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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

Hinduvadis just love the Chinese enemy. We lost cuz of Nehru. If he had used the airforce, outcome would have been different.

Just read stories of how Indian soliders single-handedly slaughtered dozens of Chinese soliders.

could have, would have, should have. At the end of the day the Chinese had better tactics. It's part of war.

In Modern war, the country who is the better motivated, better trained, has the better technology wins. Not a foolhardy concept of manhood.

You are welcome to send weapons to the Xinjiang brothers in arms. Then we might really know what the Chinese military is made of.

My guess is, it won't end well.

Now, I am against the Chinese infringing on the religious freedoms of Muslims. But it is hilarious you call me a Hindutvawaadi, cry discrimination against Muslims, but then write racial attacks against Chinese.
1. More long history one country has, more quarrel has it, especially which is formed by different ethnic groups.
2. Keeping different ethnic groups harmony is not easy.
3. For china having 56 ethnic groups, most are harmonious with han groups, except Uighur,tibetan.
It shows If relation is bad,the reason is not only han, but also Uighur.
4. Why not to eat one day?Since children,pregnant can eat,why not for adult.Is it really good to health?Personally i think it begins with college, it is because college student know sciences.
Take your terrorism supporting out of India to where it actually belongs, i.e. to your brothers, you piece of sh!t. Go and support your mujahid brothers from somewhere else.
I am asking you to do, the same thing China our enemy is doing to us. You are calling me terrorist?

What do you call Hinduvadis who support China?
They really are western wannabes yet they look like they are Africans. Sometimes I get confused in Canada and think they are Somalian or something until they start speaking or I get in proximity to smell them :bad::sick:

rofl smell them? being an Indian and stereotyping other Indians on smell make me feel like you are the western wannabe. That too trash western wannabe for educated ones dont even stereotype like you just did.
No, that is state-sponsored propaganda.

Pre-emptive sticked us and we literally ran out of ammunition cause they used human wave tactic. Not a proud victory of theirs.

south Indians sure are militarly pathetic but not us.

He is a typical islamophobe. He also has an unnatural hatred of Punjabis too. Truly a sick man.

are these responses seriously a rebuttal.

You can resarch credible historical jouranls/articles. But it was the truth. Until Genghis, The Chinese possessed one of the most sophisticated armies in the world. They had complex siege engines, sophisticated fortifications. China was divided at the time and kingdoms like the Golden Khanate were manned by mercenaries. And Genghis, for one of the first times united the fierce steppe tribes.

Using Siege engineers, Chinese military technology, Genghis ran roughshod over significant parts of Europe and Asia.

So no, not state propaganda, but a consensus agreed by explorers at that time and many accredited and notable historiains of today as well.

And if you haven't noticed, War is not a gnetleman's game. You use any underhanded trick to win.

Ain't no such thing as proud victory. In a war if you lose, you lose the right to define history books, as simple as that.

No amount of barrel chested Punjabi could have prevented that as the gun is a great equalizer.

Next time, I expect you to tax your brain (however hard it may be for you) more and come up with rebuttals based on fact, not on empty bravado fueled by internet anonymity.
Give them aks,rocket launchers and some grenades. And they are good. China is only ethnic cleansing them because they are un-armed. Once they get armed even Chinese are no match for Allah's Soliders.

Do we look like we give a rats @ss to what happens to them? China is more important to us then them.
rofl smell them? being an Indian and stereotyping other Indians on smell make me feel like you are the western wannabe. That too trash western wannabe for educated ones dont even stereotype like you just did.

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4. Why not to eat one day?Since children,pregnant can eat,why not for adult.Is it really good to health?Personally i think it begins with college, it is because college student know sciences.

In regards to fasting during Ramadan, I'm afraid it doesn't at all work that way.
rofl smell them? being an Indian and stereotyping other Indians on smell make me feel like you are the western wannabe. That too trash western wannabe for educated ones dont even stereotype like you just did.

@liall leave him. He had to change his previous avatar because one of the moderators found it was racist.

As well as making a bunch of heinous racist comments in the past. You know where these guys come from.
Discouraging religion indirectly is fine but probhiting religious rights directly shooud be stop. But again, it is none of our business.
Your double-standards are more hilarious. On one hand you dislike Indian Muslims. On other hand you love Chinese enemy who wnats to disintegrate India.

which is funny, because I distrust BJP and Hindutvawaadis.

But hey make snap judgements all you want.

So true these South-Indians always take anti-Indian stance. Whether support Dravidian politicians or the Chinese. They bash Muslims but forget Christians are on a conversion rampage.

And you support mass murderers. Good for you.
its just a western propaganda against China..thanks for pointing it out Xuxu
I am asking you to do, the same thing China our enemy is doing to us. You are calling me terrorist?

What do you call Hinduvadis who support China?

We dont need a mujji kook to tell us what to do and to support terrorists, China is our dharma brothers and we know how to manage our relations with them.
Brother ? Haha. I wonder why they support naxals? Why do they want to annex arunchal pradesh.

Look how racist Chinese are to Indian in this forum. Typical Hinduvadi traitor.

Chinese being racist about others is a funny thing because the whole world makes fun of chinese people - so we take it as a joke. But they are streets ahead of the jihadi scum who place bombs among our civilians and who talk about jihad from inside India against India itself. Those efftards are the traitors and we know who they are and where they run to hide like dawood, bhatkal, hafiz etc etc.

Jhis thaali mein khatein hain usi mein chedd karthein hai BC.
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