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Wrong war in Wazirastan. We need to attck the source of Taliban! in Kandhar



New Recruit

Nov 18, 2005
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Borrowing the statement from John Kerry. Pakistan's war in Wazirastan is "Wrong war, and the wrong time, against the right people".

No one can deny that Taliban are the source of major instability in the region. However Wazirastan war is not the answer.

Pakistan should pull out most of its army and attack the real source of Tablibanic read bubonic plague emanating from Kandhar. This is where Mullah Umer and AQ is hiding and that's where all the anti-Pakistan schemes are being hatched.

Once we attack Kandhar, Talbibanic menace will dewindle and so will the bubanic plague's impact on Wazirastan.
I think US is trying to do that already however they could be a possible short solution to it. tell the US and NATO to leave the country, fire a nuke at kandhar, once and for all we will be trouble free as there will be no one left to enagage in anti pakistan elements not even the indians since their *** will also be blown with it.LOL
let us take control of Kandhar, this problem will solve in blink of eye.;)

let us take control of Kandhar, this problem will solve in blink of eye.;)


Afghanistan is totally broken. It will take a long time to fix it. In order to do something about Afghanistan, we must get out of the habit of using warlords. Been there done that!

Time now is to use regular troops and cleanup the mess in our neighborhood. Let NATO come down form North and we go up from Quetta to Kandhar. This move should crush Talibanic bubonic plague and bring a well needed peace in the region.

We can't fix this bubonic plague by attacking Wazirastan.

Once peace prevails, our army can also help build pipelines from CIS to Gawadar, take care of Balochistan and our economy too. It is a win a win situation for Pakistan, Afghanistan, NATO, USA, and even India.

It is a win a win situation for Pakistan, Afghanistan, NATO, USA, and even India.
India ! how can it be a win situation for India a situation where Pakistan Wins is where India Looses.

India ! how can it be a win situation for India a situation where Pakistan Wins is where India Loss.


Welcome to the brave new world Wilco!. As an emerging economy, India's biggest objective has to be peace in the neighborhood. Therefore a peaceful, prosperous Pak-Afghan region will be an immense help for India.
Welcome to the brave new world Wilco!. As an emerging economy, India's biggest objective has to be peace in the neighborhood. Therefore a peaceful, prosperous Pak-Afghan region will be an immense help for India.

We gave Proof of Raw operating in Afg against Pakistan to Afg in the recent PAK_AFGHAN jirga. What was that? was RAW trying to set Peace deal between Pakistan & Taliban ??

Truth Remains Truth Till Kasshmir is there there will be no peace between India & Pakistan, no matter what ever we do the core issue lies there & it needed to be solved.

......Truth Remains Truth Till Kasshmir is there there will be no peace between India & Pakistan, no matter what ever we do the core issue lies there & it needed to be solved.

Agreed! However we look deeper into Kashmir issue and see that it is really the result of anti-Pakistan emotions in India. there will always be a group in India that will remain not only anti-Kashmir but anti-Pakistan.

But we can't be paralyzed by Indian fear and ignore other dangers as well as opportunities awaiting on the Western border.

We gave Proof of Raw operating in Afg against Pakistan to Afg in the recent PAK_AFGHAN jirga. What was that? was RAW trying to set Peace deal between Pakistan & Taliban ??

Look! RAW operates in Pakistan and so it does in many other countries. Sure there are RAW officers posted in Afghanistan, but so are the officers of ISI, CIA, FBI, Russians, Germans and the list goes on. Let these sleuths do their job and let's figure out getting out of Wazirastan quagmire. And the only way to do it is to hit Taliban's soft underbelly via Kandhar.

Look! RAW operates in Pakistan and so it does in many other countries. Sure there are RAW officers posted in Afghanistan, but so are the officers of ISI, CIA, FBI, Russians, Germans and the list goes on. Let these sleuths do their job and let's figure out getting out of Wazirastan quagmire. And the only way to do it is to hit Taliban's soft underbelly via Kandhar.
Look! you said in your previous that India want peace around her neighbors so i told you that she does not want peace, now you can move round & round but issue will remain the same.

Agreed! However we look deeper into Kashmir issue and see that it is really the result of anti-Pakistan emotions in India. there will always be a group in India that will remain not only anti-Kashmir but anti-Pakistan.
So the dont want to solve it, RIGHT.

Champ how conveniently you diverted from topic to India.
Well we have learn some tricks from you guys, :D

Right !

But you need starting point & you guys are expert in that. we just finish it.

Right !

But you need starting point & you guys are expert in that. we just finish it.



BTW Wilco since when you find time to wast on the same pathatic topic
started by antiobl in every other section???

antiobl has been infected with attack on Kandahar phobia.
Can not even defeat the taliban in waziristan but you going to go into the heart of taliban country and some how attack and defeat the taliban...:crazy:

You need to wake up from the same dream you have been having about attacking the taliban in khandahar and start living in the real world.

Wilco and antibol true dreamers
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