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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

Good effort by our government!!!
We should get rid of this religion crap and push them to science and technology!

And for those who don't like our effort!
It means we doing great!

Let those ummah crying a river.
No need to explain to them.. it's useless

We will crush them!!!

There is no such alliance. China does not form alliance based on religious affinity.

China-Pakistan partnership is not a China-Muslim alliance. It is a state to state relationship. Very secular.

And yes, there is definitely ban on long beard and full face covering, along with 13 other behaviors, including extending halal concept to things outside food. Now you can continue your holy war somewhere else.

If one has long beard or wearing full face covering, one has no place in Xinjiang. It is a good thing and will do wonders.

To be honest I still don't get it. Where the hell this Muslim - china alliance coming from..

Our government indeed is the most efficient government in the world..
They must be gather intelligence from many country. Observe and learn how this halal concept go beyond food and destroys society.. that's why they prevented this kind of crap!!
I don't understand why you are being so aggressive!

When I say Chinese / Muslims alliance that means ans state-to - state partnership since China has relations with Muslim countries unlike the West

Because religion is only applicable in personal domain, not in public domain. In the public domain, religion is evil, regardless of the name, especially those organized and systemic (political-business) religions, not culture-tradition mixtures like Shamanism, Daoism or Shintoism.

So, there cannot be any Chinese-Muslim alliance. There is not any. We usually do not feel sympathetic just because you believe in something unseen very strongly.

Religion is not benchmark for anything in our daily life or behavior pattern and interactions.

And US has very deep relations with Saudi Arabia. Turkey is a NATO member. Pakistan has been working with the US in its war on terror for decades, including once against Soviet-friendly government of Karmal.

Maybe it feel like China is friendly to Muslim countries, but China is friendly to almost everybody because it does not have militarized foreign policy.

Nonetheless, the good relations do not mean that China as a secular state has any affinity toward any particular religion.
@Offshore @TaiShang

you people need to learn English before posting garbage here.

Alliance and partnership is the same thing !!!!

you people have a very deep relationship partnership/alliance with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, therefore, you have a partnership/ alliance Muslims whether you like it or not.
To be honest I still don't get it. Where the hell this Muslim - china alliance coming from..

In fact, it is almost an insult to the very founding text of China, the Constitution.

China's Constitution is very clear:

"Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the guidance of Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents, the Chinese people of all nationalities will continue to adhere to the people's democratic dictatorship and the socialist road, persevere in reform and opening to the outside world, steadily improve socialist institutions, develop the socialist market economy, develop socialist democracy, improve the socialist legal system and work hard and self-reliantly to modernize the country's industry, agriculture, national defence and science and technology step by step and promote the coordinated development of the material, political and spiritual civilizations, to turn China into a socialist country that is prosperous, powerful, democratic and culturally advanced" (Preamble).

"Article 36 Citizens of the People's Republic of China enjoy freedom of religious belief.
No State organ, public organization or individual may compel citizens to believe in, or not to believe in, any religion; nor may they discriminate against citizens who believe in, or do not believe in, any religion.

The State protects normal religious activities. No one may make use of religion to engage in activities that disrupt public order, impair the health of citizens or interfere with the educational system of the State.

Religious bodies and religious affairs are not subject to any foreign domination."

They must be gather intelligence from many country. Observe and learn how this halal concept go beyond food and destroys society.. that's why they prevented this kind of crap!!

Definitely. It starts with food. Then they begin to separate places. It never settles; they keep asking for more.

There is no rationality in their demands so they need to be protected from their own violent thought processes. The task falls on the government.

Alliance and partnership is the same thing !!!!

you people have a very deep relationship partnership/alliance with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, therefore, you have a partnership/ alliance Muslims whether you like it or not.

Stop teaching English; you sound like an Indian.

Alliance and partnership are definitely two things.

China may has strategic partnership with Pakistan, it has no alliance with anybody. Because alliance means mutual guarantee in case of an attack by a third party.

China does not give any promise to anybody. It is the US that does alliance diplomacy.

China has relations with the state of Pakistan, just as it has with the state of Iran and Italy. What title you give to yourself as a state organization is your internal business. However, it does not generate any China-Muslim alliance.

Muslim is not a political concept. It is a religious denomination. State relations are political. We do not care Pakistan calls itself Islamic or Zoroastrian Republic of Pakistan.

I personally think there are humans in Saudi Arabia and Italy, not Muslims or Catholics.
Because religion is only applicable in personal domain, not in public domain. In the public domain, religion is evil, regardless of the name, especially those organized and systemic (political-business) religions, not culture-tradition mixtures like Shamanism, Daoism or Shintoism.

So, there cannot be any Chinese-Muslim alliance. There is not any. We usually do not feel sympathetic just because you believe in something unseen very strongly.

Religion is not benchmark for anything in our daily life or behavior pattern and interactions.

And US has very deep relations with Saudi Arabia. Turkey is a NATO member. Pakistan has been working with the US in its war on terror for decades, including once against Soviet-friendly government of Karmal.

Maybe it feel like China is friendly to Muslim countries, but China is friendly to almost everybody because it does not have militarized foreign policy.

Nonetheless, the good relations do not mean that China as a secular state has any affinity toward any particular religion.

quit repeating your diatribe !

everyone knows that China is a atheist country, but Pakistan is an ISLAMIC country whether you like it or not, hence Pakistan's constitution is on based on Islam. So for Islamic Republic of Pakistan religion is not only personal, but also a form of governance. So rather than being a high mighty Chinese keyboard warrior you should immediately end CPEC because you are dealing with a country that applies Islam in a public domain per it's Constitution.

Furthermore, you have an ISLAMIC bank in China which operates based on Islamic law. So rather than wasting my time here convince your atheist government to shut down the Islamic bank since it violates your silly "values & beliefs" LOL!

I don't understand why you are being so aggressive!

When I say Chinese / Muslims alliance that means ans state-to - state partnership since China has relations with Muslim countries unlike the West

Maybe it is because you were deliberately or unintentionally pegging Chinese against Muslim in your previous posts? Expecting unlimited religious freedom in an officially atheist country, is like expecting unlimited preaching of Christianity in the land of Muslim. Let's respect each other's internal affair.
I personally think there are humans in Saudi Arabia and Italy, not Muslims or Catholics.

Fantastic way of putting it. :tup:

Look at all the wars and bloodshed in the world, which are almost entirely focused in the Middle East.

And they are not even a different religion from each other, they are from different sects of the same religion.

China should continue on our current path of scientific development. The only philosophy that should be driving politics is pragmatism, seeking truth from facts. Being practical and realistic.

Those who prefer religious extremism, are already wiping themselves out as we speak. There is nothing we can do for them.
Fantastic way of putting it. :tup:

Look at all the wars and bloodshed in the world, which are almost entirely focused in the Middle East.

And they are not even a different religion from each other, they are from different sects of the same religion.

China should continue on our current path of scientific development. The only philosophy that should be driving politics is pragmatism, seeking truth from facts. Being practical and realistic.

Those who prefer religious extremism, are already wiping themselves out as we speak. There is nothing we can do for them.

Thanks God, China is an atheist country! :D
@Dungeness @TaiShang

As much as I despise the US government, I have to admit they are managing to keep the war away from their mainland. Better to let other countries be the battlegrounds.

Countries like China, US and Russia are massively building up their scientific and technological power... while the heavily religious Middle East is imploding under its own weight.

Now as the Middle East continues to implode for another decade or two, see how the military and technological power of China/US/Russia will grow. With a single ship we will have more destructive power than all of ISIS combined.

Now we have the fastest supercomputer in the world using Chinese microchips, in a few decades that computing power will look completely insignficant compared to the Quantum supercomputers we will have. And meanwhile the Middle East will still keep blowing itself up, passing the hatred from generation to generation.

Nothing we can do for them. When a child has seen their parents blown up by ISIS, a barrel bomb or an American drone, that's not the kind of hatred that just dissapears after a few years. This is a hatred that will be passed down for several generations at the very least.
Definitely. It starts with food. Then they begin to separate places. It never settles; they keep asking for more.

There is no rationality in their demands so they need to be protected from their own violent thought processes. The task falls on the government.

First they say your food is not halal, then they say the smell of your food is not halal, then the supermarket you shop is not, then the chair you have sat on, then..........

They are segregating themselves from the majority of society. This trend needs to be stopped!
I have several Chinese friends, so I have no desire to pegg Chinese against Muslims.

in fact it is @TaiShang and other Chinese members here that are pegging themselves against Muslims and playing into the hands of the West
You have a very weird way of thinking. Being friend of you means we have to sacrifice our sovereignty to satisfy your religion feeling? What kind of friend is that? Could you think from a human being's view? not your God's view?
India should emulate China.

Everyone will be happy if you did.

Start with removing ban on Muslim diet,
revoke legalized rape of Muslim women (AFSPA),
revoke legalized killing of Muslim civilians (AFSPA),
stop riots that kill thousands of Muslims per day and bring all culprits to justice,
hang your PM Modi for Gujarat massacre!

Then, ban long beards and veils. No one cares.
@Dungeness @TaiShang

As much as I despise the US government, I have to admit they are managing to keep the war away from their mainland. Better to let other countries be the battlegrounds.

Countries like China, US and Russia are massively building up their scientific and technological power... while the heavily religious Middle East is imploding under its own weight.

Now as the Middle East continues to implode for another decade or two, see how the military and technological power of China/US/Russia will grow. With a single ship we will have more destructive power than all of ISIS combined.

Now we have the fastest supercomputer in the world using Chinese microchips, in a few decades that computing power will look completely insignficant compared to the Quantum supercomputers we will have. And meanwhile the Middle East will still keep blowing itself up, passing the hatred from generation to generation.

ISIS (wahabis) are killing Muslims and non-Muslims and the West is aiding groups like ISIS and other terrorists organizations in Syria, Libya and other ME countries for their nefarious reasons. So as much as you'd like to blame Islam for this problem that simply not the case.

The western aided terrorists are fighting in the name of Islam for their western masters

@Dungeness @TaiShang

As much as I despise the US government, I have to admit they are managing to keep the war away from their mainland. Better to let other countries be the battlegrounds.

Countries like China, US and Russia are massively building up their scientific and technological power... while the heavily religious Middle East is imploding under its own weight.

Now as the Middle East continues to implode for another decade or two, see how the military and technological power of China/US/Russia will grow. With a single ship we will have more destructive power than all of ISIS combined.

Now we have the fastest supercomputer in the world using Chinese microchips, in a few decades that computing power will look completely insignficant compared to the Quantum supercomputers we will have. And meanwhile the Middle East will still keep blowing itself up, passing the hatred from generation to generation.

Nothing we can do for them. When a child has seen their parents blown up by ISIS, a barrel bomb or an American drone, that's not the kind of hatred that just dissapears after a few years. This is a hatred that will be passed down for several generations at the very least.

There is a program on CNN today, IS behind the Mask, the story of a Belgium young man returned home from the battle field as an IS fighter. When asked if he considers himself a Belgian, he said "No, I am a Muslim". A chill just run down of my spine.

I can't help but wonder if a Chinese Muslim considers himself a Chinese first or a Muslim first.
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