being Arab governments realize they are a bit late, and now focusing on prevention and internal security. It's on the edge even for them. And then of course you have Western politics, where they feel they can't introduce secularism quickly enough and resorting to bad political moves to maintain interests in the meantime, which are not winning hearts of people. Then most important, it's interpretation of Islam itself. Many Muslims look to how their Prophet(pbuh) handled affairs in the past, and they don't know how he would today. So they resort to orthodox measures, which is not going to succeed, you will have issues with modernization. And this debate itself, relies on faith, because on one hand people do believe, so they assume orthodox measures is needed. On other hand, people have doubts but can't strike a balance or have no control over situation.

So priorities need to change, if you want different future for next generation of people. All the world bears responsibility too, not just Muslims. Otherwise it's a nasty future for all people involved. Likely by 50 years.
Bro, unfortunately "Mutual respect" can never be found in their "religious fanatic" dictionary
Like my professor in my college taught us something interesting is that the term "Religious Caste System" which label and classify "Human with religion ONLY" similar to how the Indians "Caste System" work
According to "Religious Fanatics Caste System" there are "NO nationalities", human being must be classify by religion only
Example will be "Like if you're not a believer of their religion, you're expendable and considered "NON Human and EVIL" by default
To all my Chinese bros ans sister, please don't waste your time reasoning with those religious fanatics, because they've already "made up their mind" you're wrong and evil and they're the always "Right and Holy" due to their "Religion Superiority" over us the so-called "Non believers" before your engagement with them even started.

Engaging them is indeed fruitless. Religious fanatics who disrespect national sovereignty of others cannot be reasoned with. As long as they are harmless and simply killing each others based on sects, they are left alone, it is a form of population engineering. If they become violent against us, then , we strike hard and terminate them.

For us, religion is not a public good. It is private. And we have a good historical record to transform foreign religion's into cultural subjects. In Taiwan, when one becomes Christian, he just adds another ancient god, this time not a direct ancestor.

Our innate secularism, practical mind, and absence of fatalism prevented the emergence of man-made religions, unlike in the Middle East, which generated several other-worldly fatalist unscientific teachings.

Their mindset clearly reflects their conditions.

What we can do is to limit ideological communication with them at the minimum, do practical business, keep security very tight at home, promote national culture, and deal with violent religious teachings very harshly.

This is what we are doing and it generates strong sentiment. Because we are hitting them where it hurts more. This is like a body responding violently when you start to take out the cancerous cells.

If you directly kill them, they will feel good, repopulate more, and use death as a negative incentive. But when when you touch their symbols of interaction and public display, they will not enjoy that negative incentive.

This is why they hate China so much, which is a good thing. China bans public displays of religiosity, gives them secular education, including evolution, provides national entertainment, destroys illegal schools, and eradicates poverty.
If we are looking strictly from logical/cultural POV, Chinese are right. They have to stop religious influence early on, because with Islam it is not separated from society. It makes up political, social and cultural fabric. Which is very differing from one envisioned by those who founded China. So they can't have it. So, yeah, they are basically going to restrict Islam or some more strict aspects of it, which is only seen in maybe one or two school of thoughts. It's also worrying if religious education is consuming children lives, not because of extremism but due to departure from usual criteria that is focused on. Which is science/economy/etc.... It's not only Chinese, but many others seeing this problem in the world, including some Muslim gov't them selves. Beard or Niqab isn't issue in Muslim nations, but the governments pretty much separate Islam from politics.

Reason why Christianity or Judaism isn't targeted like Islam, is because they no longer have impact on culture, society, laws or social fabric. Only influence they have is 'identity' influence, in which white Christians/Jews, maybe Hispanics too, see each other as one 'people'. So if Christianity somehow overtook China, it would become sort of like America. It's really only used for political gain. But, identity is serious. Meaning many of that subset group of Christians identify with each other, especially when it comes to Muslim migration or spread of Islam in their nations, or even strengthening of Islam in the ME(which is historically important to them too).

Islam, too, is used today as political gain by Muslim nations and groups. The reasons some Muslims can't see it is because the tense situation within Islam today and tense political situation in the region, so they really believe that world is teaming up on them, and that either Shia is the righteous group with Sunni's helping enemies of Muslims, or Sunni's the other way. Shia are more pragmatic, less religious, and more secular when it comes to lifestyle. I don't see their faith being major driver of their society, I feel like they have a will to live and enjoy the world. Sunni is more religious and have more faith, so they are more likely the ones to actually try implementing Islam as way of life.

So the world is worried of Sunni Muslims. And Sunni Muslims are going through what other religions went through in past. Where pressure is put by society to put Islam behind and move on, just keep it personal thing. However, this is being played too early,and the political scenes in ME make it much more volatile. And you will people violently oppose this, those being Jihadist groups. But, in the future is looking more and more like it will involve mainstream Sunni Muslims if they can't see how the world is changing and how to react it. They do have a point, though, that there is indeed agenda to rid of religions influence. The debate is whether this is religiously motivated or is just due to world moving on with secular globalization. This debate is decided by individuals and it is what is causing rift.

Now, what I don't get, why Muslims from ME for example, speak of this but will not look at the state in the ME which is horrifying and intense. Everyone is nervous, even stable nations. Because it's not just inter political in the region, it is also seen by some as religious struggle. So they don't know if this gets worse as the future goes on, what will happen. What will happen, is your children are going to be subjected to violence. It's going to be dangerous for Muslims in the future due to everything converging.

I don't think it can be avoided. Because, several reasons, one being that Muslims focused on spreading Islam and think this is some kind of achievement if you increase # of your people. Rather than look within and solve crisis's within the community. Other being Arab governments realize they are a bit late, and now focusing on prevention and internal security. It's on the edge even for them. And then of course you have Western politics, where they feel they can't introduce secularism quickly enough and resorting to bad political moves to maintain interests in the meantime, which are not winning hearts of people. Then most important, it's interpretation of Islam itself. Many Muslims look to how their Prophet(pbuh) handled affairs in the past, and they don't know how he would today. So they resort to orthodox measures, which is not going to succeed, you will have issues with modernization. And this debate itself, relies on faith, because on one hand people do believe, so they assume orthodox measures is needed. On other hand, people have doubts but can't strike a balance or have no control over situation.

So priorities need to change, if you want different future for next generation of people. All the world bears responsibility too, not just Muslims. Otherwise it's a nasty future for all people involved. Likely by 50 years.

Go back home. Best regards. AMong all Muslim country around the world only few use Islam and it's charia law as part of a political view... the Gulfs+Iran... ( and in some degree a little Turkey with AKP) So bf spreading BS on a subject you can't even begin to understand, try to use your tongue correctly.

Christianity and Judaism no involved in politics DAFUQ you're smoking... what about the Extremist Jews who are in power today in Israel, that even Laws can't abide for them or the coming back of Yave Law... in the political battle field... And for Christianity you've got the orthodox in Russia who are politized... How do you think Putin get all his strenght from? he hates the oligarchs ... the clergy is one of his stronger weapon today.
Every Religion has a political branch, whoever they are.

Last word, it's not Islam who got a problem, but few Khawarji (fanatics) who are not muslims but use that word to get those poor/ simple minded ppl to join. As for China, she has the right to prevent any attack or extremist in her country, but the only problem it's the type of prevention that his wrong, since it's bc of that, you get those terro breeding cancer rise... Preventing a muslim to wear a veil , to stop Ramadan and allow only few ppl by age to go to salat ( prayer) as a prevention against extremist, then it's wrong. Period

Anyway Have fun
Best regards.
Go back home. Best regards. AMong all Muslim country around the world only few use Islam and it's charia law as part of a political view... the Gulfs+Iran... ( and in some degree a little Turkey with AKP) So bf spreading BS on a subject you can't even begin to understand, try to use your tongue correctly.

Christianity and Judaism no involved in politics DAFUQ you're smoking... what about the Extremist Jews who are in power today in Israel, that even Laws can't abide for them or the coming back of Yave Law... in the political battle field... And for Christianity you've got the orthodox in Russia who are politized... How do you think Putin get all his strenght from? he hates the oligarchs ... the clergy is one of his stronger weapon today.
Every Religion has a political branch, whoever they are.

Last word, it's not Islam who got a problem, but few Khawarji (fanatics) who are not muslims but use that word to get those poor/ simple minded ppl to join. As for China, she has the right to prevent any attack or extremist in her country, but the only problem it's the type of prevention that his wrong, since it's bc of that, you get those terro breeding cancer rise... Preventing a muslim to wear a veil , to stop Ramadan and allow only few ppl by age to go to salat ( prayer) as a prevention against extremist, then it's wrong. Period

Anyway Have fun
Best regards.

I don't want go over with you over the argument about the preventive measure that China is taking, you entitle to have your opinion, but keep repeating the same thing over will not make you "better" right.
Banning religious symbolism publicly, terminating and exterminating violent religiosity, exposing regions secular development and raising kids under secular national education is the only long term feasible solution.

Otherwise, tolerance will spread the cancer. Extreme religious ideologies use peace theory as a means, not as an end. Because their end goal is to win the great prizes in the after life. For that, they can burn down this world.

Spirituality is a mild personal form of religion and can be tolerated. In the end, some individuals need more psychological assurances of a deep and almost scientific belief in the after world in their own domain.

To make this distinction and regulate one and keep the other under control is the job the state.

China is doing a very basic of the state's responsibility toward its citizens.

China has introduced new restrictions in the far western region of Xinjiang in what it describes as a campaign against Islamist extremism.

The measures include prohibiting "abnormally" long beards, the wearing of veils in public places and refusing to watch state television.

Xinjiang is the homeland of the Uighurs, a traditionally Muslim group who say they face discrimination.

Recent years have seen bloody clashes in the region.

The Chinese government blames the violence on Islamist militants and separatists.

But rights groups say the unrest is more a reaction to repressive policies, and argue that the new measures may end up pushing some Uighurs into extremism.


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Media captionBeards are banned in Xinjiang, except for the elderly
Though similar restrictions have already been in place in Xinjiang, they become legally sanctioned as of this weekend. Reuters news agency reports that the new laws also ban:

  • Not allowing children to attend government schools
  • Not abiding by family planning policies
  • Deliberately damaging legal documents
  • Marrying using only religious procedures
The rules also state that workers in public spaces, such as stations and airports, are now required to "dissuade" those who fully cover their bodies, including veiling their faces, from entering, and to report them to the police.


The restrictions were approved by Xinjiang lawmakers and published on the region's official news website.

Chinese authorities had previously imposed other measures, including restrictions on granting passports to Uighurs.

Uighurs and Xinjiang
Image copyrightAFP
  • Uighurs are ethnically Turkic Muslims
  • They make up about 45% of Xinjiang's population; 40% are Han Chinese
  • China re-established control in 1949 after crushing the short-lived state of East Turkestan
  • Since then, there has been large-scale immigration of Han Chinese
  • Uighurs fear that their traditional culture will be eroded
Why is there tension between China and the Uighurs?
No fucks will be given by a certain iron brother community, yet they will flood other countries topics regarding Islamophobia.

It's the true test, are you more nationalist? Goes to show, people in defence forum are a very small group of people in each country.

As far as this content, I have no problem with the concept of their country, their rules. China doesn't have to be PC about nothing, they know too well cockroaches use freedom of speech, freedom of religion, etc, etc, etc. to their advantage in a malicious way. But restricting Ramadan, etc. is a bit extreme.
No fucks will be given by a certain iron brother community, yet they will flood other countries topics regarding Islamophobia.

It's the true test, are you more nationalist? Goes to show, people in defence forum are a very small group of people in each country.

Tbh it is only Turkey who standing up for Muslim brothers in China.

Pakistan are more busy using China as a leverage against India and accepting China investment over caring for China treatment of Muslims.
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