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Xi pledges Chinese support for Russia as tensions mount over Ukraine

Being allied and being friendly are two different things mate. So you agree your retard ex president created a new behemoth alliance? Lol

I thought China was proud not to enter military alliances....now you are officially changing your tune...
I thought China was proud not to enter military alliances....now you are officially changing your tune...
If you can find an official document that says WE ARE PROUD NOT TO ENTER AN ALLIANCE. I will say you are not stupid. Lol.

Stop changing the topic, you agreed trumotard just created a huge Eastern alliance AGAINST AMERICA? Lol. If he had used some sense, isn't it better to divide and conquer..
Maybe they should be wondering why so many of their former Soviet republics and Eastern block states are suddenly turning against them.



If Putin falls from power don't be shocked if that line suddenly extends to China. It is the long term goal.

You obviously forgot from Gorbachev to Yeltsin to Putin, they all wanted good relation with west under the false calling of democratization, with the promise of NATO non-expansion, and even the pledge of economic assistance in form of heart attack treatment. And look what they got in the end? A broken nation with the threat of military expansion right on their border. Unless the Russian are willing to be subjugated by the US, whether Putin or anyone else in the Kremlin would not fall for the same trick again.
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I thought China was proud not to enter military alliances....now you are officially changing your tune...
China is only an observer state of the non aligned movement and has not joined the organization. The treaty signed between China and DPRK has lasted for 70+ years.

BTW: India is a full member of the non aligned movement.
Trump? :laughcry: Please China miss Trump. If not Trump, U.S regime may last longer.
It's a great pity Trump didn't win in 2020. Frankly most Chinese will be happy being No.2 before the Trump 2016 elction victory now thanks to him many Chinese might prefer to be Number 1 to stop USA bullying.
u mean the AUKUS project?

No, I mean Europe would never allow Russia to install any equipment into their communications grid due to national security reasons.

Trump then said well China is basically their buddy so how can you not notice the issue...much of Europe said so far China has not shown that. Trump rolled his eyes.

Now China is saying they stand behind Russia militarily. Eyes will finally perk up.

This could also cause a shift away from China, Inc. Also on Trump's EU agenda.
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Maybe Russia should be wondering why so many of their former Soviet republics and ALL of their Eastern bloc allies are suddenly turning against them.



If Putin falls from power don't be shocked if that line suddenly extends to China. It is the long term goal.
The reason is simple. People like the rich and dislike the poor. As I talked before, the biggest mistake Stalin made is, he gave his promise to eliminate Nazi with the west. Soviet Union should cease fire with Germany in 1944 and make Germany to be one of its protectorates. Only if Soviet Union owns the whole Germany, could there be a chance it could win the competition with US. All the Estern European countries were not so useful.

China brings prosperity to its neighbours. Soviet Union failed to do that. Same scenario will not happen to China. You don't need to worry about that.
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Soviet Union should cease fire with Germany in 1944 and make Germany to be one of its protectorates.

Why would the Soviets want a perpetual Afghanistan in Germany?
Or like Japan had in China...you think China would be one of Japan's protectorates??? Are you for real?
Europe is wake to the fact of a US driven NATO expansion that is antagonizing the Russians and threatening the stability of the entire region.
Doesnt matter much when they are not wake to the fact that their so called democracy is a scam and their local regimes policies neither made from the people nor for the people. You think anyone in the broader population of Lithuania voted for or even considered the idea of accepting half a billion dollar bribes from the U.S. regime to start attacking countries on the other side of the world for the sake of the U.S. regime and at cost of Lithuanian image and relations and local peoples business? These decissions are made by groomed and installed puppets as their countries are constantly subverted by the U.S. regime through direct interventions and fostering societal cancer with material and nonmaterial U.S. aid.
No, I mean Europe would never allow Russia to install any equipment into their communications grid due to national security reasons.

Trump then said well China is basically their buddy so how can you not notice the issue...much of Europe said so far China has not shown that. Trump rolled his eyes.

Now China is saying they stand behind Russia militarily. Eyes will finally perk up.

This could also cause a shift away from China, Inc. Also on Trump's EU agenda.
I'm afraid you're wrong, Russian don't need any support at military that they have always had a military advantage to the EU,what they lack is money.Actually EU can't leave Russia to live or they can't leave the natural gas from Russia,and the same Russian can't leave EU or Russian can't leave money from EU,so they will return to peace finally because they need each other.
Why would the Soviets want a perpetual Afghanistan in Germany?
Or like Japan had in China...you think China would be one of Japan's protectorates??? Are you for real?
How come? If a cease fire agreement was made between Soviet Union and Germany in 1944, Germans would be grateful for Stalin's mercy. Just like Japan, Germany would be an unarmed country but have most of its sovereignties. Soviet Union would protect Germany from US invasion.

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