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You have a very weird way of thinking. Being friend of you means we have to sacrifice our sovereignty to satisfy your religion feeling? What kind of friend is that? Could you think from a human being's view? not your God's view?

I am not asking you to sacrifice anything
ISIS (wahabis) are killing Muslims and non-Muslims and the West is aiding groups like ISIS and other terrorists organizations in Syria, Libya and other ME countries for their nefarious reasons. So as much as you'd like to blame Islam for this problem that simply not the case.

The western aided terrorists are fighting in the name of Islam for their western masters


I don't blame them, I feel sorry for them.

Muslims who have sold their sovereignty to Western powers, killing other Muslims who are from a different sect.

Western Christian countries dropping more bombs on Muslim countries than in the entirety of WW2, with over a million innocent Muslims blown up by Western Christians in the Iraq theater alone.

Now the West says: Oh look, China says that beards in Xinjiang can't be TOO long! Now there is the real tragedy, forget the millions they are killing in the Middle East as we speak.
Don't let this argument lead you believe that I really care about China, Chinese people, your culture or whatever. China just happens to be a good business partner at the moment and that is fine, but their is no emotions attached to your country or your people.

However, your own commie government doesn't see it this way. There are people- to -people contact between china and Pakistan, so go b*tch at your commie government first for allowing this with ISLAMIC Republic of Pakistan

its more than an alliance it is a friendship! apparently, your own commie gov doesn't care what you think. .. lol!


The forthcoming establishment of the center reflects the strengthening of the bonds of friendship between China and Pakistan. It will provide greater opportunities for learning each other’s languages and knowing the respective cultures.

You Indians will never understand. :lol:

CPEC serves the national interests of both China and Pakistan. Nothing to do with religion, ethnicity or anything else.

That's why you'll keep crying, while CPEC keeps getting built. There are enough Indian tears over CPEC to fill multiple reservoirs, a few more Indian tears from you won't make a difference.
@Dungeness @TaiShang

As much as I despise the US government, I have to admit they are managing to keep the war away from their mainland. Better to let other countries be the battlegrounds.

Countries like China, US and Russia are massively building up their scientific and technological power... while the heavily religious Middle East is imploding under its own weight.

Now as the Middle East continues to implode for another decade or two, see how the military and technological power of China/US/Russia will grow. With a single ship we will have more destructive power than all of ISIS combined.

Now we have the fastest supercomputer in the world using Chinese microchips, in a few decades that computing power will look completely insignficant compared to the Quantum supercomputers we will have. And meanwhile the Middle East will still keep blowing itself up, passing the hatred from generation to generation.

Nothing we can do for them. When a child has seen their parents blown up by ISIS, a barrel bomb or an American drone, that's not the kind of hatred that just dissapears after a few years. This is a hatred that will be passed down for several generations at the very least.

Scientific pragmatic secular developmentalism and progressivism vs. archaic sectarianism, hatred, division, underdevelopment and regression. That's the difference between secularism and religiosity; Middle East and East Asia.

I am glad our combined civilizational culture is essentially mundane, secular and accountable to the living world, not to the imaginary post-world or after world on which we have no control.

Those regions you mention have little or no chance for progress. Hence, even when they keep hating the West or irreligious China or Japan, they will attempt to hurt you by using your own creations/products. Just like hating the US and spreading religious propaganda via Twitter. So much for the anticipated golden age that will supposedly come after they suicide-blow half of the world.

Having interactions with them, I feel and pity for the women and children while despise the religious power elites. Thanks heavens, we have extremely secular and mundane progressive dialectical governments and leaderships on both sides of the Straits. I attribute our entire progress to these values. The West, similarly, achieved progress only after they decided to root out religion from their public domains. Whatever remains are cultural rituals that unify people and add color.

Stop putting words in China mouth!
It's coming from your media..
While officially we don't form any alliance with Russia let alone Iran and Pakistan

Officially, we do not have any alliance. We have not signed any single document that says we are allying with any other state entity.

And, not in this universe will there be a chance for China to form alliance with a state, let alone with a religion.

The guy is quoting Indian and other radical media which uses such technical terms very liberally/loosely. For masses, of course, no difference between a partner and an ally. But, for a diplomat or bureaucrat that actually write those documents, terminology is of the utmost importance. It is so for polities with deep and comprehensive state tradition. Banana republics might think an ally and a partner is actually the same thing.

First they say your food is not halal, then they say the smell of your food is not halal, then the supermarket you shop is not, then the chair you have sat on, then..........

They are segregating themselves from the majority of society. This trend needs to be stopped!

This is how it goes. You give one inch, they ask for three more. There is no end because they are essentially totalitarian in their world view. Just look at the shameless argument made on this thread, poking their nose in our sovereign affairs based on some fuzzy ideas of religious affinity. Then it is clear how much menace these people create in their own societies. This explains the radicalization tendency in those countries with no limit.

They will start with small concessions. Food, transportation, school, supermarket, etc. Then they will spread their control over your life. It is the women that suffer the most because religious totalitarianism is very patriarchal. Then child brides, children's violation (I read news from Turkey recently regarding minor boys being exploited by religious groups), violent control of the public domain will be a norm.

It is a cancer and the cancer is best to be removed at its very onset. China's move is in fact a belated one. But, better than nothing. Russia learned it the hard way in the Caucasus. I think what China wants is a harmonious transition to secular popular culture.
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CPEC is economy corridor !
I hope you just a minorities in Pakistan... otherwise
People - People relationships will have a big problem..

And stop using CPEC , we will not compromise our national security and won't be dictated by foreign countries

It is one of the legs of the Belt and Road, but not the most significant one. The most significant one is the Eurasian Silk Road which extends from China to Europe via Central Asia and Russia.

Most of China's investment has gone to that road. CPEC is intended for South Asia.

It is a pragmatic business deal which is in the interest of Pakistan and China alike. Otherwise, neither Pakistan nor China would invest just for the sake of an imaginary friendship (not an alliance).

We have two pipelines from Myanmar, which makes it a more strategic partner than many other neighbors of China, which we share almost no strategic assets. And China does really give no importance to people's extreme religious pains that go beyond their national borders.

Hence, China vetoed a UK-sponsored resolution calling for an action against Myanmar. And we have seen tears flowing profusely for the ummah.

Same as Myanmar, I would argue, Kazakhstan is as much, if not more, important for China (and receiving investment) as Pakistan is for Belt and Road. In fact, we have pipelines from Kazakhstan, which makes the country a strategically more important partner of China.

But, still not an ally.

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you clearly lost the argument, so now you result to insults as last resort... poor commie :(

Hate more. The more you hate, the more you are relieved of your false "alliance" imaginary.

"It has always been the foundation for the lifeline and pursuit of all Communists to have full confidence in ideals and firm faith in communism. Belief in Marxism and faith in Socialism and Communism are the 'political' soul of the Communists, enabling them to withstand all tests. Put figuratively, the ideals and convictions of Communists are the marrow of their faith. Without, or with weak, ideals, they would be deprived of their marrow and suffer from 'lack of backbone.'"
But, still not an ally.

I feel that China isn't going to be signing any mutual defence treaties for a long time.

The last time we did that, we ended up fighting against the US + 16 of her allies combined during the Korean War. :lol:

I would love for us have a mutual defense treaty with Russia, but the truth is they don't need it. They can hold off most of the world already without breaking a sweat.
I feel that China isn't going to be signing any mutual defence treaties for a long time.

The last time we did that, we ended up fighting against the US + 16 of her allies combined during the Korean War. :lol:

I would love for us have a mutual defense treaty with Russia, but the truth is they don't need it. They can hold off most of the world already without breaking a sweat.

I think the closest we are to alliance is what we have with Russia, which is becoming quite an all around partnership, involving cooperation on military platforms, financial systems, space technology, currency, precious materials, and energy, among others.

Russia is always the first foreign country a President visits when he assumes the office.

I would also like to see a form of alliance between China and Russia because, as you say, it would be quite deterrent and would not entail and call for much sacrifice on both sides because both are capable of holding off a potential enemy, including the US.

Alliance with a minor-medium country would be disastrous, again, as you say. Either China would walk back on its promise, like the US did with the PH in 2012, or, engaged in a costly war.

I think Korean War was very necessary, and China would be involved even without a defence treaty. That's the point where the very survival of the nation is in the question.

Alliance with Russia would simply increase their deterrence, which is already enough individually to prevent any major war.
@Dungeness @TaiShang

As much as I despise the US government, I have to admit they are managing to keep the war away from their mainland. Better to let other countries be the battlegrounds.

Countries like China, US and Russia are massively building up their scientific and technological power... while the heavily religious Middle East is imploding under its own weight.

Now as the Middle East continues to implode for another decade or two, see how the military and technological power of China/US/Russia will grow. With a single ship we will have more destructive power than all of ISIS combined.

Now we have the fastest supercomputer in the world using Chinese microchips, in a few decades that computing power will look completely insignficant compared to the Quantum supercomputers we will have. And meanwhile the Middle East will still keep blowing itself up, passing the hatred from generation to generation.

Nothing we can do for them. When a child has seen their parents blown up by ISIS, a barrel bomb or an American drone, that's not the kind of hatred that just dissapears after a few years. This is a hatred that will be passed down for several generations at the very least.
I was disappointed when China signed so many deals recently with Wahabis. Im afraid their way will hinder the projects turning potential money making to money losing.

If you want to make a deal with usa,who kept killing your people like video game, no problem,go ahead.

And continue to do so as we speak. I won't engage with this idiot. The more i spend time here i know guys like Richard Lynn is absolutely correct.

There is a program on CNN today, IS behind the Mask, the story of a Belgium young man returned home from the battle field as an IS fighter. When asked if he considers himself a Belgian, he said "No, I am a Muslim". A chill just run down of my spine.

I can't help but wonder if a Chinese Muslim considers himself a Chinese first or a Muslim first.
He be a Muslim first. Never Chinese because he's already indoctrinated.
@Dungeness @TaiShang

As much as I despise the US government, I have to admit they are managing to keep the war away from their mainland. Better to let other countries be the battlegrounds.

Countries like China, US and Russia are massively building up their scientific and technological power... while the heavily religious Middle East is imploding under its own weight.

Now as the Middle East continues to implode for another decade or two, see how the military and technological power of China/US/Russia will grow. With a single ship we will have more destructive power than all of ISIS combined.

Now we have the fastest supercomputer in the world using Chinese microchips, in a few decades that computing power will look completely insignficant compared to the Quantum supercomputers we will have. And meanwhile the Middle East will still keep blowing itself up, passing the hatred from generation to generation.

Nothing we can do for them. When a child has seen their parents blown up by ISIS, a barrel bomb or an American drone, that's not the kind of hatred that just dissapears after a few years. This is a hatred that will be passed down for several generations at the very least.
Too optimistic. A single idea - whatever it might be - could be more powerful and more destructive than all of the Chinese nuclear weapons combined. Many of you guys sound like Soviet politicians during the 60s.
To all Chinese members,

Don't waste your breath on anyone who is anger and want to use Muslim issue to interfere with China internal affaire, as I mentioned on my previous post, if any countries (friend or Foe) think is within their right to meddling into Chinese religious issue, we can do the same with reciprocation: US has already tasted their own medicine by using democracy as excuse to meddling into Chinese business, China is no longer show mercy, reservation and face saving for US on this issue. We will do the same for anyone to play religious game with us.

we have a saying:

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To all Chinese members,

Don't wait your breath on anyone who is anger and want to use Muslim issue to interfere with China internal affaire, as I mentioned on my previous post, if any countries (friend or Foe) think is within their right to meddling into Chinese religious issue, we can do the same with reciprocation: US has already tasted their own medicine by using democracy as excuse to meddling into Chinese, China is no longer show mercy, reservation and face saving for US on this issue. We will do the same for anyone to play religious game with us.

we have a saying:

Its not a matter of divide and conquer. You cannot reason with religious fanatics. China Pakistani relationship has nothing to do with China's internal laws. China can implement whatever law they want in Chinese territories. Fake Pakistani or real Pakistani cannot interfere.
It's their's freedom to criticize, good or bad intention, we should learn tolerance when we ask for others' tolerance. All are keyboard warriors, it's hardly to be called 'interference'. Also, all people's view does not impact S-P relationship at all, it's very naive to think so.
Its not a matter of divide and conquer. You cannot reason with religious fanatics. China Pakistani relationship has nothing to do with china's internal laws. China can implement whatever law they want in Chinese territories. Fake Pakistani or real Pakistani cannot interfere.

We have been polite and people take that as weakness, I know some false flaggers and especially Indians are so delight to draw a wedge between China and Pakistan.
I can only answer your 3rd question, professional monk, christian, mullah basically has no restriction. I emphasize the term 'professional'. buddlist, christian believers has no difference in cloth, appearance etc, however some Islamists do have such difference in public. There're at least 20-30 million Muslim in China, anti-terrorist task is high cost, high pressure, you can not check one by one, so believers' cloth and appearance become a signal to use. In fact, Uyghur policeman, SWAT solider play a key, major role in these tasks. Be pragmatic.

its called racial profiling my Chinese friend which is condemned in whole democratic world.
2nd beard or veil have nothing to do with extremism..

btw This thread is eye opener for many Pakistani whom consider China their all whether and so on.. i dont blame them bcoz our govt is telling us lies.. they should learn from this thread, Chinese dont believe in friendship and alliance they believe in their national interests, so should Pakistan.

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