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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

If you really want to improve ties with China, and want to improve Uyghur people's social status, please first stop calling "East Turkistan" and "Free XXX", it clearly step in the red zone and would only back fire and encourage hardliners in China, which won't do any good to Uyghur people. Let's face it, China would never bent on foreign pressures and in practice won't cede territories, just like any other country. Saying "China still have a lot of room to improve on ethnic policies and practice and Turkey can share our experience with China" will be a much better start.

well, unlike a certain person here i dont go around and say "freedom for Turkistan". i say that it was occupied by China. nothing wrong with that, that is the truth.

i rather want to call it Turkistan rather than the other one wich i cant the name of it is something xinpingding something i dont know. easier to say Turkistan.

what i try to say is, why this dude doesn't want to accept the atrocities the Communist China did against Uyghur people in the past and has done until recently?

improving ties means that you sellout a certain group? what do you expect me to answer an idiot like that with?
Seriously you stupidity is really showing. you are majority of them support the PKK. I'm using your logical and it seems we are fighting extermists in Xinjiang that bomb and cause ethic tensions ? No ? if there were no problem between the Kurds and Turks the war with is still going there goal is a Kurdistan and they got it.

Actually they did succeed in Kurdistan similar and follow the path of south sudan. actually Kurdistan happened in Iraq now they are waiting for the Turkish area, Turkistan was never it's name Xinjiang and far before the Uyghurs ever lived there. we didn't occupy it, was apart of the country far before the communist even got power. your government doesn't even recognize it but pan turks and they did sell out for trade.

Shocking Images of Dead Kurdish Fighters: Turkey Accused of Using Chemical Weapons against PKK - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Turkey used chemical weapons against Kurdish PKK rebels: IHD
'Turks hit PKK with chemical weapons' - JPost - International
did you read the article carefully what you linked
'PKK Propaganda'
People talk to much about India

Now where is muslim brotherhood

Can Pakistani government and Pakistani people protest about it even on internet ????

Stop implicitely labeling all muslim with terrorist activities! What's your problem with muslim?

Back to topic, why so many Indians are so gleeful in this unfortunate event in China?

See how they jump up and down in such an ecstasy?

Don't forget your India is a murder capital of the world. rediff.com: India is the murder capital of the world

"accused" hmm.... "spiegel" hmm... okay you know what instead of making an argument against a dumb person i'll just join him.

i want you to forget what i wrote when i said reliable sources. not accusations!

free kurdistan kurds have succeeded turks are barbarians blah blah blah blah and turkey is evil and turkey is devil and turkey is zionist and blah blah blah and turkey kills innocent kurds and china is the paradise and blah blah blah!
well, unlike a certain person here i dont go around and say "freedom for Turkistan". i say that it was occupied by China. nothing wrong with that, that is the truth.

i rather want to call it Turkistan rather than the other one wich i cant the name of it is something xinpingding something i dont know. easier to say Turkistan.

what i try to say is, why this dude doesn't want to accept the atrocities the Communist China did against Uyghur people in the past and has done until recently?

improving ties means that you sellout a certain group? what do you expect me to answer an idiot like that with?

It was apart of China long before the Communists ever got there use a textbook please learn history.

We say Northern Kurdistan or Turkish occupied Kurdistan it's the same as what you are trying to say.

actually I have against my own Hui people as well as many others in the past, there are no atrocities against the uighurs but themselves they cause Riots and Kidnappings and Bombings your ignoring this fact as well.

Yes you have again name calling with an idiot that doesn't know a thing sacrificing for trade.

---------- Post added at 06:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:17 AM ----------

did you read the article carefully what you linked
'PKK Propaganda'

Denying western sources as well ?

---------- Post added at 06:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:17 AM ----------

"accused" hmm.... "spiegel" hmm... okay you know what instead of making an argument against a dumb person i'll just join him.

i want you to forget what i wrote when i said reliable sources. not accusations!

free kurdistan kurds have succeeded turks are barbarians blah blah blah blah and turkey is evil and turkey is devil and turkey is zionist and blah blah blah and turkey kills innocent kurds and china is the paradise and blah blah blah!

You yourself don't need to accept the reality but others do idiot. we never called our country Paradise however the same BS and Zionist things anyway already have discussed pretty much everyone on this thread I'm leaving it to the mods to clean up.
It was apart of China long before the Communists ever got there use a textbook please learn history.

We say Northern Kurdistan or Turkish occupied Kurdistan it's the same as what you are trying to say.

actually I have against my own Hui people as well as many others in the past, there are no atrocities against the uighurs but themselves they cause Riots and Kidnappings and Bombings your ignoring this fact as well.

Yes you have again name calling with an idiot that doesn't know a thing sacrificing for trade.

---------- Post added at 06:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:17 AM ----------

Denying western sources as well ?

you are so right china is the paradise of the world kurds are being slaughtered long life a free kurdistan wich turks oppress. i agree with you dude, poor kurds never had a country and now fighting for it.

north kurdistan long live etc... blah blah blah and more stupid propaganda! :tup:

spiegel is known for being correct and everything they say is true. if they say china oppress turkistan it is true to!
And isn't that funny that these countries call China cultural genocide??? And last year when Tibetan students protest based on the rumor that Tibetan schools will use Mandarin to teach physics and chemistry, there were international uproars saying China is doing cultural genocide. Why cannot China enforce just ONE official language?

Exactly the Point the one sided view they see. anyway I'm done with this leaving it to the mods.

---------- Post added at 06:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:19 AM ----------

you are so right china is the paradise of the world kurds are being slaughtered long life a free kurdistan wich turks oppress. i agree with you dude, poor kurds never had a country and now fighting for it.

north kurdistan long live etc... blah blah blah and more stupid propaganda! :tup:

Again putting words in my mouth I never used paradise you yourself on the other hand have, stateless people. Anyway I'm reported to the mods and leaving this up to them. including your posts. and yes they are fighting you.
okay man you are right china is a paradise and this and that okay we get it. just stop posting... you win. i dont want to post every 2 seconds confirming that china is best!!1!111!1111 and that turkey sucks. i get it know.
okay man you are right china is a paradise and this and that okay we get it. just stop posting... you win. i dont want to post every 2 seconds confirming that china is best!!1!111!1111 and that turkey sucks. i get it know.

No one said china was the best on this thread and no one said turkey sucks you on the other hand have seriously the amount of trolling leaving it up to the mods. you yourself are saying most of the things you are accusing us of.
It was apart of China long before the Communists ever got there use a textbook please learn history.

We say Northern Kurdistan or Turkish occupied Kurdistan it's the same as what you are trying to say.

actually I have against my own Hui people as well as many others in the past, there are no atrocities against the uighurs but themselves they cause Riots and Kidnappings and Bombings your ignoring this fact as well.

Yes you have again name calling with an idiot that doesn't know a thing sacrificing for trade.

---------- Post added at 06:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:17 AM ----------

Denying western sources as well ?

---------- Post added at 06:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:17 AM ----------

You yourself don't need to accept the reality but others do idiot. we never called our country Paradise however the same BS and Zionist things anyway already have discussed pretty much everyone on this thread I'm leaving it to the mods to clean up.

read again and again what I wrote....you can understand....yes you can...within few hours
China jails 20 Uighur-Muslims on terrorism, separatism charges in Xinjiang | DAWN.COM

BEIJING: Courts in China’s restive far western region of Xinjiang have jailed 20 people for up to 15 years on charges of terrorism and separatism, state media said on Thursday, as the heavily Muslim area marks the fasting month of Ramazan. The three courts in the cities of Urumqi,
Kashgar and Aksu also leveled
charges of making explosive devices,
promoting religious extremism and
plotting “holy war”, Communist Party
mouthpiece the People’s Daily said on its website (ÈËÃñÍø). While it did not give the ethnicity of
those sentenced, judging from their
names they were all Uighurs, a Muslim
Turkic-speaking people who call
Xinjiang home, many of whom chafe at
Beijing’s rule and restrictions on their religion and culture. “A vast amount of evidence shows
that the accused criminals carried out a
lot of preparatory work in planning
violent terror activities and set up a
formal terror organisation,” the report
said. “They bought, produced and copied
mobile transmitters, discs and
publications which promoted
separatism, religious extremism and
violent terror and proactively spread
them around,” it added. “Some members of the terror
organisation made explosives and
carried out test explosions.” China blamed violence in Xinjiang –
strategically located on the borders of
Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and
Central Asia – on Islamic separatists
who want to establish an independent
state of “East Turkestan”. Some Chinese officials have blamed
attacks on Muslim militants trained in
Pakistan. But many rights groups say China
overstates the threat to justify its tight
grip on the region. Dilxat Raxit, spokesman for the exiled
World Uyghur Congress, said the
government had politicised the case
and used terrorism as an excuse to
punish Uighurs who don’t agree with
the system. “The aim is to terrorise Uighurs into
abandoning their rights,” he said in an
emailed statement. Beijing has shown no sign of relaxing
its control in Xinjiang, a vast swathe of
territory accounting for one-sixth of
China’s land mass which holds rich oil,
gas and coal deposits. In July 2009, regional capital Urumqi
was rocked by violence between
majority Han Chinese and minority
Uighurs that killed nearly 200 people. Since the unrest, China has turned its
attention to boosting development in
Xinjiang and providing greater job
opportunities, especially for Uighurs,
to try to address some of the root
causes of the violence.
India,Listen to the northeastern people, They wanna free.
China jails 20 Uighur-Muslims on terrorism, separatism charges in Xinjiang | DAWN.COM

BEIJING: Courts in China’s restive far western region of Xinjiang have jailed 20 people for up to 15 years on charges of terrorism and separatism, state media said on Thursday, as the heavily Muslim area marks the fasting month of Ramazan. The three courts in the cities of Urumqi,
Kashgar and Aksu also leveled
charges of making explosive devices,
promoting religious extremism and
plotting “holy war”, Communist Party
mouthpiece the People’s Daily said on its website (ÈËÃñÍø). While it did not give the ethnicity of
those sentenced, judging from their
names they were all Uighurs, a Muslim
Turkic-speaking people who call
Xinjiang home, many of whom chafe at
Beijing’s rule and restrictions on their religion and culture. “A vast amount of evidence shows
that the accused criminals carried out a
lot of preparatory work in planning
violent terror activities and set up a
formal terror organisation
,” the report
said. “They bought, produced and copied
mobile transmitters, discs and
publications which promoted
separatism, religious extremism and
violent terror and proactively spread
them around,” it added. “Some members of the terror
organisation made explosives and
carried out test explosions.
” China blamed violence in Xinjiang –
strategically located on the borders of
Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and
Central Asia – on Islamic separatists
who want to establish an independent
state of “East Turkestan”. Some Chinese officials have blamed
attacks on Muslim militants trained in
Pakistan. But many rights groups say China
overstates the threat to justify its tight
grip on the region. Dilxat Raxit, spokesman for the exiled
World Uyghur Congress, said the
government had politicised the case
and used terrorism as an excuse to
punish Uighurs who don’t agree with
the system. “The aim is to terrorise Uighurs into
abandoning their rights,” he said in an
emailed statement. Beijing has shown no sign of relaxing
its control in Xinjiang, a vast swathe of
territory accounting for one-sixth of
China’s land mass which holds rich oil,
gas and coal deposits. In July 2009, regional capital Urumqi
was rocked by violence between
majority Han Chinese and minority
Uighurs that killed nearly 200 people. Since the unrest, China has turned its
attention to boosting development in
Xinjiang and providing greater job
opportunities, especially for Uighurs,
to try to address some of the root
causes of the violence.

Bold part shows that , those arrested where involved in anti national activities ,and the authorities took the correct action
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