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Worst part is, most Indians still believe they can win a war with China

Can any militaries get better without trainings and drills except from India's?

The rest of the world did not even blink with the PLA live fire drama. Seriously, why don’t you guys find a honourable way to step back so that we can all try to go back to a corona virus free life.

Indians, Americans and sundry have nothing to worry about the Chinese. You guys have the personality of rocks(not the Chinese girls) with undeserved sense of entitlement. It is probably a product of your political system. Maybe your genetics. Who cares
The rest of the world did not even blink with the PLA live fire drama.
US, Russia, Turkey.. every country has military drills, why your "rest of the world" need to blink over China's?
You guys have the personality of rocks(not the Chinese girls) with undeserved sense of entitlement. It is probably a product of your political system. Maybe your genetics.

lmao this sounds entirely like projection :lol::lol:
Pakistan is more than enough for these clowns. What makes them think they can last long enough to say 'Sorry sir I surrender' to China?
This reads like this.

China: I warn you I am super power.
I am powerful. Just believe it. I'll crush you. Have you seen the roads we built at the border? Our economy is 5 times yours. You are a slum.
I warn you, I warn you, I warn you.....

India: So what? Let's fight if you are going to threaten our sovereignty.

China: You are stupid. I won't fight you because you are not believing me to be this powerful. I'll not fight stupid people.

Outside observer: Wait, who is stupid again?

Add: china occupies 1000sq km of indian territory and india requesting china to fight. Who are the morons?
Don't mind such comments. I'm sure India's military and political establishment are aware of the real facts on the ground and where they stand. Both sides won't follow just their people's comments to define their policy in this matter. Citizens are usually more emotional, nationalistic and unrealistic than officials and politicians. As such they can make any type of flamboyant remarks without much thoughts or repercussions. Moreover from what I know and have witnessed Indians tend to be ABIT more showoff compared to others. So it's no real big deal.
From my observation, Indian politicians are kidnapped by public opinions. After 615 clash Modi said no Chinese soldier entered India territory (which is fact), every Indian called him "surrender Modi". Modi had to adopt tougher measures to confront China. I'm not so confident with Indian politicians' independent will.
Add: china occupies 1000sq km of indian territory and india requesting china to fight. Who are the morons?
China occupied an unguarded land which was once patrolled by both. It's not like they fought to win it. Only cheerleaders will think of it as a major success. It is infact their own admission that they never crossed into India. LAC is not where China's claim end you see. We still hold (just as they do) their claimed land (more than 150000 sq kms).

Don't just be mindless cheerleader.
Pussies how? IA is literally staring down PLA jerks who are polluting pristine Tibet with ridiculous weeklong “show of strength” propaganda live fire exercises.

They wacked 20 Indian soldiers including a col babu.....India backed down

Hence p****
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China occupied an unguarded land which was once patrolled by both. It's not like they fought to win it. Only cheerleaders will think of it as a major success. It is infact their own admission that they never crossed into India. LAC is not where China's claim end you see. We still hold (just as they do) their claimed land (more than 150000 sq kms).

Don't just be mindless cheerleader.

how do you think you captured siachen ...it was unguarded

Chinese wacked 20+ soldiers ... And your military backed down
From youtube comments, I found most Indians are very confident with India's military power. They desire to revenge for the 1962 war. How could we expect the war can be avoided with such mindset? Even if the war won't happen in 2020, it would happen in near future.

My questions are. What makes Indians over confident and over optimistic all the time? What makes Indians to believe there is a "super power 2020" waiting for them? What makes Indians to believe India will gain economic success only because of the huge and young population even though no sign has emerged that there is an improvement in technology and education? What makes Indians to believe they can win a war with a 5 times stronger and ahead in every area country?

Have Indians lost the spirt of respecting truths? All live in a delusional world? No matte who fed these bizarre and sick logics to Indian people, it's a crime. I dare to say that: The pathetic situation in today's India is the result/punishment of decades self cheating. A bigger disaster is yet to come if Indians couldn't get out from that mndset.

We should keep distance from stupid people. They ruin lives of themselves as well as people who get hooked with them. Unfortunately China is hooked by India.
Its hindutva's myth. A great leader on a white horse will rise and lead them to make India MAHABHARAT.

According to this myth, Mahabharat will consist of Afghanistan, Greater Baluchistan (include some part of Iran) Sindh, Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhawa, existing states of India,Tibet, Kashmir and Greater Ladakh (including territory in China), Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, some part of Burma, some parts of adjacent provinces of China.

Unfortunately they do not know that the leader which they think will appear in their side and lead them, in fact will appear on the Pakistani side of the Indian sub-continent and lead the Muslims to conquer complete India. The corrupt leaders will be dragged in the chains. And Hindutva, a sadistic, insane nation will be wiped out from the face of Earth.
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