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Xi pledges Chinese support for Russia as tensions mount over Ukraine

Yes. Whomever will come after Moscow, will be much more pliable, because China will be their lifeline. You though they will they trade their resources by sending them to the West on airplanes?

will it? if Russia weakens then west can coerce them into refusing to trade resources to China.

If Russia is strong they can resist pressure and pursue their natural economic interests. That would be in trade with China on mutually beneficial economic terms.
Xi Jinping pledges Chinese support for Russia as pressure mounts on Vladimir Putin over Ukraine
  • The Chinese leader said the two sides must step up joint efforts to protect their interests in a video call with his Russian counterpart
  • Putin was the first world leader to say he would attend the Winter Olympic opening ceremony in Beijing in February

Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged to support Russian efforts to protect its long-term security amid rising international pressure over Moscow’s attitude to Ukraine.
In a video call with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Wednesday, Xi also said China and Russia opposed attempts to divide the two nations and called for more joint actions to safeguard their security interests.
Calling Putin an “old friend”, Xi said he appreciated Putin’s“firm support” for China defending its core interests, and in opposing attempts to separate China and Russia. Meanwhile, Putin expressed support for Beijing’s stance on Taiwan.

Lol Media can really twists people's words. Where is the sentence that Xi said he supports Russia over Ukraine? Lol
Especially when you read the article and what was said is opposite to the topic. Lol
Nice way to draw in viewers indeed. 😁😆🤣
Europe is wake to the fact of a US driven NATO expansion that is antagonizing the Russians and threatening the stability of the entire region.
Dude, Russia has always been a threat to Europe. Especially eastern European countries. Its not for no reason that Eastern European countries hate Russia to the core. You think you know Russia better than them? Lol
Russia has always been a land grabber. Ask Turkey, Iran , China and Japan etc etc Lol. They are one of the major imperial powers, I don't understand why some of you seem to think western powers have always been the only imperial powers. Lol
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Xi Jinping pledges Chinese support for Russia as pressure mounts on Vladimir Putin over Ukraine
  • The Chinese leader said the two sides must step up joint efforts to protect their interests in a video call with his Russian counterpart
  • Putin was the first world leader to say he would attend the Winter Olympic opening ceremony in Beijing in February

Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged to support Russian efforts to protect its long-term security amid rising international pressure over Moscow’s attitude to Ukraine.
In a video call with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Wednesday, Xi also said China and Russia opposed attempts to divide the two nations and called for more joint actions to safeguard their security interests.
Calling Putin an “old friend”, Xi said he appreciated Putin’s“firm support” for China defending its core interests, and in opposing attempts to separate China and Russia. Meanwhile, Putin expressed support for Beijing’s stance on Taiwan.

The China-Russia Alliance is the most important event in post WW1 history. This alliance has the economic and military power to successfully and decisively challenge and defeat the American lead West.
Dude, Russia has always been a threat to Europe. Especially eastern European countries. Its not for no reason that Eastern European countries hate Russia to the core. You think you know Russia better than them? Lol
Russia has always been a land grabber. Ask Turkey, Iran China and Japan. Lol. They are one of the major imperial powers, I don't understand why some of you seem to think western powers have always been the only imperial powers. Lol

Russia is not going away. The threat will always be present, but does poking the bear and create an immediate threat in EU's interest? Sure the bordering countries would want be included in a defense umbrellas, but increased tension doesn't help Brussel. From the color revolution in Ukraine, to the civil war there, to the failed attempt at subverting Belarus, none of these destabilizing action is under EU control, nor in EU's interests, not to mention the current negotiation between US and Russia over Ukraine completely bypasses the EU. You think EU will have a problem with China voicing support for respecting Russia's sphere of influence?
The China-Russia Alliance is the most important event in post WW1 history. This alliance has the economic and military power to successfully and decisively challenge and defeat the American lead West.
Don't call it an alliance, because it isn't. Both Xi and Pujing can't wait to see each other trip, and get into fisticuffs with the West.

The only thing holding Pujin back is the understanding that if the West will get China, he will be next, and vice versa.

How to say, despite the seemed infatuation with each other, Xi, and Pujin know each other too well to trust. Both came to power in similar circumstances, being hardcore opportunists.
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Maybe Russia should be wondering why so many of their former Soviet republics and ALL of their Eastern bloc allies are suddenly turning against them.



If Putin falls from power don't be shocked if that line suddenly extends to China. It is the long term goal.
Wait when EU stops feeding them money they will turn against EU such as Poland. Those countries forgot other side invaded them too. They lost their countries to USA and EU multinationals.
Wait when EU stops feeding them money they will turn against EU such as Poland. Those countries forgot other side invaded them too. They lost their countries to USA and EU multinationals.

Well let's not go play Hitler and fire the flames of dislike towards Slavs.

But I'm not going to argue with your main point.
Don't call it an alliance, because it isn't. Both Xi and Pujing can't wait to see each other trip, and get into fisticuffs with the West.

The only thing holding Pujin back is the understanding that if the West will get China, he will be next, and vice versa.

How to say, despite the seemed infatuation with each other, Xi, and Pujin know each other too well to trust. Both came to power in similar circumstances, being hardcore opportunists.

And you are basing this analysis on what evidence?
I'll just say it straight up, this should go far beyond Ukraine. The Soviet Union must be reconstituted in the 21st century and Europe once again cut in two.

Not just that. Russia and China should make it a geopolitical strategy to weaken and dismantle the European Union. European Union poses a national security threat to Russia, China and the wider human civilisation. A weak Europe is good for both Russia and China. It will make any Anglo-EU alliance that much weaker.
Don't call it an alliance, because it isn't. Both Xi and Pujing can't wait to see each other trip, and get into fisticuffs with the West.

The only thing holding Pujin back is the understanding that if the West will get China, he will be next, and vice versa.

How to say, despite the seemed infatuation with each other, Xi, and Pujin know each other too well to trust. Both came to power in similar circumstances, being hardcore opportunists.

In contrast Biden and Trump are virtuous saints ready to sacrifice themselves for freedom, democracy and the murican way?
off course 2 isolated nations joining hands

best part is both know they hate each other and its "friendship" of necessity

China is afraid of Russia and Russia is simply jealous of China

partnership designated for failure
Isolated? Apart from US stooges, most countries in the world are neutral. Asean is neutral, south America Africa. Check the world map and you will understand. SINO Russian alliance is the worse nightmare US can face, and Trump managed to create it. I still remember you predicted China will collapse and get destroyed by Covid. Look at the present situation now. Lololol. I am in China now, breathing without a mask, while you have 800k dead Americans 120k daily cases and a restricted economy. China is rocking with the whole economy running, shops are open, people are consuming, we didn't even need a stimulus. So now do you see the incompetence of US?
Not just that. Russia and China should make it a geopolitical strategy to weaken and dismantle the European Union. European Union poses a national security threat to Russia, China and the wider human civilisation. A weak Europe is good for both Russia and China. It will make any Anglo-EU alliance that much weaker.

A weak EU will have to rely on the US for survival while a strong EU will seek to serve its own interests. It is to China's interest to see a stronger EU that's independent from rather than a tool wielded by the US. While EU doesn't align with China on many things, it is no threat to China, but mere irritants on trivial matters.

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