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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

They look like Koreans with cosmetic surgery.

Those Uighur looks closer to a Han Chinese than a Turk. Just saying.
They also look like Chinese with cosmetic surgery.
Uyghurs, Kazakhs and Tajiks living in China have some Caucasian features to them. You will also find similar women near the border with Russia, as many of them are mixed.
AUGUST 27, 2015


Uighurs in Xinjiang Province look at posters put up by the Chinese government that show scenes associating Uighurs with destruction or cooperation between Uighurs and Han Chinese

BEIJING — Chinese courts in the restive, western region of Xinjiang have jailed 45 people on terrorism-related charges, including 18 convicted of organizing illegal border crossings, state-run media reported Thursday.

Among them were at least eight people — most likely minority Uighur Muslims — who were sentenced to prison terms on charges of trying to leave China unlawfully, the official Xinhua News Agency said.

Beijing has recently come under international criticism after it succeeded in having sent back to China about 100Uighurs who had sought refuge in Thailand. The men were filmed being hooded, cuffed and escorted to China under tight police watch.

Authorities have said the Uighurs seeking to leave China are influenced by religious extremism and planning to join jihad, or holy war. Advocates for Uighurs say they are fleeing China to escape repression.

The eight who were sentenced included five people who were given eight to 10 years by a court in Kashgar, after being captured by Tajikistan police near the border with Afghanistan, Xinhua said. The news agency said they had met frequently to read about religious extremism and plotted to move abroad to join jihad.

In Hotan, a court jailed three men for 10 to 15 years after they were intercepted by Chinese police at the Urumqi airport on their way to Turkey on falsified Turkish passports, Xinhua said.

In two other cases handled by a Karamay court, 18 people — appearing to be from the majority Han ethnic group — were convicted of organizing illegal border crossings, Xinhua said.

In one case, two people — Wei Hai and Chen Qianggui — were imprisoned for life after they and 11 others helped 305 people to illegally cross into Vietnam from December 2013 and June 2014, for a fee of up to $1,000 per person, Xinhua said.

The Karamay court convicted five more "snakeheads" — a term for those who smuggle migrants — in a separate case, Xinhua said. The men were caught when they were hauling 21 illegal immigrants to Vietnam in April 2014, Xinhua said.

The report did not provide details on the other 19 people who were convicted and jailed.

The Uighurs caught in Thailand and other ASEAN nations with Turkish Passport.

So do these Uighurs considered themselves as Chinese or Turkish?

If the Uighurs thinks that Turkey is their motherland then they should all be shipped back to Turkey and they should remain loyal to Turkey. Good Riddance Rubbish!
45 sentenced for terrorism in Xinjiang


Forty-five people were given jail terms ranging from four years to life imprisonment for terrorism, the local people's courts in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region said on Thursday.

The regional High People's Court said on Thursday that the suspects were tried in 10 cases in courts in Yili, Aksu, Hotan, Kashgar and Karamay recently.

The 45 people were accused of helping others illegally cross the Chinese border, organizing, leading and participating in terrorism and funding terrorist organizations.

In two of the cases, 18 human traffickers from other parts of the country were found guilty of helping more than 300 people enter Vietnam, making illegal profits of nearly 2 million yuan ($312,000).

Human traffickers Wei Hai and Chen Qianggui were sentenced to life in prison while the other 16 were handed prison terms ranging from seven to 15 years, reported the Xinhua News Agency.

In a case tried in Kashgar, five people were sentenced to eight to 10 years in prison after being arrested on the border between Afghanistan and Tajikistan attempting to join the East Turkestan Islamic Movement and Taliban terrorist groups.

The group often gathered to read books on religious extremism, watch videos featuring violent terrorism and conspire to migrate to other countries to join the jihad, the local court found.

In another case in Hotan, three were sentenced to 10 to 15 years for forging Turkish passports and attempting to fly from Beijing to Turkey to join the jihad, reports said.


I would say the terms given to ETIM and Turkey-bound ISIS terrorists are way to light.

Why not at least a life term in a labor camp?
The Uighurs caught in Thailand and other ASEAN nations with Turkish Passport.

So do these Uighurs considered themselves as Chinese or Turkish?

If the Uighurs thinks that Turkey is their motherland then they should all be shipped back to Turkey and they should remain loyal to Turkey. Good Riddance Rubbish!

It doesn't matter what 'they' consider themselves. Are you completely oblivious of law? Yeah, let's 'consider' myself this and that and it will be true. They are Chinese citizens first and foremost, and China gets to decide what happens with them. End of subject. They are subject to Chinese law.
A ‘mysterious corps’ was power behind the making of China's Xinjiang
| September 24, 2015, Thursday |

Sixty years ago, a huge paramilitary corps that today administers eight cities with a combined population of 2.7 million was not widely known to exist.

“We used to be called the ‘mysterious corps’. The exact locations of our regiment could not be revealed to outsiders,” said Xiong Ying, a member of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, or XPCC, a group established to reclaim land from desert, build cities and guard the border.

The XPCC now has its own administrative and judicial bodies and runs more than 4,000 companies, 14 of which are listed on the stock exchange.

Over the past six decades, it has opened up and spearheaded regional economic development in Xinjiang, which is preparing to celebrate its 60th anniversary as an autonomous region next month.

Two decades ago, Xinjiang Tianye Group was a failing plastics company. Now it is XPCC’s biggest enterprise, which exports chemicals, food, irrigation and water-saving equipment to over 60 countries and regions.

A water-saving irrigation system, which proved successful on parched land in Xinjiang, has been used on 4 million hectares of land across China. It is also marketed to farmers in countries such as Kazakhstan and Pakistan, where it has been installed on more than 10,000 hectares of land.

At an international expo held by XPCC last week, officials and companies from five neighboring countries attended.

Liu Xinqi, deputy Party secretary, told his guests: “XPCC has unique advantages, solid industrial infrastructure, and a strong urge to open up.

“It needs to deepen cooperation with both domestic and overseas businesses. We will create more opportunities for cooperation,” he said.

Political commissar Han Yong said: “Although the corps is located in the western borderlands and constrained by military rules, it cannot cut itself off from the rest of the world.”

“Russia is looking to strengthen cooperation with XPCC in agriculture. We have been given great opportunities as the two countries build the Silk Road Economic Belt,” said Russian State Duma member Svetlana Maximova, who was at the expo.

Jin Maofang, 82, a Shihezi resident, is respected in her community as part of a first generation of “military explorers.”

But 54 years ago, Jin, a young soldier from a well-off family in eastern China’s Shandong Province, was not sure about her fate when she was dispatched to the remote borders of Xinjiang.

“I fell ill on my trip to Xinjiang, and when I arrived, I saw nothing but sand, desert and flying dust,” Jin recalled.

Over the decades, millions of people like Jin have overcome hardship and witnessed great changes.

“I remember working 12 hours plowing the field non-stop. When I was so tired that I could barely stand, I would lie down on the ground to sleep a few minutes,” she recalled.

“But we were firmly committed to changing the landscape of the desert, using our own hands to plant trees, reclaim farm fields and build our lives,” she said.

Jin’s image was on the one-yuan note in the 1960s — a proud symbol of industrialization. “The image is not only me. It tells the tale of that generation,” she said.
With a population of 2.7 million and 14 “divisions” or cities under its administration,the actual size of the XPCC is much larger than a “Corps”。 :D

The XPCC was created subsequent to the collective demobilization of the PLA’s 2nd、5th、6th corps and the 22nd army formation。
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Xinjiang's GRP Grows 115-Fold From 1955: Report

A white paper on ethnic equality, unity and development in Xinjiang revealed that the gross regional product (GRP) of the region in 2014 marked a growth of over 115-fold from that in 1955.

The white paper, titled "Historical Witness to Ethnic Equality, Unity and Development in Xinjiang" and issued by the State Council Information Office on Thursday, said that Xinjiang's GRP was only RMB1.2 billion in 1955 and RMB3.9 billion in 1978.

In 2014, the document said, it reached RMB 927.3 billion, a 116-fold increase over that of 1955 in real terms, with an annual growth rate of 8.3 percent.

Also, the docuemnt noted that Xinjiang's per-capita GRP rose to RMB 40,648 in 2014 from RMB241 in 1955, marking a 23-fold increase in real terms, and a 5.6-percent annual growth.

The white paper further noted that the economic structure is being steadily optimized and the infrastructure has become more and more complete in Xinjiang.

"Xinjiang has become an information society," the white paper said, adding that solid progress has been made in opening up to the outside world.

Moreover, the report added that steady progress has been made in environmental protection.

Since 2010, Xinjiang has planted or protected over 2,500,000 (166,667 ha) of forests by restricting access to mountain areas. Its total forest area and forest stock rank 14th and 12th in China.
Xinjiang's GRP Grows 115-Fold From 1955: Report

A white paper on ethnic equality, unity and development in Xinjiang revealed that the gross regional product (GRP) of the region in 2014 marked a growth of over 115-fold from that in 1955.

The white paper, titled "Historical Witness to Ethnic Equality, Unity and Development in Xinjiang" and issued by the State Council Information Office on Thursday, said that Xinjiang's GRP was only RMB1.2 billion in 1955 and RMB3.9 billion in 1978.

In 2014, the document said, it reached RMB 927.3 billion, a 116-fold increase over that of 1955 in real terms, with an annual growth rate of 8.3 percent.

Also, the docuemnt noted that Xinjiang's per-capita GRP rose to RMB 40,648 in 2014 from RMB241 in 1955, marking a 23-fold increase in real terms, and a 5.6-percent annual growth.

The white paper further noted that the economic structure is being steadily optimized and the infrastructure has become more and more complete in Xinjiang.

"Xinjiang has become an information society," the white paper said, adding that solid progress has been made in opening up to the outside world.

Moreover, the report added that steady progress has been made in environmental protection.

Since 2010, Xinjiang has planted or protected over 2,500,000 (166,667 ha) of forests by restricting access to mountain areas. Its total forest area and forest stock rank 14th and 12th in China.


The XPCC is administered by both the central government of the People's Republic of China as well as the government of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. It has sub-provincial powers on par with sub-provincial cities, and its economic and social development are administered separately from that of Xinjiang. The area and population of the XPCC are generally given as part of Xinjiang's total figures, but the GDP of the XPCC is generally listed separately.

Average GDP per capita of XPCC is higher than the number of Xinjiang(excluding XPCC), 63989yuan (around $10,000)

屏幕快照 2015-09-24 20.37.52.png


One of my relatives has spent his entire life in XPCC as a meteorologist. They are proud people.
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Women's veils a sign of backwardness in Xinjiang: Officials

BEIJING: The custom of women wearing face veils is not a tradition of minority people in China's western area of Xinjiang or in any Muslim country, but is a symbol of extremism and backwardness instead, a senior regional official said on Thursday.
Energy-rich Xinjiang, visited this week by British finance minister George Osborne on a rare trip by a Western official, is strategically located on the borders of Central Asia.
China has great plans for the region in its new Silk Road strategy.
The government has stepped up curbs on religious clothing in the heavily Muslim area, where it blames Islamist separatists for violence that has killed hundreds of people over the past few years.
Many Xinjiang experts say the outlawing of veils and strict enforcement of the rules could further stigmatise the region's Uighurs, who speak a Turkic language and call the region home.
Last year, Karamay, a northwestern city in Xinjiang, banned people wearing head scarves, veils or long beards from boarding buses.
Authorities in Xinjiang's capital of Urumqi have also banned the wearing of Islamic veils in public.
In unusually strong comments, Xaukat Emen, a member of the Xinjiang Communist Party standing committee, said face veils and other coverings for women were “typical extremist attire” and had nothing to do with Xinjiang, or Arab or Muslim countries.
"A people who totally cover both their eyes are certainly a backward people. We Uighurs do not want to see our female comrades wear this type of clothing," he told a news conference in Beijing.
"Many women want to work, and many want to have contact with society. So on this issue, we will resolutely not agree." In some cases, men had worn the veil to kidnap children, he added.
Uighurs have traditionally followed a moderate form of Islam, but many have begun adopting practices more common in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, such as full-face veils for women, as China has stepped up the security crackdown of recent years.
Exiles and many rights groups trace the real cause of the unrest to China's heavy-handed policies, including curbs on Islam and the culture and language of the Uighurs.
China denies trying to repress the Uighurs.
An Uighur himself, Xaukat Emen said the government was committed to supporting religious rights in Xinjiang, especially those relating to important festivals such as Eid and the fasting month of Ramazan.
"All the people enjoy religious freedom, and the normal religious practices of believers are protected by law," he said.

Women's veils a sign of backwardness in Xinjiang: Officials - World - DAWN.COM

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