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open a new thread about the rights of Kurds and i will happily answer it there, not here where the topic is Uyghurs.

like u never meddle in other peoples business! mr perfect China.

Never turkeys your president call genocide on us when you yourself committed genocide and to this day you still deny it we could recognized the Armenian genocide and support kurds but we don't. he later sold out the Uighurs for trade.
Yeah, the so-called Free Tibet and Free Turkistan is idiotic.

If they want to do this, then the only way is to defeat China in WWIII.

Not only that, they also have to enlist their grand parents, parents, sisters and brothers. and put every one in the front lines. Bring your keyboards too BIG MOUTHS!
Not to mention we never used chemical weapons on the Uighurs like Turkey did on the Kurds. we also never sent our airforce to bomb the East Turkmenistan terror groups hideouts in Afghanistan like Turkey does repeatedly bombing Iraqi kurdistan without warning.

Turkey doesn't use chemical weapons on Kurds, it was saddam who used it.

and yes Turkey do warn before bombing areas, have sen't warning to Iran, Iraq and KRG.
false logic.

They, so called han people, decided their fate themselves after so many civil wars until the emergence of CPC-PRC.
You can choose your fate. You have no right to choose Tibet or Turkestan's fate. They ll choose that for themselves. Don't be Imperialists while all day long crying about west being evil imperialists and china fighting them and ****.

Last time I checked India is also a multi-ethnic country, so who is deciding who's fate?

Since you won't bother to check anyway, let me just give this information, Kashgar's mayor, Mehmet Emin Bekri is an ethnic Uighur. I imagine then you will say: "But wait, the president of China is a Han so the mayor doesn't have a say!". Sometimes you just cannot win a debate.
Turkey doesn't use chemical weapons on Kurds, it was saddam who used it.

and yes Turkey do warn before bombing areas, have sen't warning to Iran, Iraq and KRG.

Your wrong on that both Saddam and you did I leave it at that. we respect our uighurs to the point where we won't use our airforce to bomb them like you do the Kurds. they are still our brothers and we will overcome and cooperate with them :coffee:
Never turkeys your president call genocide on us when you yourself committed genocide and to this day you still deny it we could recognized the Armenian genocide and support kurds but we don't.

i'm done debating with you, as it doesn't seem like you have any logical brain.

go recognize it. what are you waiting for, go go go! even support poor kurds who only want a country, go go go.

and that you have a mind that improving ties means "selling someone out" shows that you are a idiot!
idiot, really an idiot.

why are u going offtopic with your "west armenia" and "kurdistan" sentences? go open a new thread if you want to show support for them. which you dont even care about in reality. and believe BS lies that pkk says.

and no, improving ties doesn't mean selling someone out. in that case Chinas president have sold out the communist state by improving ties with oter democratic countries.

See below:

what my beautifull Turkistan has come to... :(

years after years of oppression and yet, nobody cares for you. what should i do, be sad or mad. to hard to choose, but be aware my Turkish brothers in the far east.

FREEDOM will one day come to you, just like it came to us! :pakistan:

Well, you did call for this um...'Turkistan' (where ever that is) in the first place.

Peace of advise: Try not to compare the problems in the Middle East to the problems in Asia. Not only is it naive, but it is ridiculous. And most importantly, Turkey does not have its very own nukes and the means to deliver them. So much for a bargaining chip against China. Not even nuclear armed India easily go against China.
i'm done debating with you, as it doesn't seem like you have any logical brain.

go recognize it. what are you waiting for, go go go! even support poor kurds who only want a country, go go go.

and that you have a mind that improving ties means "selling someone out" shows that you are a idiot!

You yourself don't seem to have a logical brain you were calling for East Turkemanstan over a few riots so why shouldn't we call for a Kurdistan for almost 30 years of war between the Kurds and Turkey 30,000 dead ?

Actually you did sell out Over Sea's Uighurs wanted Turkey Pressure us but your president did not and sold out for trade


---------- Post added at 05:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:26 AM ----------

See below:

Well, you did call for this um...'Turkistan' (where ever that is) in the first place.

Peace of advise: Try not to compare the problems in the Middle East to the problems in Asia. Not only is it naive, but it is ridiculous. And most importantly, Turkey does not have its very own nukes and the means to deliver them. So much for a bargaining chip against China. Not even nuclear armed India easily go against China.

Exactly he himself started it and we came back and now he feels hurt.
They deiced it themselves. why ask stupid questions.

i am not the one arguing stupid points. Just have the balls to accept that China is occupying Tibet and Turkestan holding a nuclear armed army against the world. Don't bring in russia and others to validate things.

We are not occupying the World Recognizes Tibet and Xinjiang apart of our country the UN does India does, if you feel so strongly against it pick up a gun and come here.
Chinese nation according to Chinese people here on the forum and CPC.

Any Land that has ever come under the control of anyone that's related to Mongolian, Manchurian, Han, Tibetan kingdoms/empires in recorded history.


---------- Post added at 02:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:33 AM ----------

You pleaded everyone in the world for that recognition for years except the actual people there. Almost no brainier.

well, i raped but enough people agreed not to care about the crime. what a great view.

They are Chinese Citizens, even the lama himself wished it to remain apart of china why don't you ask how many groups that don't feel indian remain apart of your country like Kashmir ? and when the next Dalai Lama comes :)
Could you please answer my question in my other reply?
1. Do Kurds have a choice of NOT learning Turkish in school?
2. How many TV stations do Kurdish people have, broadcasting in their own languages before 2009 when Erdogan call the riot a Chinese genocide?

Aren't language the most important thing to keep the culture?

And killing babies to reduce the population, my goodness. Even the most anti-China media doesn't have this kind of imagination, what drugs are you on? If Chinese air force attack Uighurs like Turkish air force did on Kurdish villagers, I am sure you will jump to moon and calling that ethnic cleansing.
its up to your citizenship agreement...and system of state..
Turkiye has unitary system.. There is only one official language..like USA, GB...
your slogan is "peoples brothership" ...
I am ok with Lama's stance. But your CPC should just stop the imposing things on the people. If you can peacefully resolve the Tibet issue with guaranteeing autonomy and stop robbing resources, may be Lama's position is good after all.

Actually we have and unlike other groups Tibetans are not affected by the One Child Policy and FYI the waters of Tibet go mostly to Indian then China.
Not to mention we never used chemical weapons on the Uighurs like Turkey did on the Kurds. we also never sent our airforce to bomb the East Turkmenistan terror groups hideouts in Afghanistan like Turkey does repeatedly bombing Iraqi kurdistan without warning.
dont lie..idiot..who used chemical weapons :hitwall:
You yourself don't seem to have a logical brain you were calling for East Turkemanstan over a few riots so why shouldn't we call for a Kurdistan for almost 30 years of war between the Kurds and Turkey 30,000 dead ?

more like pkk and Turkey... pkk is just like you guys communist low lifers who have nothing else to do than spreading stupid false idiotic "free kurdistan" propaganda. go see for yourself the amount of kurds that want their own homecountry go do some research open a NEW THREAD! and then discuss, or are you scared your stupid claims isn't truth.

Well, you did call for this um...'Turkistan' (where ever that is) in the first place.

Peace of advise: Try not to compare the problems in the Middle East to the problems in Asia. Not only is it naive, but it is ridiculous. And most importantly, Turkey does not have its very own nukes and the means to deliver them. So much for a bargaining chip against China. Not even nuclear armed India easily go against China.

can't see what is wrong here? instead of writing xixnijibxhhufd, or whatever it is i just choose to say Turkistan. since that is what i refere to it as.

and yes, there has been a Turkistan. Chinese communists occupied it and tortured, killed, forced abortion etc. to the population.

no one is talking about Turkey vs China here. just that stupid hu guy. who keeps denying that Uyghurs have for decades been stolen their right, have been under strict controll, can't travell freely etc.

that u want to support this is a bit sad. it is prooven that mao did a lot of crimes to the Uyghurs so he could have a China Str00o0ong!!11!1!111!!1
more like pkk and Turkey... pkk is just like you guys communist low lifers who have nothing else to do than spreading stupid false idiotic "free kurdistan" propaganda. go see for yourself the amount of kurds that want their own homecountry go do some research open a NEW THREAD! and then discuss, or are you scared your stupid claims isn't truth.

can't see what is wrong here? instead of writing xixnijibxhhufd, or whatever it is i just choose to say Turkistan. since that is what i refere to it as.

Seems more like the Kurds in all of the Middle East and they succeeded in Iraq and the PKK is still very much intent. what you post is mostly stupid and you call me scared now.

Why not if you call for Turkistan independence shouldn't we say that for Kurdistan and the kurds that have been fighting you for almost 30 years I mean really I using your logic and your crying foul on it, you can dish it but not take it.

---------- Post added at 05:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:47 AM ----------

i am talking about other resources not just water.
Freedom of speech
Religious freedom
Censorship issues
End of Policies like migrations for main landers in to Tibet.

if those things are guaranteed, may be we can talk about water issues like adults.

We have the same policies for everyone, so no special rule for Tibetans however since they have been committing suicide we promised more freedom and no China is open to all it's citizen Tibetans can come to anywhere and they have been coming to Shanghai and Beijing, Yunnan. Tibetans themselves are still the majority make up 93 % of the population in the region.

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