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Worst part is, most Indians still believe they can win a war with China

I think Indian government & Indian media is feeding some hilarious dreamy outcomes of war with China if ever it happens.Reality is India can't even think of war against china as it is universal truth that china is much more powerful than India in every field.The ground situation in eastern Ladakh is china had taken lot of land & strategic points around LAC & even entered in Indian territory.India is trying to fool their people via bias media that situation in eastern Ladakh is under control & no Indian part of land is under Chinese custody but still they demand china to maintain status quo of April 2020,if no land has been captured then why demand status quo,it is clear proof they themselves providing to entire world.India exactly know that if they start a war against china,Pakistan will also be part of it then India has to fight on two fronts which will be a no win position for India.What India is trying to get international support against china instead of solving it by themselves.No doubt India has built up some infrastructure near LAC but it is no match what china has build on their side of LAC.India has deployed heavy troops which includes artillery,tanks fighter planes but this will prove to be bigger strategic & military tactics mistake if war starts,reason for that is a crude winter is ahead.The troops India deployed most of them are not familiar to such weather conditions .This is going to be catastrophic for India if china attacks in coming winter.India tried to put economic pressure on china by cancellations of some contracts which Chinese companies were granted on merit basis,also by banning Chinese apps like tiktok etc from which India gained nothing neither china had any crunch due to those hasty steps.India can't ban imports from china as their economy has been dependent since 2 decades of Chinese influence on Indian market.Even if they are successful by banning all imports from china it is only 3% of total Chinese exports,it is not going to impact much.China has build up heavy deployment of military around northern Ladakh & Arunachal Pradesh.Something big is china cooking which is imminent when we look upon their continuous military drills near & around LAC.China has also rounded India through their strong relationships with Indian neighbour Ing. countries like NEPAL,Bangladesh,SRILANKA & above all PAKISTAN.India is trying to forecast themselves as superpower of Asia which by no means they are not.The coming months are very crucial & something big is going to happen.Lets wait & see how situations build between two most populous countries of the world.
Humour me. Which military wing of US you want to compare with my Chinese boy?

Any part you like to compare

Its not like the US has not fought China before you know
Is China going to surrender to USA because they are many times powerful than you?

US and China are very close in power actually. The gap between China and India is far larger than the gap between China and US.

US GDP / China GDP: 1.5
China GDP / India GDP: 4.9

US military budget / China military budget: 2.8
China military budget / India military budget: 3.7

US patents / China patents: 0.4
China patents / India patents: 30.8
Humour me. Which military wing of US you want to compare with my Chinese boy?

How about start from where you want!!

Remember, the USA has chosen you to be the lambs to the slaughter.
Think about that rather than showing stupid bravado. Remember, despite your false stupid bravado, you have never been able to defeat Pakistan despite your overwhelming power base. if 7 time smaller neighbour keeps giving you a bloody nose, you should ask yourself the question, what is wrong with us!!

You will get the answers, cowards.
Here you go, read this post over and over again until it goes in to your head.
As an example of how far away in power India is vs. China, let's compare India to Taiwan, a single Chinese province of 23 million people.

PRC GDP / India GDP: 4.9
India GDP / Taiwan GDP: 5.0
How about start from where you want!!

Remember, the USA has chosen you to be the lambs to the slaughter.
Think about that rather than showing stupid bravado. Remember, despite your false stupid bravado, you have never been able to defeat Pakistan despite your overwhelming power base. if 7 time smaller neighbour keeps giving you a bloody nose, you should ask yourself the question, what is wrong with us!!

You will get the answers, cowards.
Here you go, read this post over and over again until it goes in to your head.

Stop being such a silly cheerleader. If you believe Pak is standing up to India, why you think India won’t do it to China?
These stupid Indians got an a-s-s whooping by Pakistan on the 27th. Yet they kept on believing in their fairytale lies. Modi keeps feeding lies to his RSS minions.

India is virus hellhole. It cannot defeat covid. Defeating China is out of the question. Even if papa America came to Indian rescue nothing will change. The outcome will remain the same. China will walk over Indian corpses. There is a day and night difference between China and India. You have shanty town slum dwellers on one side and a dragon on the other.
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This reads like this.

China: I warn you I am super power.
I am powerful. Just believe it. I'll crush you. Have you seen the roads we built at the border? Our economy is 5 times yours. You are a slum.
I warn you, I warn you, I warn you.....

India: So what? Let's fight if you are going to threaten our sovereignty.

China: You are stupid. I won't fight you because you are not believing me to be this powerful. I'll not fight stupid people.

Outside observer: Wait, who is stupid again?
After 20 Indian soldiers meet their maker while indian still cant score a kill and u think u are still winning?
Just leave them to their delusions. If, or more like when, they step too far over the line, China just needs to give them a bloody nose they won't forget for a while. Since 1962 war is 58 years ago, then that's about how long Indians take before they need to be taught another lesson.
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Is China going to surrender to USA because they are many times powerful than you?
You mean the US who dont even have ball to declare war on Iran who attacking their military base in iraq with ballistic missile? I lost all respect for US and they ard just paper tiger.
No one wants war but by god we'll defend our land. 43 soldiers who couldn't get a proper burial is a witness to it.
Dont kid yourselves. Making up number just show desperate u r. There is no dead from Chinese side. You indians are totally humiliated. If indian score more killed. Why indian rush to buy military hardware and send more troops to border first? Chinese shall be the one suffer more grievences if we really suffer 43 dead. :enjoy:
No one wants war but by god we'll defend our land. 43 soldiers who couldn't get a proper burial is a witness to it.

So not 108 this time?:rofl:

There are so many videos show how PLA and indian joke of soldiers fought barehanded, and these IQ78 indians still believe they can manage to kill 1321039 PLA soldiers when they are amushed.

Debate with indians is like debate with primitives.
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