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Would America Risk a Nuclear War with China over Taiwan?

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Now Abe is the PM and he fulfills his military expansionism through the conduit of the pronouncement in point b above

The Japan PM is binding deeper the Japanese fate with USA, They want your blood and your will be duly obliged to shed yours in Kamikaze fashion

Japan should be the number one proxy in war for the Americans if there is a military conflict between China and Taiwan and I repeat "the military conflict is very remote" however

How can anyone take a post like this seriously. Ridiculous.

And plus, I read about an agreement between China and Japan to not intervene each internal problem. So if Japan consider that Taiwan is part of China, then at Japan's view, Taiwan matter is China's internal problem? need a clarification in here

Yes, it is explicitly explained through the 1978 Treaty of Peace and Friendship:

The Treaty stipulates:

The Contracting Parties shall develop durable relations of peace and friendship between the two countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-Existence;

The Contracting Parties affirm that in their mutual relations, all disputes shall be settled by peaceful means without resorting to the use or threat of force;

The Contracting Parties shall endeavor to further develop their economic and cultural cooperation and to promote exchanges between the people of the two countries.

The two parties declare in the Treaty that neither of them should seek hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region or in any other regions and that each was opposed to efforts by any other country or group of countries to establish such hegemony.

The Treaty also stipulates in explicit terms that "the present Treaty shall not affect the position of either Contracting Party regarding its relations with their countries".

In October of the same year, Vice-Premier Deng Xiaoping visited Japan upon invitation, and the two sides exchanges instruments of ratification of the China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship.

Vice-Premier Deng attended the ceremony of exchanging the instruments of ratification and said to premier Minister Takeo Fukuda: The conclusion of the Treaty is a political reaffirmation of the friendly relations between the two countries. In the present turbulent situation, China needs friendship with Japan and vice versa.

He also pointed out: The China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship is a continuation and development of the Joint Statement of 1972 between the Chinese and Japanese Governments and of the normalization of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations. It has further consolidated the foundation of the good-neighborly and friendly relations between the two countries and opened up broader vistas for further increase of exchanges in the political, economic, cultural, scientific and technological fields. It will also exercise a positive impact on the maintenance of peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region.

Sino-Japanese Treaty of Peace and Friendship (April 12, 1978)|Treaties|chinadaily.com.cn
The Chinese government knows that too, they cannot take Taiwan by force in 50s that probably be the last chance they can do it without any damage done to China, that why they won't attack Taiwan and peaceful unification is the only way to go.

Wrong, China was preparing to take down KMT in Taiwan until the Korean War broke out. Because of the large sacrifices made by our troops China just couldn't restart the war not to mention China was later involved in the Vietnam War. In a few more decades from now the chances the US wants to get involved will be reduced to as good as nil. With China's rapid modernization in the Navy and Airforce don't assume Taiwan will be a tough nut to crack in the foreseeable future. As long Taiwan doesn't repeat '95-'96 scenario China most likely don't want to use force to get the island back. It all comes down to the waiting game and we have plenty of time and patience. By then Taiwan either agrees to unify or remain stubborn till the end and that's when China might have to use force. The options are on the table and Mainland is the one holding the Aces and adding more as time goes by.
How can anyone take a post like this seriously. Ridiculous.

You have no point for a valid counter
Sorry for you
It is your PM and government who call the shots


Ancient Chinese Art of Paper Folding
You have no point for a valid counter
Sorry for you
It is your PM and government who call the shots


Ancient Chinese Art of Paper Folding

How can I counter such rabid anti japanese rhetoric, such shameless, hate mongering propaganda.

Any responsible person who actually has visited Japan and met Japanese people will see things differently.
How can I counter such rabid anti japanese rhetoric, such shameless, hate mongering propaganda.


Counter with the quotes that I have made and the warring history of the USA in the past then come back here if you can for a meaningful discussion
Which of my quotes are invalid?
Otherwise our discussion ends here


Ancient Chinese Art of Paper Folding
So if Japan consider that Taiwan is part of China, then at Japan's view, Taiwan matter is China's internal problem? need a clarification in here

Absolutely Taiwan is considered part of China, in the Japanese view. In a hypothetical situation if say China took Taiwan by military force, I doubt that Japan would intervene militarily. The Taiwanese-Chinese dynamic is a Chinese internal affair. Tho , admittingly, Japan would be injured if such a military operation were to take place considering the massive financial investments Japan has in Taiwan.

Its best, for everyone that is, that Taiwan reunifies with the mainland peacefully. That way no side is injured.
Have you studied Chinese history? Isn't it true that the defeat of Chinese armies usually begins with this kind of statement?

In today's nuclear era, there will be no direct war between the major powers, or else we will head to the doomsday.

Even Russia had been defeated by the Mongols during the Medieval era, but it does mean nothing here.
Wrong, China was preparing to take down KMT in Taiwan until the Korean War broke out. Because of the large sacrifices made by our troops China just couldn't restart the war not to mention China was later involved in the Vietnam War. In a few more decades from now the chances the US wants to get involved will be reduced to as good as nil. With China's rapid modernization in the Navy and Airforce don't assume Taiwan will be a tough nut to crack in the foreseeable future. As long Taiwan doesn't repeat '95-'96 scenario China most likely don't want to use force to get the island back. It all comes down to the waiting game and we have plenty of time and patience. By then Taiwan either agrees to unify or remain stubborn till the end and that's when China might have to use force. The options are on the table and Mainland is the one holding the Aces and adding more as time goes by.

No, you are wrong, from a strategic stand point, PLA cannot possible invade Taiwan over the Taiwanese mainland after the complete withdrawal of ROC, simply because China does not have an effective Navy back in the 50s, in fact, If I remember correctly, the Navy branch of People Liberation army does not exist until September 1950.

And Without a Navy, China cannot pursuit Taiwan over the strait, the best PLA can do after 49 is to recover the closest island from ROC, which also ended with the defeat of Guningtou with Battle of Quemoy.

Problem with attacking ROC today, even without US intervention, which is extremely low probability, as I said, there are no way the American will pass on this proxy war for them, it's a win-win for America if Taiwan win or lose. Taiwan would enjoy a tactical advantage of being to defend an Island nation. Convention wisdom suggest that the advantage of a near peer enemy engaging in an well defend Island, the attacker have to be out number the defender by 10 to 1. (Tradition assault carry the ratio of 3:1, while the traditional Assault in a forward defended position is 5;1).

The question of China being patient is absurd, you are, if invading Taiwan, an attacker, and you need to plan an invasion ahead of the actual invasion, and it will not be just lobbing some missile over the strait and hope the ROC surrender. And the situation WILL change if and when the direction of defending the ROC change, and when it happen, China have to scrap all the plan and drawn up another plan.

You are assuming you can build a larger Navy by day, but the actual invasion is not about the PLAN, they are just tool to bring the Army across, what happen after the Navy is the main show, and no matter how advance an Army were, Navy and Air support will only get you this far, and in ground warfare, everything is fair game
In today's nuclear era, there will be no direct war between the major powers, or else we will head to the doomsday.
"In today's nuclear era" "war between the major powers" isn't needed to produce "doomsday" in China; a nuclear-armed North Korea commanded by jealous madmen suffices.
"In today's nuclear era" "war between the major powers" isn't needed to produce "doomsday" in China; a nuclear-armed North Korea commanded by jealous madmen suffices.

NK's nuclear weapon is a joke, since they didn't even successfully detonate a fully yield atomic bomb.

The US clearly knows it, but they only use NK as an excuse to tackle against China.
US can attack Irag 1000 miles across the world, Taiwan not that far away for China to attack if and when China decide to invade Taiwan. I don't think China will not attack Taiwan if taiwan declare independent even with US military backing Taiwan.
In today's nuclear era, there will be no direct war between the major powers, or else we will head to the doomsday.

Even Russia had been defeated by the Mongols during the Medieval era, but it does mean nothing here.

Yes, agreed. Why fight when we are prospering through trade, joint research, joint cultural enrichment, overall growth.

We have to think for the future , and te prosperity of Northeast Asia. War is not even in the agenda, perhaps in the dreams of fanatics and the nut jobs.
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