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Would America Risk a Nuclear War with China over Taiwan?

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Obviously a war between china and usa + japan is dangerous for everyone as it would devastate the economy of the 3 largest economic powers.

USA wants prace between china and taiwan. Al though taiwan economy is small it would still be catatrophic to usa as taiwan is a crucial player in us tech industry.
The answer is "yes." It will be total and nuclear war.

China should rapidly build up 10,000 warheads from fissile material and launch a surprise first strike with 200+ JL-2 and 400+ DF-41 / 31 at industrial and population centers of USA. Wipe out the whole political leadership. Then take Taiwan.
The answer is "yes." It will be total and nuclear war.

China should rapidly build up 10,000 warheads from fissile material and launch a surprise first strike with 200+ JL-2 and 400+ DF-41 / 31 at industrial and population centers of USA. Wipe out the whole political leadership. Then take Taiwan.

Are you @SinoChallenger? :)

The answer is "yes." It will be total and nuclear war.

China should rapidly build up 10,000 warheads from fissile material and launch a surprise first strike with 200+ JL-2 and 400+ DF-41 / 31 at industrial and population centers of USA. Wipe out the whole political leadership. Then take Taiwan.

Too much imagination.
The answer is "yes." It will be total and nuclear war.

China should rapidly build up 10,000 warheads from fissile material and launch a surprise first strike with 200+ JL-2 and 400+ DF-41 / 31 at industrial and population centers of USA. Wipe out the whole political leadership. Then take Taiwan.
and then your light mountain tank divisions can liberate south Tibet from India. ;)

Taiwan not risk a war with China by declare independent, Taiwan government do have a vision to eventually reunite with China. When gdp surpass the US, the reunion will take place. All China just need to wait for 5 to 10 yrs for the peaceful reunion.
The Japanese will find the best excuse to get actively involved in a military conflict between Taiwan and Mainland.

Americans will be stupid to nuke China which effectively helps the Russians retain its strength watching 2 tigers fighting downhill,

But when the event unfortunately happens, however remote it is, they will fully use their proxies in Asia like I said the Japanese will take the lead role followed by the Ozies and the Pinoys This is pretty much adopted as a standard strategy that Americans are using in recent military operations like the ones in the M East where they have taken side or back seats letting France or Saudi Arabia to do the dirty works more prominently


China National Ballet Dance Theatre

Yes, Japan's game plan to change its master-slave destiny is get US vs China war over another Asian country, not Japan. Japan want US to be weakened so they can remove the shackles from America.

Nice little ruse but the military leaders mind are smarter than your typical nihonjin. So going back to the OP's question, the answer is no.
The answer is "yes." It will be total and nuclear war.

China should rapidly build up 10,000 warheads from fissile material and launch a surprise first strike with 200+ JL-2 and 400+ DF-41 / 31 at industrial and population centers of USA. Wipe out the whole political leadership. Then take Taiwan.

As long as Japan has a belligerant PM in rule who has agreed to expand the "Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security" with USA PLUS Abe's military expansion and increasing militarisation policies, the risk of war that involve China is escalating but it is unnecessary to drastically fast forward our military buildup and to abolish the "no first strike" policy.

We love peace but be prepared for war


Ancient Chinese Art of Paper Folding
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Taiwan not risk a war with China by declare independent, Taiwan government do have a vision to eventually reunite with China. When gdp surpass the US, the reunion will take place. All China just need to wait for 5 to 10 yrs for the peaceful reunion.

Let's see what will come up with the next Taiwan Presidential Election
If you know which party is the hot favourite to win this coming election and the same party which has been the champions for an independent Taiwan, I hope the tension across strait is not going to build up beyond refrain on both sides

What happened to this thread?[/QUOTE

Indian troll got in this thread

Let's see what will come up with the next Taiwan Presidential Election
If you know which party is the hot favourite to win this coming election and the same party which has been the champions for an independent Taiwan, I hope the tension across strait is not going to build up beyond refrain on both sides


Since there a political party within Taiwan government in favorite of reunification, there will be slim chance of the next elected government declare independent.
Since there a political party within Taiwan government in favorite of reunification, there will be slim chance of the next elected government declare independent.

KMT is losing their Mojo in the coming election
They have high possibilities of losing while in the last election they have won only by a thin margin

KMT is losing their Mojo in the coming election
They have high possibilities of losing while in the last election they have won only by a thin margin


What there to gain for Taiwan declare independent and risk a totally destruction of their tiny island? China not threaten taiwan security without taiwan make the move for independent, you think Taiwan population are fool to support a war with China just so they can declare independent? If Taiwan seriously want independent they already done so when China military still weak without a capable navy to mount a serious threat to Taiwan.

What there to gain for Taiwan declare independent and risk a totally destruction of their tiny island? China not threaten taiwan security without taiwan make the move for independent, you think Taiwan population are fool to support a war with China just so they can declare independent? If Taiwan seriously want independent they already done so when China military still weak without a capable navy to mount a serious threat to Taiwan.
What there to gain for Taiwan declare independent and risk a totally destruction of their tiny island? China not threaten taiwan security without taiwan make the move for independent, you think Taiwan population are fool to support a war with China just so they can declare independent? If Taiwan seriously want independent they already done so when China military still weak without a capable navy to mount a serious threat to Taiwan.

A standard and level-headed assumption is like what you said and I have similar opinion too BUT Taiwan is growing more radical you cant rule out the craziness when you have Japan and USA as the provocateurs


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