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Would you fight for your country ?


Feb 22, 2013
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Anybody can explain Finland ? :o:

Anybody can explain Finland ? :o:

Not sure these numbers would be accurate in war time or in case of extreme emergency situation.

PS : Funnily I have seen the same map posted on a pro Erdogan paper claiming Turkey could conquer Europe within three days...... I think it was Yeni Söz something like that.

Remember this Weapon of Mass Communication ? Finland can crush any enemy by beating them with it, Even Russian or American wont Dare Enter Finland ..
Not sure these numbers would be accurate in war time or in case of extreme emergency situation.

PS : Funnily I have seen the same map posted on a pro Erdogan paper claiming Turkey could conquer Europe within three days...... .
Whatever. Source is Gallup.

Anybody can explain Finland ?
You have to realize that the same question has different meanings, or perhaps a better term is implications, in different countries.

In most democracies military service is a voluntary career path. In democracies with military conscription, however, the question is the equivalent of asking, "Are you willing to disobey the law rather than fight?" Finland is one of those democracies with conscription, so I suppose that's part of the answer.
Still Turkey's number is unsatisfying I would say... especially after seeing the numbers of Pakistan or the Azer bros.
You have to realize that the same question has different meanings, or perhaps a better term is implications, in different countries.

In most democracies military service is a voluntary career path. In democracies with military conscription, however, the question is the equivalent of asking, "Are you willing to disobey the law rather than fight?" Finland is one of those democracies with conscription, so I suppose that's part of the answer.

While I agree with your arguement to some extent, it is also true that the citizens of two such democracies with military conscription, namely Israel and Switzerland, actually seem to have much lesser willingness to fight for their country, with the gallup survey showing that 66% in Israel and only 39% in Switzerland are willing to fight for their countries , perhaps, in Finland's case, this has to do with patriotic sentiment?
Whatever. Source is Gallup.


Interesting! As the countries become developed/advanced, the less likely they are to fight for man made boundaries. Which raises an interesting question - are first world countries exploiting such mindsets of third world countries? It seems so.
While I agree with your arguement to some extent, it is also true that the citizens of two such democracies with military conscription, namely Israel and Switzerland, actually seem to have much lesser willingness to fight for their country, with the gallup survey showing that 66% in Israel and only 39% in Switzerland are willing to fight for their countries , perhaps, in Finland's case, this has to do with patriotic sentiment?
Israel is 66%?!?! Astonishing, since non-Jews are over 20% of the population.
Even Russian or American wont Dare Enter Finland ..
I'm sure Finland allows tourism from both. Or were you talking about conquest? The Russians ALREADY conquered part of Finland back in WWII and as for Americans why would we be interested in such a thing?
Ukraine on 62 % but they cannot fullified two battalions of volunteers on the Eastern Ukraine battlefield.:rofl:

Vietnam and Finland :tup:
I'm sure Finland allows tourism from both. Or were you talking about conquest? The Russians ALREADY conquered part of Finland back in WWII and as for Americans why would we be interested in such a thing?

because it was suppose to be a joke .. damn bro, you are such a buzz killer :(
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