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Would Jinnah have lived as a Shia?

Although Pakistan was created on the bases of religion, anyone can become a leader in Pakistan as long as he/she pretends to be a Muslims.
Quid was not Secular nor Shia...




Quid is not Secular nor Shia...



People in Pakistan just like in India have the tendency of fabricating history to satisfy their egos. If Qauid was not secular then please explain how many times he performed umrah or hajj, and any documentation about his observation of ramadan?
People in Pakistan just like in India have the tendency of fabricating history to satisfy their egos. If Qauid was not secular then please explain how many times he performed umrah or hajj, and any documentation about his observation of ramadan?
You are the other extreme of the spectrum.being secular doesnt mean that you stop observing your personal religion or stop doing namaz etc.
People in Pakistan just like in India have the tendency of fabricating history to satisfy their egos. If Qauid was not secular then please explain how many times he performed umrah or hajj, and any documentation about his observation of ramadan?

Nonsense. There are many Muslims around you who have wealth but never perfrom Umrah or Hajj and never observed Ramadan but it doesnt mean that they are Secular or non-Muslim... It just means that they are not a good MUSLIM.
Nonsense. There are many Muslims around you who have wealth but never perfrom Umrah or Hajj and never observed Ramadan but it doesnt mean that they are Secular or non-Muslim... It just means that they are not a good MUSLIM.

How is it nonsense when you have admitted yourself that Muslims who do not perform umrah or hajj or ramadan arent good Muslims which implies that Jinnah was not a good Muslim?

You are the other extreme of the spectrum.being secular doesnt mean that you stop observing your personal religion or stop doing namaz etc.

What is so hard to understand that jinnah was a secular leader because he did not observe his religion?
there are simple question and there are complicated ones
Example of a complicated question, "if a hen and a half layed an egg and a half in a day and a half, how long would it take a monkey with a wooden leg, to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle?"....go think about it

now to a simple quesiton, "would Jinnah have lived as a Shia"
answer: yes if he wanted to be practicing Shia like my neighbors do, or yes even if he wanted to live as a non practicing shia like Bhuto family.

ASCII stupid, Stupid ANSI
What is so hard to understand that jinnah was a secular leader because he did not observe his religion?
your definition of secularism is wrong.secularism doesnt mean that stop performing your religion and act as atheist it means keep your religion at home and dont mix it with the state and public life.
No, I think Mr. Jinnah wouldn't have survived such an aggressive surgery that would make several segments out of his body. Yeqh, I don't think he'd hqve lived as a shi3ah. However, he''d hqve lived as a shi3ii, i.e. as one living organism.
If he had lived longer Pakistan would have been a secular nation
your definition of secularism is wrong.secularism doesnt mean that stop performing your religion and act as atheist it means keep your religion at home and dont mix it with the state and public life.

I do not know whether its lack of your comprehension skills or lack of understanding English but I have clearly said that Jinnah was a Secular leader who was not devoted to his religion.

If he had lived longer Pakistan would have been a secular nation

What makes you think Pakistan isnt a secular nation today? It may not be 100% secular state but neither it is a islamic state because their is no such thing as "islamic state" in Islam.
Dude who gives a $hit.......if he is Sunni, Shia......he was Pakistani that all it matter.....simple!
Jinnah's ancestors were Hindus......they were forcefully converted to islam.....Given the current islamic extremism in Pakistan,had Jinnah been alive today,he would have converted himself to a follower of Hinduism
Suicide trolls are lower their standards every time?
there are simple question and there are complicated ones
Example of a complicated question, "if a hen and a half layed an egg and a half in a day and a half, how long would it take a monkey with a wooden leg, to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle?"....go think about it

now to a simple quesiton, "would Jinnah have lived as a Shia"
answer: yes if he wanted to be practicing Shia like my neighbors do, or yes even if he wanted to live as a non practicing shia like Bhuto family.

ASCII stupid, Stupid ANSI
I know he was a muslim, but he never hinted being shia - the only evidences were discovered from his family

scumbag.....the standard of islam is lowered in Pakistan...nuts like you are responsible for that
Mods are getting awefully kind these days

People in Pakistan just like in India have the tendency of fabricating history to satisfy their egos. If Qauid was not secular then please explain how many times he performed umrah or hajj, and any documentation about his observation of ramadan?

Nonsense. There are many Muslims around you who have wealth but never perfrom Umrah or Hajj and never observed Ramadan but it doesnt mean that they are Secular or non-Muslim... It just means that they are not a good MUSLIM.
Idiots like you should know Jinnah was a better muslim than you anyday of the week, on top of that 180million Pakistanis send him their blessings always
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