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Wuhan citizen plainly tells the #coronavirus situation in Wuhan & seeks help from the world.

How do you know he is not?
I'm supposed to live in a state of denial just like you do incase of Uighur and now this guy and all?
What will it take for you people to wake up or never?

Did you watch the video?
There is no transport. All the fuel stations are closed off. They are no longer accepting people in Hospitals and discharging those already there and allowing them to spread it more.

This is not negligence, this is straight denial and cover and depriving people of their basic rights and leaving them to die because all the CCP cares for is their own skin.
This also tells you what real Chinese youth think like unlike the propagandists on this forum.

Chinese on this forum know, they aren't dumb, But it's a defense mechanism... Such behavior take roots in many "excuses"... When they speak among themselves... you will be surprise of what you are hearing... (at least those under 40)
Im damn scared of this virus crap.

Ive had fever,sore throat for weeks. I still havent recovered (sore throat and clogged ears) despite 2 visits to the doctor.
If you have good resistance, you will recover even if you are affected.

Start eating a lot of citrus fruits. Allah has given us kinnow in plenty. Eat 12 kinnows everyday, don't worry about sore throat.

Also, get yourself checked for streptococci bacterial infection. If you are positive, 5 days of good anti biotic will get rid of it.

Most of the extreme sore throat infections (that persist for more than 4-5 days) are bacterial. Go, and get yourself checked please.
How do you know he is not?
I'm supposed to live in a state of denial just like you do incase of Uighur and now this guy and all?
What will it take for you people to wake up or never?

Very disappointed that good people like yourself are falling for this fake media propaganda. But I guess it is your choice to believe in whatever you want to.
You wouldn't be able to survive 2 weeks with this virus... without proper medical care...
Not really, if you are young and fit with no pre existing condition. Very likely you can survive this virus after 2 weeks of fully blown. This virus do not have a 100% fatality rate although no cure at the moment.

Stay fluid, keep the temperature down and stay well-fed. You will survive likely.

Very disappointed that good people like yourself are falling for this fake media propaganda. But I guess it is your choice to believe in whatever you want to.
Exactly, there are too many idiot on internet nowadays. Now you know why some gullible easily part away with millions from their saving with some of the most dumb scam.
I don't blame a man like this guy, after all, we are just human. Though you can see his pessimistic minds and a "blaming others" mentality when a crisis happened. This is the time people's positive and negative characters show off nakedly, and magnified when facing crisis.

On the positive side from other parts of China, there are some people with medical backgrounds volunteering to go to Wuhan to help without asking for any material returns. I salute these people!
Thought this poor fella deserves his own thread.

Wat? Hes asking help from oversea Cnese ( Fanlugong ??) to pressure on CN govt ?? High living cost ? High inflation ? Corrupted Govt officers?? Life is too hard in CN now ??

Why no Cnese here say the same thing ?? Instead All Cnese here r so happy that they got pay at least 10,000usd/year .

Who should we trust ?? That guy or Cnese here ??? :wacko:
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Gunshot?? firecrackers are more like it, I hear " guanshots" now sitting by my window, it's Chinese new year seaso now, sooo stupid, and how come those medical workers are not wearing protection suits? Corona virus infection started just like common cold, it's very mild, how come in your video it's like someone is having a heart attack?

Dec 20, 2019
+0 / 98 / -0


This guys started rumors and China bashing posts from day one after he registered a month ago, it seems like his only purpose to register in PDF is to crap on China.

HI, my paid Chinese troll, what do you have to say about a Chinese citizen going on youtube and telling the world what conditions are like in China?
Just watched the whole thing.
Really tragic for the poor souls stuck in there under the CCP oppression.
I wonder where are our resident CCP propaganda mouth pieces right now.

Just made an appearance, get ready for an onslaught, the troll factory of the CCP is going to be in overdrive.
A few months ago, China's President Xi issued a statement saying that "China Should get ready for a Black Swan event". So the Chinese knew something bad is being planned.

Hence I have every confidence that China will work on this fast and come up with a cure. Now for people who are asking why do Chinese eat uncooked poultry and other animals, well it is nothing New and it has been happening for thousands of years. So this leads to the question - Was this Virus deliberately released by some country? Because if it is then this is an attack on China and the Chinese people.
A few months ago, China's President Xi issued a statement saying that "China Should get ready for a Black Swan event". So the Chinese knew something bad is being planned.

Hence I have every confidence that China will work on this fast and come up with a cure. Now for people who are asking why do Chinese eat uncooked poultry and other animals, well it is nothing New and it has been happening for thousands of years. So this leads to the question - Was this Virus deliberately released by some country? Because if it is then this is an attack on China and the Chinese people.
There is No point playing blame game, even your teory is true, there is No Proof.
The fault is in Chinese people and goverment.
This should become a leason for Chinese goverment to implement tougher , strict Regulations.
Im damn scared of this virus crap.

Ive had fever,sore throat for weeks. I still havent recovered (sore throat and clogged ears) despite 2 visits to the doctor.

In'sha'allah you will be fine brother.

Ayesha (R.A.) stated that when anyone among them had an illness, Prophet Mohammad (SAW.) used to rub the area of the pain reciting the following dua:

أَذْهِبِ الْبَأْسَ رَبَّ النَّاسِ وَاشْفِ أَنْتَ الشَّافِي لَا شِفَاءَ إِلَّا شِفَاؤُكَ شِفَاءٌ لَا يُغَادِرُ سَقَمَاً

"O Lord of the people, remove this pain and cure it, You are the one who cures and there is no one besides You who can cure, grant such a cure that no illness remains".

"Ayesha (R.A.) stated that when Prophet Mohammad (SAW.) was ill, he used to recite the four Quls, blow on his hands and pass them over on the back and front. He also recited these surahs, blew on his hands and passed them over his body during his fatal illness".

(Bukhari, Muslim)
Wuhan citizen plainly tells the #coronavirus situation in Wuhan & seeks help from the world.

Better watch this quickly before it gets taken down and he gets arrested, this guy is very brave.

And we know the CCP is a bunch of disgusting, corrupt pricks.

@jaibi please warn this member. His abusive language will clearly set off Chinese members and then the thread will be full of trolls.

Gunshot?? firecrackers are more like it, I hear " guanshots" now sitting by my window, it's Chinese new year seaso now, sooo stupid, and how come those medical workers are not wearing protection suits? Corona virus infection started just like common cold, it's very mild, how come in your video it's like someone is having a heart attack?

Dec 20, 2019
+0 / 98 / -0


This guys started rumors and China bashing posts from day one after he registered a month ago, it seems like his only purpose to register in PDF is to crap on China.

Whenever he uses abusive language report him to the Mods. I urge all Chinese member to do the same instead of engaging him.
I don't think they eat without cooking. Most of the bacteria and viruses are killed/ inactivated at 100C temp, and I think in cooking, the temperature rises to more than 100 sometimes.

It could be true if they eat raw meat/ poultry/ fish and pork.

Not just cooking, but food handling is paramount as well.

If you handle raw meat, it's very customary you wash your hand with soap and thoroughly afterward. Most Chinese does not practices this (Even myself when I was in Hong Kong) and in the west, there are standard you need to follow, like wearing gloves to handle raw meat and wash hand at every available station. But in China, this is not promoted, as far as I know.

Watch this, this is from a movie called Contagion I think in 2013, it basically detail how virus like this spread because of unsafe food handling practices.

Not just cooking, but food handling is paramount as well.

If you handle raw meat, it's very customary you wash your hand with soap and thoroughly afterward. Most Chinese does not practices this (Even myself when I was in Hong Kong) and in the west, there are standard you need to follow, like wearing gloves to handle raw meat and wash hand at every available station. But in China, this is not promoted, as far as I know.

Watch this, this is from a movie called Contagion I think in 2013, it basically detail how virus like this spread because of unsafe food handling practices.

And I just finished watching the movie too. It all starts from a bat and a pig.
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