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Xinhua analyzes India’s reasons for buying Rafale fighter

J-10A or B both are inferrior to the Rafale, by way of design. The j-10 uses a single engine Al40 which isnlt as reliable as Rafales twin engines nore does it posses the same performance for take off ie interceptions. Avionics are changable but you cant change out the engines that easily.

Numbers alone don't win wars. Also numbers also cost money in peace time. Maintenance fuel etc... this is why squadrons are being reduced world wide. Quality is a better stick than quantity when it comes to the arms like Navy and Air force. What goes up must come down, and what floats must sink. This is not world war 2 where what one can build is more important than what one already has. It is about what one has.
IAF is even not competent to be a challenger of PAF and PlAAF. Yes we are single engine , then what? We have AESA, and better AWACS , better craft , better maintainence . even every pilot of Rafales is an ace, alright 5 J10s shoot down one rafale. OK we have lost 180 j10s, we just build them back in three month, like eating chips.
China will field at least 10 squadrons of J10b, how India give answer to it? by only 36 Rafale? now the mountain strike troops of IA is experiencing short of fund, the number had been reduced from 90 thousands to current 35 thousands. India either go for FGFA or Rafale in large numbers, you choose.

Some Indians believe that Mig 21is better than j10, or even j20. They believe that Chinese are a inferior race that will never build a real plane. It's a racist view but many Indians don't think so as Chinese are no different than NE Indian schedule tribe and hence an inferior race.
IAF is even not competent to be a challenger of PAF and PlAAF. Yes we are single engine , then what? We have AESA, and better AWACS , better craft , better maintainence . even every pilot of Rafales is an ace, alright we have lost 180 J10s, we built them back in three months
This isn't a game. War isn't a game. And it is not world war 2. Next generation hard wars are going to be quick and decisive. PLA has a different experience with wars but take a look at India-Pak conflicts you realize that they are quick wars.
3 months isn't enough to replace 150 J-10s or even 10 perhaps. India can reach the Chinese mainland just as China can reach India's and hit 1 factory they may have supplied the materials/parts for a certian engine, knocking out the production line for weeks. And those engines are Russian to begin with.
Also competent challenger? So the IAF is just wasting money by posting squadrons near Pakistan and Tibet? Are you so stupid you think you know more than the people of the 5 largest airforce in the world?
This may be shock but India has better platforms than China or Pakistan. Which is why they have reduced numbers.
Also just like China doesn't expect to fight every squadrons in the USAF/ USN India does not expect to fight every squadron in PLAAF as the biggest mountain range in the world is in the way.
You don't need to match your enemy pound for pound, you just need to have enough to defend especially if its multiple fronts.
China has more Awacs but India has better Awacs and they are closer to the border than the PLAAF and will have even better. More strategic lift capability and better helicopters as well as aircraft.
PLAAF purchased 200 odd Su-27s before even license production of the j-11! Imagine how expensive that must have been when even India has bought less than 30 flankers off shelf for the rest to be license production flankers whom are also superior to any platform the Chinese currently have.
For all its might the PLAAF isnt' exactly a quality air force, and most of the PLA's large military budget goes to maintaining the equipment they already have while the rest goes into blackholes for RnD defence projects.
Challenger? Why would the IAF with its long arm want to Challenge PLAAF in Asia pacific already guarded by JSDF and allies when it has the Indian Ocean, albeit shared with USN?

What ever you are your inferior to me.
The PLA has 4 divisions at most while the Indians already have 8-10 on the border and want an increase but won't be as much as money will play the ultimate decision. No consider this, that at least twice as many on the Indian side compared to what the PLA can do. The PLA is not the strong man in case a Sino-Indo war again. Rather as they tried in the past, they will fight to the last Pakistani.
IAF is even not competent to be a challenger of PAF and PlAAF. Yes we are single engine , then what? We have AESA, and better AWACS , better craft , better maintainence . even every pilot of Rafales is an ace, alright 5 J10s shoot down one rafale. OK we have lost 180 j10s, we just build them back in three month, like eating chips.
if those 36 Radale shot down, they have to wait another two years. Modi ask France to deliver Rafale within 60 days, what the ****!
So Indians strategic advantage is their entire advanced military industrial complex is located overseas in foreign lands.

We can't even bomb it in our dreams, like Indians dream about bombing Chinese mainland without confronting defences and losses. Can't bomb what's not even there.

What a genius master stroke. We underestimated the Indians.
So Indians strategic advantage is their entire advanced military industrial complex is located overseas in foreign lands.

We can't even bomb it in our dreams, like Indians dream about bombing Chinese mainland without confronting defences and losses. Can't bomb what's not even there.

What a genius master stroke. We underestimated the Indians.
china has had peace with india since 1962 over fifty years.

not a single chinease or indian soldier has died across the sino indian border due to firing.

likely conflict is very very low.,

Pakistani and LOC is a hot patatoa and needs to watched and india needs to be aggressive and ready
So Indians strategic advantage is their entire advanced military industrial complex is located overseas in foreign lands.

We can't even bomb it in our dreams, like Indians dream about bombing Chinese mainland without confronting defences and losses. Can't bomb what's not even there.

What a genius master stroke. We underestimated the Indians.
Yea, and I would add China to the list. But China's industrail complex is a little closer in Russia. HQ-9/16 Chinese missiles or Russian?
J-11 Russian no?
Turbines for your destroyers are Ukrainian no?
Aside for you stupidity, lets say this Sino-Indian war lasts 6 months to 12 which is likily to be a lot less, how many aircraft, destroyers can be added in this time?
Ans, no a whole lot to make a difference. The only thing that needs to be produced so rapidly is ammunition for arty, tanks, and guns. Everything else is a non starter. Because you also have to train the crew on platforms in the air and on sea a lot more than land forces, that isn't to say land combat or infantry combat is easy to pick up, infact its the hardest to learn.

china has had peace with india since 1962 over fifty years.

not a single chinease or indian soldier has died across the sino indian border due to firing.

likely conflict is very very low.,

Pakistani and LOC is a hot patatoa and needs to watched and india needs to be aggressive and ready
Thats only because the increase in Indian mountian divisions. From a non existent of 0 and only Kashmir the Indian army now has 8/10 on an increase to perhaps 12 while the PLA is limited to 4 and unlikily to get more than that because of limitations from central mainland. PLA would be fighting a war further from the mainland compared to India. Which is why Pakistan isn't a friend but a tool. Regardless of Pakistans failure so long as the PLA perceives a threat from India, they will happily arm Pakistan. While the Kashmir conflict is scary as a nuclear flashpoint its no less dangerous than Nato Russia stand offs or North Korea.

Interestingly, one has to wondar why the Indian army even has such a massive armor core against Pakistan, when Pakistan will use tactical level warheads against such formations.
if those 36 Radale shot down, they have to wait another two years. Modi ask France to deliver Rafale within 60 days, what the ****!
Additionally the price is double fold if in war

Yea, and I would add China to the list. But China's industrail complex is a little closer in Russia. HQ-9/16 Chinese missiles or Russian?
J-11 Russian no?
Turbines for your destroyers are Ukrainian no?
Aside for you stupidity, lets say this Sino-Indian war lasts 6 months to 12 which is likily to be a lot less, how many aircraft, destroyers can be added in this time?
Ans, no a whole lot to make a difference. The only thing that needs to be produced so rapidly is ammunition for arty, tanks, and guns. Everything else is a non starter. Because you also have to train the crew on platforms in the air and on sea a lot more than land forces, that isn't to say land combat or infantry combat is easy to pick up, infact its the hardest to learn.

Thats only because the increase in Indian mountian divisions. From a non existent of 0 and only Kashmir the Indian army now has 8/10 on an increase to perhaps 12 while the PLA is limited to 4 and unlikily to get more than that because of limitations from central mainland. PLA would be fighting a war further from the mainland compared to India. Which is why Pakistan isn't a friend but a tool. Regardless of Pakistans failure so long as the PLA perceives a threat from India, they will happily arm Pakistan. While the Kashmir conflict is scary as a nuclear flashpoint its no less dangerous than Nato Russia stand offs or North Korea.

Interestingly, one has to wondar why the Indian army even has such a massive armor core against Pakistan, when Pakistan will use tactical level warheads against such formations.
You idiot, just think about the abandoning of Indian army to your poor domestic rifle. Can't believe you dare to claim the importance of logistic. What about your industry? Craft,logistic? Even the clone to Mig-21 is a mission impossible, half of Su-30mki fleet are in defect, no ability to manufacture the ammunition of rifle, I am petrified
Additionally the price is double fold if in war

India have world largest Gold stock. Effect more then half of world's gold is in India......I think that answer your question about money.

You idiot, just think about the abandoning of Indian army to your poor domestic rifle. Can't believe you dare to claim the importance of logistic. What about your industry? Craft,logistic? Even the clone to Mig-21 is a mission impossible, half of Su-30mki fleet are in defect, no ability to manufacture the ammunition of rifle, I am petrified
yes india don't able to make ammunition of rifle but can manufacture ICBM's SLBM's SAM's etc ...
You idiot, just think about the abandoning of Indian army to your poor domestic rifle. Can't believe you dare to claim the importance of logistic. What about your industry? Craft,logistic? Even the clone to Mig-21 is a mission impossible, half of Su-30mki fleet are in defect, no ability to manufacture the ammunition of rifle, I am petrified
Go figure a banana republic like India can build a fucking nuclear submarine and aircraft carriers but can't build a rifle. Hope the PLA take that into account.
India have world largest Gold stock. Effect more then half of world's gold is in India......I think that answer your question about money.

yes india don't able to make ammunition of rifle but can manufacture ICBM's SLBM's SAM's etc ...


Who Owns Most of the World's Gold?

Yes, yes. Indian temple has a lots of gold. I guess there are USD 20trillion worth of asset indian temple has hold.
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