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WW3 warning: US Senator warns China to be 'biggest threat' to world 'for next century'

This is not just something led by Mr. Trump. Since the early 2000s, US administrations have been making very wrong decisions. The Trump administration has made the US, which has long been poorly managed, unmanageable. What happened in the US during the Covid-19 outbreak showed that.
This is not just something led by Mr. Trump. Since the early 2000s, US administrations have been making very wrong decisions. The Trump administration has made the US, which has long been poorly managed, unmanageable. What happened in the US during the Covid-19 outbreak showed that.
Do you know any US congressman who is innocent? They are all corrupted.

Every single US president should go jail.
Bush junior, start 2 wars with fabricated proof.

Clinton and Hilary, the most corrupted US presents and family in recent decades. How many people they killed to cover their corruption? Clinton Body Count (conspiracy theory). Also Clinton Foundation
Hillary Clinton Email Archive

Obama, his cabin is full filled by Citigroup
Citigroup chose Obama’s 2008 cabinet, WikiLeaks document reveals
The Most Important WikiLeaks Revelation Isn’t About Hillary Clinton

tRUMP, no need to say anything.

With such a low quality political system, not surprise it will fail.

Analysts point to differences between the US State Department, the White House, and the Pentagon over the global situation, citing the confusion and division of the three centers of power in the United States as one of the main reasons for the lack of clarity in global affairs. But that doesn't have to be the case every time, because depending on the severity of the occasion, these elements come together on one page. For the past few years, the first issue for the United States has been China's rapidly growing influence.

A new and sensitive aspect of this for the United States came to the fore as the US reprimanding Israel in the highly sensitive Sino-Israeli issue. As a result, the United States has had little to do with Israel and China. It is doubtful that Israel itself used American sermons and criticisms to keep China in check. So that if there is a loophole in the agreements, China can be made to realize Israel's red lines, while it is more likely that the United States itself has been shaken by the sight of the game getting out of hand. Succeeded and how successful is Israel in fooling America and the world?

Soon after, the United States focused on China's influence in Europe and expelled Chinese company Hawaii from the UK's 5G project. Recently, Mike Pompeo visited Eastern Europe with the aim of reducing the influence of Russia and China there. The United States has spoken to these Eastern European countries about 5G technology.

In this regard, the United States first put its hand on India's back to compete with China, but we know that India is not a fighting bat. The clever Indian one made it a little easier and escaped the big fight. The United States did not sit here because the plan is its own, so it brought Australia, Japan, and Taiwan to support India and even began to show its greatness by manipulating the Chinese waters of South Asia, but, China Turkey-to-Turkey response to US grievances sent a message to the United States that China could also fight the horns. India was scared of China in the same way. While China made Australia realize its economic importance and relations, it even cooled down. Now that the US and its agencies have focused on South Asia and its environs, India, by suppressing minorities and strengthening its proxy externally not only in Afghanistan but also against Pakistan, it is now seeking to reap the full benefits opening fronts such as regular social media and cyber-attacks.
The most critical and far-reaching battle in current world politics, apart from defense and trade issues, is over the custody of Internet users' data. The United States wants to maintain its grip on this data so that its grip on global affairs remains intact.

Then there is the desire of China, with the difference that it does not want to base its interests on the politics of war between nations, and this is China's plan being eaten up by the United States because the Americans believe that world peace The biggest threat to them is that in this war of ownership over Internet users' data, Israel wants to take over. For this purpose, it has moved the head offices of Microsoft, Google, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Amazon to Israel. As far as Israel is concerned, the United States and Britain have remained silent.
As the Chinese investment in Israel and the Sino-Israeli partnership resurfaced on a number of issues, the United States immediately made the Israeli people aware of a sensitive issue, such as China's access to their Internet data. Are Israeli officials and people children? No, Americans know that social media giants' centers mean access to data from all over the United States, the West, and other countries, allowing data holders to reap the benefits of trade, war, and civilization. How can the United States tolerate other opposing forces benefiting from it
The question arises as to why and how Israel secretly swayed the United States and the West towards China. One straightforward answer is that under the guise of globalization, Israel plans to shift its grip on social media giants so that the whole world, including the West and the United States, is at the click of a mouse. And took the interest from the West; Third, the people of the United States and the West are now beginning to have the same feeling about Israel, or Israel fears that it will awaken to the feeling that came in the form of anti-Semitism under Hitler.

Some American analysts say that the future of the Jews in the United States will not differ from that of Germany in the past. Not because they are silent on the issue of a separate homeland for the Jews, it is good that their society has lost this nation. They have to deal with Israeli intervention in their countries, global Zionist plans, and Israel's racism and expansionism in the Middle East. Israel's persistence in ideas is opening the eyes of its people.

By throwing the United States and the West into endless wars, Israel has taken up the interests that are a separate issue. With the dream of becoming a world power, start raising your pennies with China so that there is no sense of Israel's transition from the West and the United States to China under the guise of global trade, global institutions, global cooperation, and globalization.
And under the guise of silence in the shame of China's new friendship, Israel, by gaining access to the world's data and interfering in it in the name of security, let the world run on its terms and behind the scenes, the new "superpower" China. And make it possible to establish a world government with the help of the trapped West and the United States because not all states and international organizations are "capable" of "protecting" against infectious diseases such as the coronavirus and future "potential" bacterial attacks.
In this situation, China is a free-hand in every way as an emerging peace power. Still, the situation is no less than that of the Muslim countries in terms of the determination of the United States and the West to deal with this "global" political situation. The United States and the West are at the root of the problem. In these circumstances, the endless differences and disagreements between the American stakeholders, Europe, and the European Union will continue to grow. Still, a third war to eliminate their opponents will also "manage." The people, the land, and the resources of the tangled Muslim countries will be targeted.

The secret world powers want to strengthen their grip on the West and the rest of the world through emerging power by taking the Muslim countries to the weakest level. There is a danger of a desire for permanence that does not fit into the global environment of new norms, and it is clear that Muslim countries should not sow the seeds of a new crisis by allying themselves with their "enemy" the West. Under the guise of "Islamic spirit" to lead Muslim countries, Iran and Turkey are struggling to protect and survive the interests of their respective nationalities, so they do not understand the emerging "peaceful" force. Together or to maintain a balanced relationship with the "enemy" of the West or both?

If these Muslim circles had even the slightest sense of the Muslim Ummah and the Islamic world, they would have activated the OIC, and today it is the body of Muslims not only in the Muslim world but also in emerging "powers" and in dealing with Western countries in a balanced way. Coming_

Today's situation is that the entire Islamic world has no common news agency, no media group, no common TV channel, and no reliable social media platform. Despite all this, the Muslim world Don't fall into the trap of war, natural disasters, diseases, hunger, poverty and narcissism, but still try to activate the OIC by infusing its true spirit, because, the purpose of all this so-called global game is to If these Muslim countries, most of which are about to complete a century of independence in the next few years, become stronger, what will be Israel's position compared to all of them? A Zionists-Neocoms conference was held in the United States two or three years ago today to take a special look at this issue.

But the Muslim world did not pay attention to it. The problem of Pakistan at the moment is that if it focuses on nationalism like the aforesaid Muslim nations, then its inner matrix is destroyed because the nationalists inside They will use it to their advantage and already anti-national forces keep inciting them, and if Pakistan talks about Islam then Muslims talk about Pakistan, Islamic world and OIC. The real issue is not considered but Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. In the guise of Islam, on the issue of nationality, we create an arena in Pakistan and create a storm of insults on social media.

Now is Pakistan's time to speak to these countries seriously, above all interests, requirements, and nuances of the situation. This is the concrete and lasting way to deal with the maelstrom of world politics - if Pakistan ignores it. After the storm of world politics has subsided, its fall-out will seem to have latent potential for constructive ideological destruction, and how long will it take to turn it into anarchy?

This is especially so when the secret forces are all set to quietly ignite it in the name of revolution and betterment. And as a result of this anarchy and insurgency, more or less all Muslim states will be overwhelmed by the fear of losing their geographical boundaries. Pakistan's position is more or less similar to that of the last Ottoman Empire. Options and opportunities were limited. They were destined to happen, but, given the opportunities that God Almighty has given to Pakistan, it can emerge as a major power by uniting all Muslim forces in the dilemma of global politics. Israel emerged from the whirlpool mill - the only difference is that Pakistan's power will be able to survive under the banner of OIC in any case
Neither Trump's way nor Biden's or establishment's way will work.

Trump tries to use populism at the cost of allies' support. So he naturally loses the allies.

Biden can hardly get the US government to pay the allies substantially for fighting China as the US is already on the way to a total bankruptcy.

That's why TPP was abandoned.
WW3 warning: US Senator warns China to be 'biggest threat' to world 'for next century'
WORLD WAR 3 fears have reignited after Senator Ted Cruz branded China as the "greatest geopolitical threat" to the US and allies, suggesting tensions could persist between the two countries for the "next century."
PUBLISHED: 09:18, Sun, Aug 16, 2020 | UPDATED: 09:22, Sun, Aug 16, 2020

World War 3 concerns have slowly resurfaced as the tension between the US and China further intensified over the past year, with Washington and Beijing both hardening their stance against the other. Following the imposition of new sanctions on US officials over their criticism of China, Texas Senator Ted Cruz warned the skirmish between the two nations and their respective allies could persist through the next century. Speaking to Fox News, Senator Cruz said: "China is the greatest geopolitical threat facing the United States and our allies — now and for the next century.

"China’s objective is nothing short of global domination.

"Yet many on the world stage, including at the United Nations, turn a blind eye to China’s barbaric behavior and aggression.

"That is not the case in the United States. We must and will respond."

Sen Cruz slammed the Chinese Government's behaviour towards the Uighur Muslim community and Hong Kong as "despicable" as he claimed latest decisions from Beijing are part of a pattern of "aggression."

The Texan politician continued: "Unfortunately, China’s treatment of Hong Kong and the Uighurs is part of a pattern of despicable behavior including China’s aggression, human rights abuses, espionage operations, censorship practices and propaganda campaigns.

"It’s time for the United States to take serious measures to hold China accountable.

"That’s why I’ve been fighting in the Senate to fundamentally reassess our relationship with China and counter Chinese censorship in the wake of the Communist Chinese government’s coronavirus cover-up."

He added: "We need to do everything we can to make it clear that the United States will not tolerate China’s relentless attempts to bully its neighbors into submission and will not tolerate China’s espionage operations and propaganda campaigns on American soil."

At least he didn't use the term "China virus". Rest assured China will swallow up the US one day.
WW3 warning: US Senator warns China to be 'biggest threat' to world 'for next century'
WORLD WAR 3 fears have reignited after Senator Ted Cruz branded China as the "greatest geopolitical threat" to the US and allies, suggesting tensions could persist between the two countries for the "next century."
PUBLISHED: 09:18, Sun, Aug 16, 2020 | UPDATED: 09:22, Sun, Aug 16, 2020

World War 3 concerns have slowly resurfaced as the tension between the US and China further intensified over the past year, with Washington and Beijing both hardening their stance against the other. Following the imposition of new sanctions on US officials over their criticism of China, Texas Senator Ted Cruz warned the skirmish between the two nations and their respective allies could persist through the next century. Speaking to Fox News, Senator Cruz said: "China is the greatest geopolitical threat facing the United States and our allies — now and for the next century.

"China’s objective is nothing short of global domination.

"Yet many on the world stage, including at the United Nations, turn a blind eye to China’s barbaric behavior and aggression.

"That is not the case in the United States. We must and will respond."

Sen Cruz slammed the Chinese Government's behaviour towards the Uighur Muslim community and Hong Kong as "despicable" as he claimed latest decisions from Beijing are part of a pattern of "aggression."

The Texan politician continued: "Unfortunately, China’s treatment of Hong Kong and the Uighurs is part of a pattern of despicable behavior including China’s aggression, human rights abuses, espionage operations, censorship practices and propaganda campaigns.

"It’s time for the United States to take serious measures to hold China accountable.

"That’s why I’ve been fighting in the Senate to fundamentally reassess our relationship with China and counter Chinese censorship in the wake of the Communist Chinese government’s coronavirus cover-up."

He added: "We need to do everything we can to make it clear that the United States will not tolerate China’s relentless attempts to bully its neighbors into submission and will not tolerate China’s espionage operations and propaganda campaigns on American soil."

Yeah all. He wants is world become afraid and pay more money to fight china while usa itself takes that money and invest more in China?
The world is not interested in playing games with American arms dealers right now.
It thought China will collapse in 2008 because all the signs point there and the Chinese people, represented democratically by unelected Indian trolls and U.S. senators speaking, will rise up against Chinas ... increasing wealth and lifequality or something and silly Chinese just cant understand because they are so ignorant and uneducated to see the truth but will see. Or was it 2011?

Now China is suddenly a geopolitical threat even when it still cant build jet engines and a blue water navy according to military experts with degrees in social media posting and plumbing.
We should at least start to take Senator Cruz seriously if he says sorry to all countries which were invaded by USA since 1945.
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