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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

you know I noticed highways now days are really good, but the number of cars traveling on them leaves something to be desired. Could be because driving cost more than a HSR ticket, taking into account gas and tickets for the highway.

Which btw are ridiculously high btw.

Yes, toll fees are way too high for many road segments.

I guess the BOT concession holders want to recoup their investment as early as possible。:devil::D

Good, these highways are impressive.

It's early days yet


The trunk routes of Xinjiang expressway netowrk:present and future
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Really? What was his name?

Yu Tianhua died at 47 years old. on June 29, 2014 at 18 o'clock in Urumqi

Yu Tianhua, Deputy Director of the Centre of the Ministry of public security intelligence participated in the special action to crack down on violent terrorist criminal activities of public security in Xinjiang during the Working Group,
Yu Tianhua died at 47 years old. on June 29, 2014 at 18 o'clock in Urumqi

Yu Tianhua, Deputy Director of the Centre of the Ministry of public security intelligence participated in the special action to crack down on violent terrorist criminal activities of public security in Xinjiang during the Working Group,

May he rest in peace....!





这个坛子里,哪个越南人不恶心,这个还算好一点(其实这个人在坛子里有两个帐号),像NiceGuy这样的才叫恶心呢,跟白痴差不多,看他的言论真感觉美国Orange agent的危害真不浅。
这个坛子里,哪个越南人不恶心,这个还算好一点(其实这个人在坛子里有两个帐号),像NiceGuy这样的才叫恶心呢,跟白痴差不多,看他的言论真感觉美国Orange agent的危害真不浅。

China's Uighurs claim cultural 'genocide'

Why the Uighur people will continue to reject China's colonial and apartheid rule.

Alim A Seytoff is the spokesperson for the World Uyghur Congress and the president of Uyghur American Association based in Washington, DC.


When people in the Muslim East and democratic West thought of China, they tended to think of it as a unified, strong, homogeneous and peaceful nation of Chinese people with a long, shared history happily living and advancing under Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) glorious rule.

In the relaxed post-Cold War political atmosphere, and especially after the West had engaged China, they tended to think of China as if it were a democracy, completely ignoring or subconsciously forgetting that China was still being ruled by one of the most brutal dictatorships in the world. Impressed by the breathtaking state-led development in China over the past 30 years and wanting strongly to enter the huge Chinese market to make millions, many nations and big corporations simply turned a blind eye to China's policies of heavy-handed repression of the Turkic and Muslim Uighur people of East Turkestan, which China renamed "Xinjiang".

However, the myth of a unified, strong, homogeneous and peaceful China has been increasingly challenged and shattered by the recent series of tragic events in East Turkestan and inner China, shocking both the Chinese people and the international community who were used to believing Beijing's interpretation of the political history of annexed territories and its so-called preferential treatment of the minorities.

''The Uyghur people, just like the Tibetans, will simply not continue to accept China's colonial and apartheid rule in their homeland in the 21st century. The ball is in Beijing's court."

On May 22, Chinese state media reported a bombing at an open market in Urumqi which caused the deaths of 31 people and injured 94. Although no Uighur group claimed responsibility, Beijing blamed the Uighurs. The attack was a latest in a series of attacks, including the Urumqi train station, Kunming train station and Tiananmen Square, allegedly carried out by the Uighurs. The attack on civilians was deplorable.

While the Chinese government continues to blame the violence on the "three evil forces of terrorism, separatism and religious extremism", many Chinese were brutally awakened to the facade of Beijing's narrative of a "peaceful liberation of Xinjiang" and the"happy dancing and singing" Uighurs in colourful costumes who offer nothing but praise to China's colonial rule in East Turkestan.

The bad blood between the Chinese state and Uighur people didn't begin yesterday. It began when Chinese communist forces led by General Wang Zhen occupied the East Turkestan Republic in October 1949 with the support of the Soviet Union and pacified the resistant Uighur people through public executions and massacres. Tens of thousands of Uighurs were killed by Wang's troops in communist China's conquest of East Turkestan.

Promises of self-rule

Although Chinese communists initially promised self-rule and even independence for non-Chinese people, it soon reneged on its promise after annexation and established the "Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region" in 1955. Contrary to Beijing's claims that "Xinjiang has been an inalienable part of China since ancient times", Xinjiang in Chinese literally means "New Territory".

The name "Xinjiang" is a direct insult heaped upon the indigenous Uighur people who have lived there for thousands of years while the use of "East Turkestan" by Uighurs is criminalised. The Uighur people, like the Tibetans and Mongols, have never enjoyed autonomy in their so-called Autonomous Region because all the political, military, police and economic decision-making powers are in the hands of Chinese officials. Uighurs at all government levels serve as figureheads, including the regional chairman.

Since China annexed East Turkestan, the relationship between the Chinese state and the indigenous Uighurs has been one of coloniser and colonised. In order to control the "New Territory", China ruthlessly suppressed any sign of Uighur unrest and transferred millions of loyal Chinese settlers into East Turkestan, providing them with jobs, housing, bank loans and economic opportunities denied to Uighurs.

At the same time, Chinese state corporations exploited the abundant natural resources of East Turkestan and transferred them to the Chinese motherland, leaving nothing to the Uighurs. While East Turkestan which is roughly the size of Iran possesses huge reserves of natural gas, oil, gold, uranium, coal and other minerals, the living standard of Uighurs is one of the lowest in China. The Uighur population in East Turkestan, which was nearly 90 percent in 1949, is now only 45 percent, while the Chinese population grew disproportionately due to state-sponsored mass settlement from around six percent in 1953 to the current 40 percent (excluding the Chinese military, seasonal workers and floating population). Many Uighurs believe Chinese are already a majority since Beijing continues to encourage their settlement.

The Uighur resentment toward Chinese rule comes from their loss of independence, failure to master and change their political destiny, and the sense of being overwhelmed by millions of Chinese settlers, who threaten their very existence as an historic, sovereign, and indigenous majority in their homeland of East Turkestan. They also resent the current Chinese colonial and apartheid rule, the systematic repression of Uighur people since 1949 and the reframing of its wholesale attack on the Uighurs as a fight against "Islamic terrorism" since 9/11.

Cultural 'genocide'

What is more, China tested 45 nuclear devices, both under and above ground, between 1964 and 1996 in East Turkestan, polluting air, water, land, and slowly killing both people and livestock due to the effects of radiation. Uighur resentment toward Chinese rule was further reinforced by China's current policies of cultural "genocide" on Uighur identity, culture, religious beliefs and practices, in addition to Chinese soldiers' extrajudicial and indiscriminate killings of Uighur men, women and children.

The Uighurs feel powerless to defend their historic homeland, their way of life, identity, culture, language and religion from Beijing's ever-intensifying onslaught and Chinese settlers appropriating everything that once belonged rightfully to them. When moderate Uighurs such as Professor Ilham Tohti and linguist Abduweli Ayup who had tried to work within the Chinese system were denounced and arrested, some then took matters into their hands out of desperation and committed horrific acts of political violence against not only Chinese security forces, but also against settlers.

Such attacks were immediately taken advantage of by Beijing to skillfully spin the narrative that it faced a "terrorist threat from Muslim Uighurs" and "China was also a victim of terrorism" in order to win public opinion both in China and the world and silence international criticism of its subsequent heavy-handed repression. Regardless of how China spins the story, the vast majority of Uighurs are peaceful and hoping for a peaceful change. Our repeated calls for a peaceful dialogue to resolve the political situation have fallen on deaf ears in Beijing. We believe a peaceful resolution of the East Turkestan issue is in the interest of both sides and the vicious cycle of violence has proven to be not a solution at all.

The Chinese government must understand that East Turkestan cannot be a land of opportunity and prosperity for the colonising Chinese settlers and a land of death and destruction for the indigenous Uighur people. Simply put, Beijing cannot maintain political stability or create ethnic harmony in East Turkestan by pointing a gun at every Uighur's head and fight the so-called three evil forces by treating all Uighurs as terror suspects or enemies of the Chinese state.

China has a clear choice - either treat the Uighur people as genuine Chinese citizens by honouring China's constitution and Regional Ethnic Autonomy Laws, or treat them as non-Chinese citizens and allow them self-determination to pursue their own political future. The Uighur people, just like the Tibetans, will simply continue to reject China's colonial and apartheid rule in their homeland in the 21st century.

The ball is in Beijing's court. If China continues to resist choosing either, but rather applies the same old failing method of heavy-handed repression on the one hand and forcible assimilation on the other, then it only means China has chosen war with all Uighurs and China will eventually turn its "New Territory" into its own Palestine.

Alim A Seytoff is the spokesperson for the World Uyghur Congress and the president of Uyghur American Association based in Washington, DC.

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera's editorial policy.

China's Uighurs claim cultural 'genocide' - Opinion - Al Jazeera English
CAIRO – A Chinese ban on Ramadan fasting for uighur Muslims in the Muslim-majority northwest district of Xinjiang has sparked protests from Saudis and expatriates who demanded a boycott of Chinese products.

“It’s the highest degree of injustice. People should be allowed to practice their religion,” Mohammed Badahdah, assistant secretary-general of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth, told Arab News.

“This shows their anti-Islam attitude as they consider those who practice Islam as terrorists. If this is allowed to continue, they will ban Muslims from Hajj and Umrah.”

Every year, Chinese authorities have repeatedly imposed restrictions on Uighur Muslim in the northwestern region of Xinjiang every Ramadan.

Ramadan, the holiest month in Islamic calendar, falls this year between Sunday, June 29, and July 28.

In Ramadan, adult Muslims abstain from food, drink, smoking and sex between dawn and sunset.

The sick and those traveling are exempt from fasting especially if it poses health risks.

Under the restrictions, all Muslim state employees were forced not to observe the fasting month of Ramadan.

Badahdah said the Chinese government has been imposing anti-Islam policies for the past several years, adding that the UN and Security Council have failed to protect Muslims.

“China is a closed country and we have started knowing about its oppressive policies against Muslims through social media,” he said.

“We Muslims have to unite and return to the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah. That is the only solution for our problems,” he told Arab News.

Badahdah said the Chinese action was a violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that protects freedom of religion and opinion, adding that tyrants and tyrannical regimes in the world would disappear one day.

“They have to learn lessons from history,” he said.

Muslim Unity

Rejecting the Chinese restrictions on their fellow Muslims, Saudis urged a Muslim unity to take political and economic actions against China for its oppressive policy.

“So Muslims all over the world should unite against such unjust and inhuman practices to put an end to them,” Badahdah, the assistant secretary-general of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth, said.

“We are a big force with a population of 1.5 billion and should defeat the enemy’s machinations to divide us. We have to become real Muslims to receive the help of Allah.”

Others urged Saudi Arabia and other OIC countries to support Muslim minorities in China and elsewhere.

“Our government took strong action against the Netherlands when a rightwing politician in the country abused Islam and the Saudi flag. We should take similar action against China if they do not review their anti-Muslim stance,” Fuad Tawfik, a Saudi engineer, told Arab News.

The 57-member Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), meanwhile, said it has contacted the Chinese government to discuss the issue.

“We are waiting for a reply from China,” an informed source told Arab News.

Tawfik decried the worsening condition of Muslims all over the world.

“They are even tested by some Muslim governments. This is very unfortunate. At the same time, it gives us the glad tidings that the support of the Almighty is very near for Muslims to overcome this period of troubles and tribulations. But we should exercise patience,” he said.

Blogger Hashmet Hussain urged a Muslim boycott for Chinese products.

“Banning the basic right of following the religion of Islam is a kind of terrorism,” he said.

Another blogger said: “For their own benefit China should immediately withdraw their decision and apologize to Muslims

Muslims Protest China’s Ramadan Ban - Asia-Pacific - News - OnIslam.net


I know. Whoever believe that he died by illness. Even Chinese news report used the word "sacrificed" means this is a KIA case
CAIRO – A Chinese ban on Ramadan fasting for uighur Muslims in the Muslim-majority northwest district of Xinjiang has sparked protests from Saudis and expatriates who demanded a boycott of Chinese products.

“It’s the highest degree of injustice. People should be allowed to practice their religion,” Mohammed Badahdah, assistant secretary-general of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth, told Arab News.

“This shows their anti-Islam attitude as they consider those who practice Islam as terrorists. If this is allowed to continue, they will ban Muslims from Hajj and Umrah.”

Every year, Chinese authorities have repeatedly imposed restrictions on Uighur Muslim in the northwestern region of Xinjiang every Ramadan.

Ramadan, the holiest month in Islamic calendar, falls this year between Sunday, June 29, and July 28.

In Ramadan, adult Muslims abstain from food, drink, smoking and sex between dawn and sunset.

The sick and those traveling are exempt from fasting especially if it poses health risks.

Under the restrictions, all Muslim state employees were forced not to observe the fasting month of Ramadan.

Badahdah said the Chinese government has been imposing anti-Islam policies for the past several years, adding that the UN and Security Council have failed to protect Muslims.

“China is a closed country and we have started knowing about its oppressive policies against Muslims through social media,” he said.

“We Muslims have to unite and return to the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah. That is the only solution for our problems,” he told Arab News.

Badahdah said the Chinese action was a violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that protects freedom of religion and opinion, adding that tyrants and tyrannical regimes in the world would disappear one day.

“They have to learn lessons from history,” he said.

Muslim Unity

Rejecting the Chinese restrictions on their fellow Muslims, Saudis urged a Muslim unity to take political and economic actions against China for its oppressive policy.

“So Muslims all over the world should unite against such unjust and inhuman practices to put an end to them,” Badahdah, the assistant secretary-general of the World Assembly of Muslim Youth, said.

“We are a big force with a population of 1.5 billion and should defeat the enemy’s machinations to divide us. We have to become real Muslims to receive the help of Allah.”

Others urged Saudi Arabia and other OIC countries to support Muslim minorities in China and elsewhere.

“Our government took strong action against the Netherlands when a rightwing politician in the country abused Islam and the Saudi flag. We should take similar action against China if they do not review their anti-Muslim stance,” Fuad Tawfik, a Saudi engineer, told Arab News.

The 57-member Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), meanwhile, said it has contacted the Chinese government to discuss the issue.

“We are waiting for a reply from China,” an informed source told Arab News.

Tawfik decried the worsening condition of Muslims all over the world.

“They are even tested by some Muslim governments. This is very unfortunate. At the same time, it gives us the glad tidings that the support of the Almighty is very near for Muslims to overcome this period of troubles and tribulations. But we should exercise patience,” he said.

Blogger Hashmet Hussain urged a Muslim boycott for Chinese products.

“Banning the basic right of following the religion of Islam is a kind of terrorism,” he said.

Another blogger said: “For their own benefit China should immediately withdraw their decision and apologize to Muslims

Muslims Protest China’s Ramadan Ban - Asia-Pacific - News - OnIslam.net
very good news
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