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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

they will and must defend their culture from Mullahs and extremists
Pakistan tried to tolerate it, and look what happened
better to nip the evil in the bud
It's not Mullah things they are banning are orders of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW if they have problem than stop hypocrisy and declare Islam as enemy. Stop taking the cloak of Mullah to abuse Islam show guts and direct talk about Islam. Beard and Niqab are order of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW not Mullahs
Its a known fact China discriminates heavily against muslims in Xinjiang, thats why Turkey are heavily supporting them.

Pakistan cant do the same because they are heavily reliant on China investment.

Its the same reason why no one can order China on the SCS and India on Kashmir, because of the 2 nations growing influences.

China is apprehensive about Uigers, not Muslims in general. So it's mostly a separatism issue rather than a religious issue. As for this particular case, whoever demoted this guy is overtly strict. I don't be surprised if there is another backstory behind the actual story. My bet is on some other personal issues and the fact that he smoked was an excuse.
Mao did make mistakes, big mistakes, but millions death were caused by him is simply ridiculous and western propaganda. China admit both his contributions and mistakes.
Mao did make mistakes, big mistakes, but millions death were caused by him is simply ridiculous and western propaganda. China admit both his contributions and mistakes.
lol even you own country admits the millions death, who died by stravation and work... lol...
Not even speaking about the one child policy who killed Dozens and dozens of thousands girls... bc they wanted a man... that's just the tip of the iceberg sir... only the tip
It's done by Chinese, so it must be right!
I don't understand...what's the fuss is about!
Million death is true, there was famine, but blame ONLY Mao for the mistakes is also ridiculous. Again, I admit the mistakes, it's old problem, fixed. Now can you elaborate here why Tunisia is the championship ?
Yes they are this kind of actions will only help groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda. They are building up a volcano which would blast one day and burn all of them.
They are new to this...they'll learn sooner or later.
They are new to this...they'll learn sooner or later.
I don't know why countries can't get Egypt banned Muslim Brotherhood and now most of there guys are pissed and joining ISIS. A party who always did political struggle Egypt just handed them to ISIS on plate and now facing the crap. Algeria went through same France and Europe facing same but no country bothers to learn.
Whatever floats the communist boat!

If a country faces religious extremism then I don't see a reason why it should not be curbed.
If temporary culling citizen freedom is for a higher purpose then why not?
I support the Chinese government's action.
As far as official being demoted for not smoking, is concerned it reminds me of Marx's words "communism begins where atheism begins".
The guy has been demoted for not sticking to what his party expected of him.
I have observed something similar in Kerala, which is one of the two strongholds of communists in India.
Million death is true, there was famine, but blame ONLY Mao for the mistakes is also ridiculous. Again, I admit the mistakes, it's old problem, fixed. Now can you elaborate here why Tunisia is the championship ?

Mao was the head of state, the one with ALL power... he didn't care about his own ppl, that what a dictator is...

As for TN terro export, it's simple, we were under a stupid Dictator who blocked any knowledge on religion and therefore when he left those young stupid f*ck with basic crap knowledge about their religion tho' they were doing something good by joining a rat terro orgnization...
Simple :)

You can't push a blind to see...
Today it's different in TN, those TErro are the swear enemies of any of us... not only us but any knowledgeable muslims around the world.

FYI: ISIS and co are called Khawarji, meaning the Dog of Hell, since the beginning of Islam, our prophet asked us to fight them till the END, no mercy. Those guys will be seen as being TRUE devoted Muslims, but when you speak with them, they will stink Arrogance and madness... at that moment you knwo you found one. In our religion you can't say to a Muslim that he's not one anymore, it's forbidden, But for them, they are using it as they wish...
China is apprehensive about Uigers, not Muslims in general. So it's mostly a separatism issue rather than a religious issue. As for this particular case, whoever demoted this guy is overtly strict. I don't be surprised if there is another backstory behind the actual story. My bet is on some other personal issues and the fact that he smoked was an excuse.

Comrade, until people actually meet the two people i.e. Uighurs and Hui, they will never understand the dynamics and elements involved in this dispute.
It's not Mullah things they are banning are orders of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW if they have problem than stop hypocrisy and declare Islam as enemy. Stop taking the cloak of Mullah to abuse Islam show guts and direct talk about Islam. Beard and Niqab are order of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW not Mullahs
Beard is a sunnah
and niqaab is a creation of Mullahs
and if you are so concerned, why not go for Jihad, and get killed.
Comrade, until people actually meet the two people i.e. Uighurs and Hui, they will never understand the dynamics and elements involved in this dispute.

I'm not communist. But besides that, I agree with you.
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