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Would you fight for your country ?

The UK figure can be explained by the unpopularity of the Iraq and latter Afghan campaigns. I asked the same question to over 100 students that I taught i.e. would you fight in a defensive war, and 82% said yes.
The UK figure can be explained by the unpopularity of the Iraq and latter Afghan campaigns. I asked the same question to over 100 students that I taught i.e. would you fight in a defensive war, and 82% said yes.

If the UK was under threat of invasion, then nearly everyone bar some cowards, conscientious objectors and society haters would volunteer to fight. So we can say more than 90% easily in this case.
If the UK was under threat of invasion, then nearly everyone bar some cowards, conscientious objectors and society haters would volunteer to fight. So we can say more than 90% easily in this case.

True when the British have their backs against the wall they come out swinging. I agree virtually everyone would fight.
this survey is a joke. i mean seriously instead of peace, love.
every one is spreading hates. warmonger shut the f.......

i will only fight for my self defense. but problem is that i am not black belt or a wrestler. :(
so i would prefer fight using my resources even for my country:big_boss:
Would like to know who are the remaining 11% in Pakistan? we don't have that many politicians!

Whatever. Source is Gallup.

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