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WZ-10 might have Improved Homemade Engine

1240 KW with 15% room to increase which means 180 kw and basic would be 1680 SHP which is pretty decent for a chopper like WZ - 10 and it may create a big room for improvement in every thng in regrds of safety and performance.
The purpose of China to give 3 WZ10 to Pakistan was for PA to take WZ10 its limits, in battle & other fields. I believe, whatever results were forwarded to China after the test, China is going to work on the negative or failed parts & fix WZ10 errors all the way. Maybe the future improved version is going to be a good one & fit for PA.
China has been working on improving the wz10 for the last one year plus with the active support n advice of PAA personal n believe me when i say it has gone from strength to strength. small example is the cockpit layout n set up..which has been revamped completely on the advice of the PAA.
it will be the mainstay of our attack hele fleet
China has been working on improving the wz10 for the last one year plus with the active support n advice of PAA personal n believe me when i say it has gone from strength to strength. small example is the cockpit layout n set up..which has been revamped completely on the advice of the PAA.
it will be the mainstay of our attack hele fleet
Thank you.
It makes perfect sense for Pak Sino sharing of experiences. The good thing in this whole equation is the fench help in manufacturing the engine which will cover the one deficiency that the Chinese aviation industry has. PAA/PAF covers the other aspect in aprising them of how the product can b3 improved in light of its own experience with various platforms and trials. The other thing which PAF/PAA/PN have done is cataloguing of parts which makes life easier when you want to order something. It came as a surprise to me that the Chinese did not have the practice established on their supply system.
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