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Would Jinnah have lived as a Shia?

These type of articles are only published to create mischief and 'fitna'.
scumbag.....the standard of islam is lowered in Pakistan...nuts like you are responsible for that

The standard of Islam will always remain high until the last day and it only the standard of its follower which will change so it only proves that you are a low life loser.

Idiots like you should know Jinnah was a better muslim than you anyday of the week, on top of that 180million Pakistanis send him their blessings always

Blind patriots like you prefer to live in their own small world of ego satisfaction where truth is considered a lie. You can say what ever you want but at the end of the day no one can change the criteria for a "good Muslim leader" set by Allah and the glorious prophet and thats where jinnah does not even come slightly close to it.
Blind patriots like you prefer to live in their own small world of ego satisfaction where truth is considered a lie. You can say what ever you want but at the end of the day no one can change the criteria for a "good Muslim leader" set by Allah and the glorious prophet and thats where jinnah does not even come slightly close to it.
Of course, if you use OBL as the ideal comparison, then JInnah would hardly play the part, on the other hand if sunnah and the practises of sahabas and other great muslims leaders are concerned Jinnah was the absolute best men of the century
ANd Allah SWT knows best
[ no one can change the criteria for a "good Muslim leader" set by Allah and the glorious prophet and thats where jinnah does not even come slightly close to it

If not good than Why did The Almighty allowed him to make a country for 100's of millions people of the subcontinent?
He had Allah SWT's blessing and did it for a selfless noble and righteous cause, mods please conclude this thread.

I think Jinnah changed his sect for politics. So it did matter to him.
Jinnah gave his life for Islam, period.
The Quaid was a Shia Muslim - and we are proud of the fact, but also Sunni's, Ismaeli's, Christians, Ahmadi's, Hindu's, Sikh's all had a part to play in our freedom movement, we need to get the pluralistic Pakistan of the 50's and 60's back - I am certain - we will succeed it is only a matter of time, the takfiri have achieved their high water mark, it is down hill for them from now on.
No he wasn't, he mentioned Islam and Quran in his speeches, not once did he do any Ali worship or ahle bait worship, he never said ya ali madad or do matam or take part in ashura

So you are saying he was a good Shia? Or in other words he was a good Muslim despite being a Shia?

You are obviously frowning upon some of the common practices of Shias and then commending Jinnah for not following them. Thats very conditional. And irrelevant too as his religious practices are hardly his claim to fame.
He didn't have a sect, he sometimes talked about Ali, and sometimes about Umer RAD who the shias don't like. Sects are silly, stop following them.
Quid was not Secular nor Shia...





People should read that, and these are not just words but references are there.
He didn't have a sect, he sometimes talked about Ali, and sometimes about Umer RAD who the shias don't like. Sects are silly, stop following them.
Their ego is blinding them from your and Quaid e Azam's message
How is it nonsense when you have admitted yourself that Muslims who do not perform umrah or hajj or ramadan arent good Muslims which implies that Jinnah was not a good Muslim?

What is so hard to understand that jinnah was a secular leader because he did not observe his religion?

I don't think you know anything about religion and specifically religion Islam.

It's a belief which makes you Muslim and then sunni or shia Muslim. And practice makes you Good Follower or bad follower. So there can be people who don't practise Islam, but they belief in Sunni's thought and try to practice (may succeed or not). Which means they agree that "non-muslims" should pay jaziya but when it comes to paying zakat they run away, or specifically they believe in ahl-e-bait (to be a shia) or Sahaba (to be sunni), but when it comes to practice they don't. This makes them Muslim, and may be some sect's follower... but May be not Momin (as per definition of any sect). Same way, 90% Pakistani Muslim's believe Shariah should be implemented in Pakistan, but when it comes for them to practise, they miss, they fails etc. This makes them Muslim believe, and follower of a sect. So he was not a secular but follower of Ashraf Thanvi who helped him to change his religion believes... and in the end He made Pakistan on his beliefs ..

He converted from Khoja Shia to Twelver Shia sect.
Stop messing with Pakistani History, there are 100s books which quoted that he was following "Ashraf Thanvi " who wasn't Shia

He didn't have a sect, he sometimes talked about Ali, and sometimes about Umer RAD who the shias don't like. Sects are silly, stop following them.
That's makes him Sunni ..
To respect & love the Prophet [pbuh] and his 5 close family members is the duty of every muslim PERIOD -- this is not an inherent duty of only a particular sect --The concepts of Islam are very straightforward and members please refrain from posting your truncuated knowledge here as a representative of islam or for that matter, any sect

Till the time you muslims havent read the Quran's translation & sahi bukharee once in your life time , you are at no place to comment/criticize on any of this matter --The criteria of being a good muslim is not ANY sect as there was no sect of islam in its original form -- all these sects are man made & the only thing guiding us is the Quran & hadith--this is what the prophet pbhu has left us with

Intelligent people try to unite on common grounds , idiots try to find differences , enemies blow these difference out of proportion , the people who havent studied the quran&hadith are their easy targets just like a blind cattle herd dancing on the flute propaganda tune of the instigators --- choose what role you want to play here
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