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World's Top Ten Militaries -A1Kaid

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Leaving India and Pakistan out of it then.

United Kingdom
Since it is difficult to estimate fighting ability unless war is actually fought; therefore most analysts rank the military forces based on numbers of men and material. IMO you missed out two very potent armies; North Korea and Taiwan. While one may argue the lack of economic resources of North Korea; it is hard to deny the economic might of Taiwan. Where would you placed these two countries in your list?

Yes that is true that North Korea has a bearish and poor economy overall, in the case of North Korea going to War with other countries both regional and foreign, we should take into account the historical precedent that is that China will provide financial assistance and subsidies to North Korea if it were in War.
Since it is difficult to estimate fighting ability unless war is actually fought; therefore most analysts rank the military forces based on numbers of men and material. IMO you missed out two very potent armies; North Korea and Taiwan. While one may argue the lack of economic resources of North Korea; it is hard to deny the economic might of Taiwan. Where would you placed these two countries in your list?
can you tell why pakistan is on 15?'''
@T-rex :so u think pakistan army as the bravest of force in world which roguely captured enemy's empty posts in kargil.

all is fair in war. wars are not about fighting chivarously, they are about achieving your political aims, and for that anything goes, backstabbing, kicks in the nuts , anything
1 usa
2 russia
3 china
4 india
5 germany
6 uk
7 france
8 south korea
9 israel
10 japan
11 italy
12 spain
13 brazil
14 turkey
15 pakistan
17 iran
18 ukraine
19 netherlands

i think pakistan shud be higher, atleast among the top 10 simply beacuse they have nukes
Yes that is true that North Korea has a bearish and poor economy overall, in the case of North Korea going to War with other countries both regional and foreign, we should take into account the historical precedent that is that China will provide financial assistance and subsidies to North Korea if it were in War.

North Korea would not be helped by China, relations aren't as good as they once were. If there was a war between North and South Korea then most likely China would invade North Korea as North Korean forces get beaten in the south. They certainly have the forces in place.
i think pakistan shud be higher, atleast among the top 10 simply beacuse they have nukes

By that logic Germany should be lower.

Oh and I am not going to post my own list, there are far too many variables to count in. There is also a massive question of whether the list is for overall power or quality. It is also a blatant pissing contest.
MILITARY POWER always has AND AWAYS will be linked to your ECONOMIC POWER "$$$$ and your technolgical engineering and scientific base....

You can use A COMBINATION of ranking to obtain the mighty TOP 10..


FIRST USE GDP rank & the actual $$$$- afterall military costs money

second use - your tech base- who has the best industrial, science,, engineering and science base...--- they can produce the most and deadelist weapons

third --- Actual fire power TODAY.. IE your military power in terms of AIR SEA & NAVY today or near future....

fourth-- your natural resources - your forex reseves, oil ,, nuclear power,, electricity,, man power,, education,, SRATEGIC depth....

finally,, Your allies YES - who will support come sun or rain eg israel the 52ND STATE OF usa is a power house of a military...

Pakistan & north korea are both nuclear powers... DOES THIS MAKE them top 10....

Both theses countries have tiny GDP no forex $$$$ and little or no natural resources..

In contrast Germany and Japan are not nuclear powers but they spend 10 times a year more on their military and have GDPs & forex which is 30 times the size..OF Pakistan/north korea

" USA is the mightest nation on earth"""


If we are serious then the liast should read

7 Germany
8 Israel
9 South Korea
10 Turkey

I have intentionally left india out to avoid any arguments
MILITARY POWER always has AND AWAYS will be linked to your ECONOMIC POWER "$$$$ and your technolgical engineering and scientific base....

You can use A COMBINATION of ranking to obtain the mighty TOP 10..


FIRST USE GDP rank & the actual $$$$- afterall military costs money

second use - your tech base- who has the best industrial, science,, engineering and science base...--- they can produce the most and deadelist weapons

third --- Actual fire power TODAY.. IE your military power in terms of AIR SEA & NAVY today or near future....

fourth-- your natural resources - your forex reseves, oil ,, nuclear power,, electricity,, man power,, education,, SRATEGIC depth....

finally,, Your allies YES - who will support come sun or rain eg israel the 52ND STATE OF usa is a power house of a military...

Pakistan & north korea are both nuclear powers... DOES THIS MAKE them top 10....

Both theses countries have tiny GDP no forex $$$$ and little or no natural resources..

In contrast Germany and Japan are not nuclear powers but they spend 10 times a year more on their military and have GDPs & forex which is 30 times the size..OF Pakistan/north korea

" USA is the mightest nation on earth"""


If we are serious then the liast should read

7 Germany
8 Israel
9 South Korea
10 Turkey

I have intentionally left india out to avoid any arguments

And you have also left out Pakistan boss so u really didnt do us any favors!! :disagree:
I have left pakistan out because the

Those countries have

on average

20 times the GDP of Pakistan

20 times the military budget.

Huge resources

And modern combined Navy Air force And Army capability.

They are first class military countres.
And you have also left out Pakistan boss so u really didnt do us any favors!! :disagree:

LoL buddy, if you want to be included in the list as a "favor", then go ahead, place yourself at the top and make merry!! I grant thee this favor. LOL

Seriously, there a thing called informed, educated introspection. But judging by the nationalist fervor of many a post here, I can understand why numbers game seems so important to some of the posters here.

No matter what you say, India, along with China, is an economic powerhouse. Its been said that Chinese economy grows because of its government, while Indian economy grows inspite of its government!! Go figure! (heres the source "http://ipezone.blogspot.com/2007/10/indias-reverse-colonization.html") How did Indians manage that, is anyones' guess. The less said about Pakistans economy, the better!! China recently refused to bail out its economy so they Pak govt had to - to put it kindly - turn to IMF for loans. So much for "all weather friends". There must be a reason for the Pakistans economy to be in such shambles, I wonder what it might be??:coffee:

So as a previous post suggested that economic growth is tied to military might, I suggest some of the members here to keep your nationalistic pride aside for once and really evaluate, intelligently, the rankings again.
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LoL buddy, if you want to be included in the list as a "favor", then go ahead, place yourself at the top and make merry!! I grant thee this favor. LOL

Seriously, there a thing called informed, educated introspection. But judging by the nationalist fervor of many a post here, I can understand why numbers game seems so important to some of the posters here.

No matter what you say, India, along with China, is an economic powerhouse. Its been said that Chinese economy is because of its government, while Indian economy is inspite of its government!! Go figure! (I cant remember the source off my head ATM, but would appreciate help in finding this source) How did Indians manage that, is anyones' guess. The less said about Pakistans economy, the better!! China recently refused to bail out its economy so they Pak govt had to - to put it kindly - turn to IMF for loans. So much for "all weather friends". There must be a reason for the Pakistans economy to be in such shambles, I wonder what it might be??:coffee:

So as a previous post suggested that economic growth is tied to military might, I suggest some of the members here to keep your nationalistic pride aside for once and really evaluate, intelligently, the rankings again.

Hahaha powerhouse huh !! lol and grant wat u gona grant me boy u are no one to grant me jack the one who can grant me anything in this world is GOD himself and i was talking in the sense of miltary might /traning etc i understand that u guys are also talking about economy etc number game it is a known fact that i have noiticed that Indians seem to be wana be on top of everythng even when u suck at it when it comes to war boy its not the economy fighting its the gun and ones pride so plzz dont think u can grant me or us here anything grant your self some thinking time and yes also some educated thoughts wats funny to me is that u went in circles and actually took so much time to write to me hahah :crazy: :disagree:
Hahaha powerhouse huh !! lol and grant wat u gona grant me boy u are no one to grant me jack the one who can grant me anything in this world is GOD himself and i was talking in the sense of miltary might /traning etc i understand that u guys are also talking about economy etc number game it is a known fact that i have noiticed that Indians seem to be wana be on top of everythng even when u suck at it when it comes to war boy its not the economy fighting its the gun and ones pride so plzz dont think u can grant me or us here anything grant your self some thinking time and yes also some educated thoughts wats funny to me is that u went in circles and actually took so much time to write to me hahah :crazy: :disagree:

It saddens me to see that you still have no idea what this is all about. BTW havent you heard of sarcasm?? Thats what my first few sentences were in the previous post.
It saddens me to see that you still have no idea what this is all about. BTW havent you heard of sarcasm?? Thats what my first few sentences were in the previous post.

Your economic growth is tied to the 500 million working Indians.
Pakistans labor force is much and much smaller then that, so it's quite obvious India has a huge edge over Pakistan on that.
You, supporting the overall claim of "India grows inspite of its government" backs up what I just said above.
Also, your claims of Pakistan begging to the IMF for funds because China doesn't do us any favors is quite stupid and ignorant.
India receives alot of aid aswell, I even know quite a few charities over here in the Netherlands that collect money for the poor children in India.
So please, my Indian friend, do not even consider portraying Pakistan as some kind of country that is desperate for financial aid and loans, while your country needs them aswell, and is receiving them as we speak.
Your country has alot of problems to tackle with, basic sanitation, feeding your heavily populated country etc, I can go on and on, your visions of an Indian economic powerhouse will most likely not unfold quite the way you want it to unfold, and that is because your government continues to fail in tackling the big problems India is facing.
Unless you overcome all of your domestic problems, BASIC domestic problems while keeping the economic growth intact and resilient, you can call yourself an economic powerhouse, and I don't see that happening anytime soon.
It saddens me to see that you still have no idea what this is all about. BTW havent you heard of sarcasm?? Thats what my first few sentences were in the previous post.

I have alot more of a idea then u as u can see i have been here alot longer then u and have put in my homework ! second sarcasm is allowed by my friends not strangers that got no respect in wat they say and who they say it too ! when u can handle it like abig boy let me know then we can talk somemore !!:tsk: :wave:
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