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WOW !! I Never Knew About Operation Searchlight

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come to BD, i can show you mass graves :tup:
So you're saying you personally counted 3 million corpses?? And how did you know if they were Biharis, Bangalis, or pro-Pakistan Bangalis?? Or if they were combatants and non-combatants?? I'm sure it wasn't written on their skulls.
oh i forgot you are saint, you can not do anything :lol:

you can be ignorant but you will not able to destroy the fact LOL
Stop avoiding the question and answer it:

Did you personally count 3 million corpses?? And how did you know if they were Biharis, Bangalis, or pro-Pakistan Bangalis?? Or if they were combatants and non-combatants?? I'm sure it wasn't written on their skulls.

Also, where is evidence that PA had orders/intention of committing a genocide against Bangalis??
Right, so with the arithmetic out of the way, lets get down to facts. The leadership of newly independent Bangladesh set up processes to document and support women who had suffered sexual assaults during the war - care to find out what the results of that particular effort were?

Women in 'that part' of the world aren't too eager to report being raped given the social stigma 'those people' place on it.
Stop avoiding the question and answer it:

Did you personally count 3 million corpses?? And how did you know if they were Biharis, Bangalis, or pro-Pakistan Bangalis?? Or if they were combatants and non-combatants?? I'm sure it wasn't written on their skulls.

Also, where is evidence that Pa had intention of committing a genocide against Bangalis??
so you are telling me in same grave both Banglis and Biharis bodies there ?
where is evidence of Pa ! ! ? :o: so are you telling me no genocide done by pa ? :woot:
More likely that they knew that the reality on the ground was not the poisonous propaganda they were spouting.

... of the non-combatant Biharis, West Pakistanis and pro-Pakistani Bengalis massacred by the Mukti Bahini?
Nopes, the crimes did take place as attested by the American consul general himself, something called the "Blood Telegram". The Indian govt's act was more likely due to a sense of magnanimity towards one's enemy which develops after victory and clouds rational judgement. Most of the senior Indian and Pakistani officers fighting in BD at that time were former batchmates from IMA, Dehradun. That is also one of the reasons why they were shielded from the Muktis.
"Apparently no precise figure is available for the deaths, but Bass cites a CIA and State Department estimate of about 200,000 midway through the killing."


‘The Blood Telegram: Nixon, Kissinger, and a Forgotten Genocide’ by Gary J. Bass - The Washington Post

The Blood Telegram: Nixon, Kissinger, and a Forgotten Genocide: Gary J. Bass: 9780307700209: Amazon.com: Books

We were a little busy with that Viet Nam thing.
not really, you did moral support to Pakistan and even send your 7th fleet to help pakistan, then Soviet Union send its battle group and took our side.. read it up plz
so you are telling me in same grave both Banglis and Biharis bodies there ?
I'm not telling you anything, i'm asking you a simple question.

Did you personally count 3 million corpses?? And how did you know if they were Biharis, Bangalis, or pro-Pakistan Bangalis?? Or if they were combatants and non-combatants?? I'm sure it wasn't written on their skulls.

where is evidence of Pa ! ! ? :o: so are you telling me no genocide done by pa ? :woot:
:o: So then why hasn't Bangladesh brought this "genocide" to the attention of International community and why hasn't any Pakistani officer involved in this "genocide" been put on trial in an international court?? Because there is no evidence to prove that this was a genocide and the claims of the number of people raped and murdered are truly exaggerated. :woot:
We were a little busy with that Viet Nam thing.

"What Blood and his young associates did not know was that Nixon and Kissinger were using Yahya Khan as a secret communications channel toMao Zedong’s China. It was Yahya Khan who would arrange Kissinger’s clandestine trip to China in July 1971 to prepare the way for Nixon’s epochal visit there in February 1972. Nixon and Kissinger were determined to let nothing interfere with their enterprise to checkmate the Soviet Union in the Cold War by turning China into a friend of the United States. The cables from Blood’s consulate about this inconvenient massacre in East Bengal infuriated both men."
not really, you did moral support to Pakistan and even send your 7th fleet to help pakistan, then Soviet Union send its battle group and took our side.. read it up plz
so, they WERE busy and didn't want to put up another fight. Moving a fleet around was just to troll, literaly.

again, potato thread
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