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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

This ban is a stupid policy. Come and learn from Singapore. You guys have merely 10 million Uyghurs vs 1.3 billion Han and got so much problem.

Singapore has just 2.5 million Chinese citizen surrounded by 250 million Islamist within and without. We have religion and racial harmony.
I will not blame our Muslim friends. Our government is one of the most disciplinary body. The government always seek to discipline its employees and officials so that they can preform their duty to the best of their ability. This is something our Muslim friends can learn from that. As official, you need to perform your duty or quit and find another jobs suitable to your religious belief.
The reason why Muslims have no trouble in Singapore is

1) Our government closes most sectarian schools and put most citizen in government schools
2) We have a public housing policy that has a racial quota to prevent formation of ethnic enclaves

The bad thing of China policy after the opening up is the reverse of Mao's racial policy by allowing Madrassah. In Madrassah, students of different race do not mix. In Singapore, the Malay who want to kill a Chinese will think about the good things his Chinese classmate and teachers did to them. The humanistic thought is what defeat the sectarian conflict. You cannot have it if Muslims are educated in Madrassah.

The Singaporeans Chinese are generally richer and by imposing a racial housing quota, the rich Chinese and poorer Malay stay side by side. There is no chance for people to form criminal gangs or terrorist cell under such backdrop. There is no critical mass of rascal population.

Even when there is, we have no short of informers.

By having racial quarters, the poorer uyghurs who never study well will form criminal gangs at the best, terrorist cell at the worst. The police will never get informers.
China imposes some restrictions just during Ramadan month and global media goes crazy over religious freedom while there are many countries where its literally illegal or forbidden to practice any other faith apart from their state religion yet media maintains relative silence over the issue. Talk about selective journalism. :lol:
China should respect the religious believes of their Muslim employees. Imposing such restriction is against the human rights. China is progressing but forgetting the ultimate power of one greatest force that can stop the whole progress in days!
atlest on.this i am with china...
its their country and its them to decide how to treat their citizen..
China imposes some restrictions just during Ramadan month and global media goes crazy over religious freedom while there are many countries where its literally illegal or forbidden to practice any other faith apart from their state religion yet media maintains relative silence over the issue. Talk about selective journalism. :lol:
This is something we don't understand as well. It seems we have no sovereign rights whatsoever to conduct our internal government policy. Do we need to ask our Muslim friends about the various treatment of non-Muslim? Nope that is not our style and we have no interest in bugging into other country internal affair. Likewise, we ask others to respect us. Like I recommend, if they don't like that policy, they can seek other jobs or request to stay at home during that month. We can't afford having our government officials not performing their best duty due to various religious function that is detrimental to their mental and physical health.
China should respect the religious believes of their Muslim employees. Imposing such restriction is against the human rights. China is progressing but forgetting the ultimate power of one greatest force that can stop the whole progress in days!
they are atheist bro, they don't believe in that ultimate power.....
This is something we don't understand as well. It seems we have no sovereign rights whatsoever to conduct our internal government policy. Do we need to ask our Muslim friends about the various treatment of non-Muslim? Nope that is not our style and we have no interest in bugging into other country internal affair. Likewise, we ask others to respect us. Like I recommend, if they don't like that policy, they can seek other jobs or request to stay at home during that month. We can't afford having our government officials not performing their best duty due to various religious function that is detrimental to their mental and physical health.

Every states has sovereign rights. Everyone has entitlement of their opinion, and they are free to express it in PDF.

The ban is a stupid policy.
This is something we don't understand as well. It seems we have no sovereign rights whatsoever to conduct our internal government policy. Do we need to ask our Muslim friends about the various treatment of non-Muslim? Nope that is not our style and we have no interest in bugging into other country internal affair. Likewise, we ask others to respect us. Like I recommend, if they don't like that policy, they can seek other jobs or request to stay at home during that month. We can't afford having our government officials not performing their best duty due to various religious function that is detrimental to their mental and physical health.
wait, isnt there summer vacation in China?
Every states has sovereign rights. Everyone has entitlement of their opinion, and they are free to express it in PDF.

The ban is a stupid policy.
Really? We feel like we don't have any rights.

The policy is a test. If it works, it sticks. If it doesn't, we abort it and try new policy to perfect our government official.

wait, isnt there summer vacation in China?
Summer vacation for student or government?
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