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Wuhan citizen plainly tells the #coronavirus situation in Wuhan & seeks help from the world.

You wouldn't be able to survive 2 weeks with this virus... without proper medical care...

Wrong, most cases are mild ones, just like common cold, some doctors quarantined themselves at home and recovered in a week, only severe cases are life threatening and the average age for the dead is 74. there is no treatment at present.Please don't spread unfounded rumors.
And I just finished watching the movie too. It all starts from a bat and a pig.

Funny, because when I saw this movie the first time, people was bashing it in Hong Kong (Well, it did portray Hong Kong and China in a very bad light) and these people say "This won't happen" or "That is just an exaggeration" or "This is pure fear mongering".

And you know what? That movie is pretty close to this Wuhan Crisis as it can, in fact, I just found out today that that movie was made in cooperation with CDC and based on the SARS outbreak.....And a lot of people in the field actually praise the science behind this movie. Well, sometime I wonder, if only we treat it more seriously, would we not have the Wuhan Thing?

Death toll is now 78 or 80....And no end is in sight.
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CORONAVIRUS ALERT: AT LEAST 100,000 infected and THOUSANDS DEAD, Govt Flees to Island.


Guardian front page, Monday 27 January 2020: Experts fear 100,000 may have new virus worldwide.
Typical smearing and misinfo by west. They are master of such despicable move.
CORONAVIRUS ALERT: AT LEAST 100,000 infected and THOUSANDS DEAD, Govt Flees to Island.


Guardian front page, Monday 27 January 2020: Experts fear 100,000 may have new virus worldwide.

To be fair, I wasn't watching the Coronavirus on this, I was attached to two news. David Schwimmer life after "Ross" and Kobe's death.
This virus is no joke. Have you seen videos coming from Wuhan?
I watch tens of them if not hundreds of them everyday, most from Chinese social media shot by Wuhan people themselves on the ground. How many do you watch?
I watch tens of them if not hundreds of them everyday, most from Chinese social media shot by Wuhan people themselves on the ground. How many do you watch?
So how terrible is the virus? What is the fatality rate? Is it more than SARS?
Chinese Authorities said the virus is strengthening and can spread before any symptoms.

Look I am not blaming China but It is a threat to humanity.
So how terrible is the virus? What is the fatality rate? Is it more than SARS?
Chinese Authorities said the virus is strengthening and can spread before any symptoms.

Look I am not blaming China but It is a threat to humanity.
its not as bad as SARS.
So how terrible is the virus? What is the fatality rate? Is it more than SARS?
Chinese Authorities said the virus is strengthening and can spread before any symptoms.

Look I am not blaming China but It is a threat to humanity.
Fatality rate currently is around 2% , experts say will come down after more cases being confirmed. the fatality rate is far lower than SARS, but it can be contagious during the incubation period which no symptoms are shown, that's not the case in SARS, SARS is not contagious during incubation.

How Deadly Is This Disease?

The short answer is, we don’t know. If you look at the number of people reported to be infected (approximately 600, though this number is sure to rise) and compare to the number of deaths (17), you can calculate a number called the case fatality rate, which describes how deadly a disease is. Right now, the case fatality rate is a little under 3%. That means that 3% of people who become infected with the new coronavirus die. But this number is almost meaningless right now, since we don’t really know yet how many people are infected and how many deaths will occur in the coming weeks. One thing we do know: like many other illnesses, 2019-nCoV patients are more likely to die if they are old or suffer from other diseases.
How dangerous is this new virus?

Right now, no one knows. Symptoms in infected people have ranged from mild to severe. Around a quarter of confirmed cases are severe, according to the WHO. So far, the fatality rate is around 3 percent, though that could change as the outbreak progresses. The fatality rate for SARS was about 14 to 15 percent. Most fatalities in this outbreak have been in older people who have underlying health issues, like heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes. (That’s the same demographic who is most at risk of dying from illnesses like the flu.)

Experts say the initial confirmed cases are almost all severe cases, mild cases were under the radar cause the symptoms are just like common cold and can recover in a week without medical treatment, and it's a new disease most people initially don't know, so they didn't go to the hospital for treatment.
Now we have better knowledge about this new disease and ways to confirm it is much quicker, testing materials are much more ready, with more cased being tested and confirmed, the fatality rate will come down.
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Thought this poor fella deserves his own thread.

Null problemo

Should there be a lack of food supply, superpower chinese can buy rice, banana and everything else from Vietnam. We can deliver direct to every house door.

Null problemo

Should there be a lack of food supply, superpower chinese can buy rice, banana and everything else from Vietnam. We can deliver direct to every house door.

Check the recent video coming out of Wuhan, supermarkets are full with everything, no need to worry about daily necessities and food.
Coronavirus outbreak: Indonesians in locked-down Wuhan want to come home
  • Ardila Syakriah
    The Jakarta Post
Jakarta / Sun, January 26, 2020 / 07:43 am
Travelers are checked by health personnel at the entrance to an underground train station in Beijing on Jan. 24. Security and health officers are working to prevent the spread of a deadly SARS-like virus that originated in Wuhan. China has sealed off millions living near the epicenter of the outbreak. (AFP/Noel Celis)

Indonesian nationals trapped in the locked-down city of Wuhan, China, where the deadly coronavirus first emerged, have expressed hope that they will be allowed to leave the country amid the outbreak.

Fitriani, a 25-year-old master's student at the China University of Geosciences in Wuhan, said she hoped she could be evacuated to a safer region or return to Indonesia before the outbreak worsens.

"I didn't plan on returning to Indonesia during this winter break. However, I started to think of going home when the virus reportedly infected 198 people by Jan. 21, but the city has been locked down since Jan. 23," Fitriani told The Jakarta Post via text message on Saturday.

Fitriani is among the 93 Indonesian citizens, a majority of them students, trapped in Wuhan since the Chinese government shut down travel out of the epicenter of the viral outbreak on Thursday, according to the chairman of the Wuhan branch of the Indonesian Student Association in China (PPIT Wuhan), Nur Musyafak.

The Chinese government has halted all travel from and toward Wuhan, shut down its public transportation and told residents to stay home, AFP reported, adding that 17 other smaller cities in Hubei province prepared various measures ranging from closing public venues and restricting large gatherings to halting public transportation and asking citizens not to leave their cities.

There were around 200 Indonesian nationals in Wuhan, Nur of PPIT Wuhan said, adding that many of them had returned to Indonesia for the Lunar New Year holiday, which usually lasted until mid-February.

Foreign Minister Retno LP Marsudi offered a different number, however, citing embassy records that say there were 428 Indonesian students in Wuhan, 1,280 in Beijing and 849 in Shanghai, while adding that, as of December, 90 percent of the Indonesian students in Wuhan and its surroundings had returned to Indonesia for Chinese New Year.

Fitriani, who lives at her university's dormitory with five other Indonesian students, said she would not leave her dorm unless necessary. Her dorm set up thermal scanners to monitor students' body temperatures on Jan. 22, she added.

The last time she went out was to buy groceries at a nearby traditional market that was now temporarily closed as some sellers feared the coronavirus. She said she had stocked up on food for the next week, as suggested by Chinese authorities.

"The prices of vegetables and fruits have gone up, from 5 Chinese renminbi per 500 grams to 30 renminbi per 500 grams. I had no other choice but to buy them as I need them," Fitriani said.

Fitriani, who has been in Wuhan since September, talked about how unusually quiet the streets had been as she only spotted a few private vehicles and people wearing facial masks.

Another China University of Geosciences student in Wuhan, Rio Alfi, 35, said he initially had plans to return home to Pekanbaru, Riau, along with his wife and son before the lockdown was announced.

He said that although he had stored groceries for the coming week, he could not help but worry as prices of commodities had gone up while food stocks being sold had declined, leading people to scramble to get the commodities at a supermarket he had gone to.

"We're waiting for what's next because it's been three days since the lockdown. Psychologically speaking, it's pretty tough for us here in Wuhan. The student association and the Indonesian Embassy have coordinated and are monitoring the situation. However, there's been no decision yet as to whether we'll be evacuated out of Wuhan or receive assistance over supplies," he told the Post via text message on Saturday.

Rio, who has been studying in Wuhan since 2016, said that this year's Lunar New Year was different as fewer people were praying for their ancestors at cemeteries.

AFP reported that the Chinese army had deployed medical specialists to Wuhan on Saturday as hospitals bustled with patients, adding that authorities began building a new field hospital in Wuhan to deal with the outbreak.

The coronavirus, which bears similarities to the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), killed 54 people as of Sunday morning in China and spread around the world, including Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand, as confirmed infections surged to 1,652 people, Channel News Asia reported.

The Indonesian Foreign Ministry's director for citizen protection told the Post on Friday that as Wuhan was under quarantine, the ministry through the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing was coordinating with local authorities to provide assistance needed by Indonesian nationals in the city.

Indonesian Ambassador to China Djauhari Oratmangun said the embassy was in close contact with Indonesian citizens through Chinese messaging app WeChat.

"We're constantly in contact with them. There is a coordinator appointed in each campus' dormitory. So far, from the information that we've received, their food stock still suffices," he told the Post on Saturday.

He said the embassy had bought plane tickets for Indonesian students in Wuhan who had been traveling outside of the city prior to the lockdown so that they could return to Indonesia.

Following the lockdown, Indonesia announced a temporary suspension of all flights operated by Indonesian airlines to and from Wuhan. Authorities had activated thermal scanners at entrance points in Indonesia to detect any symptoms of the virus, such as fever.

Null problemo

Should there be a lack of food supply, superpower chinese can buy rice, banana and everything else from Vietnam. We can deliver direct to every house door.

Guy in the footage said that "high living cost, high inflation", it means the virus is deadly but "high living cost, high inflation" is the worst.

Millions Cnese like him cant find jobs having good enough salary to pay for "high living cost", he cant afford to buy rice, fish, banana.

Cnese is just like Lybian, GDP per cpt is very high ( 11,000usd) but dont have money to survive. thats the main problem for Cnese now :cool:
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